

Explanations of Roman Jakobson’s Poetic Function

【作者】 谢春艳

【导师】 王峰;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 罗曼·雅各布逊(Roman Jakobson,1896-1982),俄裔美国语言学家、文学理论家。他是莫斯科语言学小组的创始人之一,俄国形式主义文论的核心人物,结构主义文学理论布拉格学派的发起人之一。他的语言学诗学理论是20世纪人文科学发展史上的一个标志性成果,开创了跨学科发展的新时代。雅各布逊运用广博的语言学知识,将结构主义语言学知识与诗歌批评实践结合起来,从诗歌的语言形式入手,建立起一种语言学诗学批评方法。雅各布逊在诗歌批评实践上的主要贡献在于他从语言的整体交流功能的对比研究中分离出一种“诗性功能”,并对该功能的形成过程予以透彻的语言学解析,从而揭示了“诗之所以为诗”的内在生成机制。本文以雅各布逊的“诗性功能”为研究对象,从理论基础、理论内涵及运作实践等几个方面展开论述,首先从文学性的内涵展开追问,然后进一步引出诗性功能的表现与运用,接着围绕诗性功能的定义和内容中所蕴涵的诸重要概念如“对等原则”、“隐喻和换喻”等铺陈开来,阐明“何为诗”及“诗何为”。本文希望通过对诗性功能理论的研究,重新确立起雅各布逊思想在文学研究领域的重要地位,并试图使人们对文学与语言的关系及文学语言的特征能够有更深的理解与认识,从而促进文学理论的发展出现新的增长点。

【Abstract】 Roman Jakobson is a famous Russian American linguist and literary theorist. As one of the founders of the Moscow Linguistic Circle, the soul of the Russian Formalism and the leading figure of the Prague School, he contributed a lot to the development of humanities in the 20th century, with his achievements in both linguistics and poetics.By integrating Structuralism linguistics with literary criticism practices, Jakobson blazed the path of Linguistic Poetics. One of his most prominent achievements is that he established a function system of language, which gave rise to the Poetic Function, an important aspect of Jakobsonian thoughts. The Poetic Function, to which he later made a thorough analysis, illustrates the inner possibility of how poetry would be poetry.My dissertation takes up Roman Jakobson’s theory of Poetic Function as the subject, discussing issues as the foundation, concept, content and practices of this theory. It starts from the quest of "literariness", moves on to the presentation and application of the Poetic Function and then illustrates some important concepts of this theory as the "equivalence principle" and "metaphor and metonymy", in order to clarify "what is poetry" and "what poetry does".This dissertation aims to re-establish the big impact of Jakobson’s theory to modern literary research field and deepen people’s understanding of the relationship between literature and language, and the character of literary language as well, so that the development of literary theory will get new momentum.

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