

The Thought of "You" in the Axial Age of China

【作者】 俞琼颖

【导师】 陈赟;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文考察了中国春秋战国时期孔子、庄子与屈原“游”的思想。文章分五部分。第一部分绪论,阐述研究意义、前人在这方面的工作及本文的目的;第二部分论述孔子“游于艺”的思想;第三部分浅析庄子“逍遥游”;第四部分围绕屈原贬逐之游展开;第五部分小结孔子、庄子、屈原“游”的思想的异同,并与西方“游戏说”进行对比。在孔子那里,“志于道、据于德、依于仁”是与“游于艺”联系在一起的。孔子以“游”的方式进入“艺”境,通过“游于艺”打开道、德、仁的体系。“艺”指礼、乐、射、御、书、数。此六艺既是技艺之艺,也是艺术之艺,游于艺,是让良知、良能进入技艺和艺术。道、德、仁、艺四者是彼此相通的,“志于道”引领着严谨的学问,“游于艺”保持了“道”的生动,使整个体系生气勃勃又不失严肃。“礼”作为六艺的一种,既渗透在琐碎的日常生活中又有宗教祭祀、人伦交往等功能。古时贵族之间的货物来往要遵从一定的仪式,而国人和野人间的贸易往来则不必受此约束,乃是“旅于市”,是一种游动的状态。古时的祭礼除了严谨的秩序、严肃的礼节之外也有浓厚的“游戏”因素。无论是交往之礼还是祭祀之礼,都与“游”这种轻松、活泼的状态不同,但他们绝不是相互隔绝的。天下有道的社会是一个礼中有游、游中有礼的社会,“游”消解了“礼”所带来的紧张,“礼”则弥补“游”的散漫。规则与自由之间和谐相处,互为补充,“道”也就随即产生。庄子的“逍遥游”包含着丰富的内容。首先,这是一种“无待”之游,不同于鲲鹏、列子、宋荣子之游。其次,“游”的场域应在人间世。“游”是自由亦是秩序,是社会、个人各归其位的结果。“游”又可以表现为“化”和“隐”。“化”意为“外化而内不化”,潜藏在“逍遥游”背后的乃是“安”与“顺”。“隐”的过程即是“逍遥游”的过程,“隐”并非是对世界的离弃,而是为了更深刻的反观与思辨。再次,人间世即“无何有之乡”,要达到“无”与“游”,要进行“心斋”和“坐忘”的功夫。两者通过对心灵的否定达到朴素的心灵状态,与自然之道契合。屈原被贬放逐,经历了身体与心灵的双重漫游。他处在信念的断层之中,既不能随波逐流,随众人而醉,也无法游心于自然之间,在王道政治之外逍遥旷达,更不能重返信念。他的心灵经受着一场苦游。屈原亦在虚幻的神话世界里遨游,这种神游和幻游转移了情感,使心灵暂时得到解放。屈原虽然饱受心灵的放逐找不到出路,最终以抱沙自沉的方式结束苦游,却在文学创作中展开了“游”的双翅。孔子与庄子都有游乐及游戏的体验,孔子的“吾与点也”与庄子知鱼之乐,均是天人合一的逍遥之乐,是心灵和谐之乐。但是当时的社会并未提供给他们悠游的空间。当礼法秩序无法承负生存的苦难,孔子可以选择“乘桴于海”,屈原却沉亡于汨罗江。孔子、庄子、屈原“游”的思想与西方游戏说有一致处也有不同处。从人的修养来说,中西方都强调身心的和谐统一、无拘无束,但中西方不同的思维方式也导致了两者的不同,除此之外,西方的“游戏说”着重与艺术联系起来谈审美,而中国的“游”的思想更关注人生、道德。

