

The Study of Science Teacher Professional Standards at the National Level in America

【作者】 李静

【导师】 周南照;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 出于提高国民科学素养、培养杰出科学家和发展国家竞争力等多方面的考虑,美国一直将科学教育放在重要议事日程上,重视科学教师专业标准。作为联邦制国家,美国各州有各自不同的科学教育政策和科学教师标准,但不少优秀学术团体研制出的有效科学教师专业标准在国家层面上发挥了积极的导向作用。这些标准除了对科学教师队伍和科学教育质量产生积极正面的影响之外,更是符合了美国国情,体现了实践价值。本文旨在通过对美国国家科学教师专业标准的系统分析以获得进一步比较深入的了解,从中获取值得借鉴之处。本文共分五个部分,即绪论、美国科学教育与美国科学教师专业标准、美国国家层面的科学教师专业标准概览、不同专业发展阶段的美国国家科学教师专业标准以及总结。绪论部分首先介绍了该研究的背景和意义、现状以及思路和方法,为之后的具体研究做出铺陈。第二章定义了本文中的重要概念,陈述了美国科学教育现状,并从提高科学教育质量这一角度入手引出美国国家科学教师专业标准及其与科学教育的关系。第三章是对美国国家科学教师专业标准的概述,阐述了以科学本质、科学探究和终身学习为核心的标准理念基础,在整体性的层面上简要介绍了美国国家科学教师专业发展体系(职前、入职和在职),重点分析了具有转折点意义的《国家科学教育标准》中的科学教学标准和科学教师专业发展标准两个部分,从美国国情和实践性出发解析了本文研究对象所具有的重要意义。第四章具体呈现和分析了前一章所提及的标准体系的三个主要组成部分(基于教师专业发展的不同阶段),分别包括美国国家科学教师协会制定的《科学教师教育标准》、州际新教师评估与支持委员会制定的《新科学教师认证与发展标准》和美国国家专业教学标准委员会制定的《优秀科学教师专业标准》,并比较了上述标准之间的不同之处。第五章则归纳总结了上述体系中三个美国国家科学教师专业标准所共同强调和重视的地方,这也是值得我们学习和借鉴的经验。

【Abstract】 America is always attaching much important to science education, which is closely related with its citizens’ science literacy, the cultivation of scientists and the national competitive power. This leads to the popularity of and attention to American science teacher professional standards especially at the national level. As the federal system, different states in America has different science education policy and of course science teacher professional standards. However, a lot of outstanding relevant academic institutions, facing the whole country, have developed some effective standards. These are suitable for the situation of America and are given a kind of practical value, which produces positive influence on the quality of science teacher and science education. This paper intends to get further learning and understanding of the national science teacher professional standards through the systematic analysis of them.This paper includes five parts: introduction, American science education and teacher professional standards, an overview of American science teacher professional standards at the national level, national science teacher professional standards at different professional development stages and conclusion.Introduction states the background, significance and methods of this paper and the status quo of its relevant research. In the second chapter, some important concepts are defined and the present situation of American science education is introduced. Meanwhile, science teacher standards are regarded as an effective way to improve the quality of science education. The third chapter gives a general overview of the American science teacher professional standards at the national level from three parts: its conceptual basis (nature of science, science inquiry, lifelong learning), brief portray of the national science teacher standard system (highlight "National Science Education Standards"), the significance of these standards combined with American conditions and practice. In the fourth chapter, the three parts of this standard system ("Standards for Science Teacher Preparation by NSTA", "Model Standards in Science for Beginning Teacher Licensing and Development" by INTASC, "NBPTS Science Standards" by NBPTS) are introduced and compared. The fifth chapter do a conclusion on the common places of the three national science teacher standards, which is worthy of our learning.

  • 【分类号】G571.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】613