【Abstract】 This thesis discusses the thoughts of "you"(游) in the Spring-Autumn and Warring Period(770BC——221BC) in China in the perspective of the philosophy of Confucius,ZhuangZi and QuYuan.This thesis is divided into five parts.The first part is a brief introduction which includes the purpose of this study as well as its significance.The second part is about the conception of "you" in Confucius’ thought. And the third part analyzes the free and easy wandering in ZhuangZi’s philosophy. The fourth part deals with the idea of "you" in QuYuan’s thought.The last part shows their differences in "you",and compares their ideas of "you" in China with corresponding theory in western countries.Confucius once said:"Let the will be set on the path of duty;Let every attainment in what is good be firmly grasped;Let perfect virtue be accorded with." what he said is connected with "Let relaxation and enjoyment be found in the polite arts." Confucius entered the realm of arts by the way of "you",and opened the system of"Tao"(duty...) by playing with relaxation and enjoyment in the arts.Art,generally composed of six sections,included etiquette,music,archery,horse-riding,reading and mathematics at that time.These activities were not only playing skills but also arts. Once we found the relaxation and enjoyment in the arts,we may also discover morality and virtues in the arts.Morality is connected with arts.Setting the will of duty leads to the real knowledge,and playing in the arts keeps "Tao" lively.It is a dynamic system without losing seriousness.Etiquette,which is one of the arts,is not only works in everyday life,but also has the function of religious worship and human relationship.Marketing business between aristocracies should comply with a certain ceremony in ancient times.However,trading between countrymen didn’t need to,so they enjoyed wandering in the market and sharing more lively space.The religious worship in ancient China not only had mandatory process and serious ceremonies,but also contained the subtle factor of playing games.Compared with "you",religious worships and human relationships in communication were different,because "you" is always in a relaxed state.But they are not isolated from each other.A country with right principles and good government has both etiquette and "you"."You" could get rid of tension,which stemmed from etiquette,while etiquette made up for unorganizedness,which stemmed from "you".Due to the harmony in the restriction and freedom,"Tao" then would come into existence.Free and easy wandering in ZhuangZi’s life contains a rich connotation.At first, it is different from Kun’s,LieZi’s and Song Rongzi’s,because his activity didn’t rely on anything.Second,the location of "you" was in the human world."You" means both restriction and freedom.Because of "you",society would perform the right function and individuals would live an orderly life."You" can also manifest changes and concealment.The former indicates that changes happen in the outside but not inside of an object.Behind "you" in concealment are peace and obedience.The later has the same process as "you".Concealment doesn’t mean abandoning the world but speculating the world well.Third,when we say "you" exists in the real world we also mean that it does "’in the village of nowhere".In order to enter "you" and "the village of nowhere",we should fast the mind and neglect everything.In these two ways,we deny our mind many times and then we could have a pure soul which fits for "Tao" finally.Qu Yuan was exiled and experienced double roaming both in body and in soul. He was caught in a dilemma.On one hand,he would not do what people did.On the other hand,he also couldn’t play freely in nature,throwing away political troubles,let alone returning to original belief.His mind had a painful travel.QuYuan also travelled in fairyland where he could get rid of the pain of mind and set free the soul temporarily.Therefore,although Qu Yuan underwent an exile of his soul and couldn’t find a way out,he had the wings of imagination in the illusory world.Both Confucius and ZhuangZi had the recreational and playing experience.The happiness in Confucius" heart was the same as it was in ZhuangZi’s.It is the harmony between man and nature.However,the society at that time hadn’t provided a happy space for them.When etiquette was in disorder,Confucius chose to get upon a raft, floating about on the sea,but QuYuan chose to drown himself in the MiLuo River. The thoughts of "you" in the Axial Age of China had some consistent points and different points as well,compared with "the theory of play" in western world.As far as self—cultivation is concerned,both China and western world emphasizes harmony and freedom physically and mentally.However,different ways of thinking between two countries result in the difference in the idea of "you".In addition,"the theory of play" in western countries focuses on the aesthetic by means of arts,while the idea of "you" in China focuses on human’s life and moral standards.

【关键词】 游于艺逍遥游漫游
【Key words】 "You"play in the artsthe free wanderingroaming
  • 【分类号】K225
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】435

