

Research on Vocational Learning of English Translators and Interpreters

【作者】 郭炳心

【导师】 刘德恩; 陆素菊;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中国翻译协会提供的数据显示,目前全国有职业翻译4万多人,相关从业人员超过50万人,专业翻译公司3000多家,这还不包括以咨询公司或打印社等名义注册而开展翻译业务的企业和相关从业人员。这些信息表明,我国翻译工作者的队伍正逐渐壮大。但另有数据显示,能够胜任翻译工作的合格人才缺口高达90%,市场上高水平的翻译大约只占总数的5%。我国有554所高校开设有英语专业,20多所高校可以培养翻译学/方向的博士生,约150家高校可以培养翻译学/方向的硕士生,7所高校可以培养翻译专业本科生。学校每年培养了大批的英语人才,为什么合格的翻译人才空缺还会如此之大?这就迫使人们思考:英语翻译工作者作为一类职场成人,在工作中究竟学习并应用了哪些知识?这些知识是如何获得的,又为哪些因素所影响?他们是如何一步步发展成为合格的职业翻译的?带着这些问题,笔者对英语翻译人员开展了以质的研究为主要研究方法的职业学习研究。本文共分为五章:第一章:主题和方法说明。该章阐述了研究缘起、研究意义、文献综述、研究问题、研究过程和方法。第二章:通过查阅文献和访谈收集的资料介绍了翻译行业和从业人员的整体状况,使研究对象的轮廓更清晰。第三、四章:个案呈现与解析。在访谈十二位英语翻译的基础上,最后选择具有代表性的两位分别写入第三、四两章,在对他们的职业历程进行了梳理的基础上深入分析他们的职业学习特点和影响因素等。第五章:研究结论与反思。总结了英语翻译工作者的职业类别、专业路径、职业学习特征及影响因素,并对此次研究进行了反思和展望。

【Abstract】 According to the statistics provided by Translators Association of China, there are more than 40,000 registered translators and interpreters in our country, and the number of translation corporations is more than 3,000 with over 500,000 employees. Morever, a lot of other companies are doing translation business in the name of consulting firms or typing & printing houses. It can be seen that the translators have been multiplied gradually. However, as other documents display, those who have a good translation competence are only 5% of the all. 10% or less is qualified.The numbers showed below are also attractive. English Majors are studying at 553 universities, and there are 20 and more universities have Doctors majored in Transaltion/research direction. About 150 universities can grant Master’s degree of Transaltion/research direction, and 7 universities can grant Bachelor’s degree of Translation. Why does the situation like what mentioned at the beginning with so many univerisities available for translation education? It is necessary to find out what and how a qualified translator learns throughout his career, and by which his learning is influenced. With these questions in mind, the author begins her research on vocational learning using qualitative method. This dissertation is constituted of five chapters.ChapterⅠincludes research background, significance of research, literature review, research questions, research process and methods.ChapterⅡis the description and analysis of the situation of translation industry and career, based on the documents and statistics collected from literature review and interviews. This chapter can help to make a general survey on the translators.ChapterⅢandⅣare two cases selected from twelve translators. The learning characteristics and influencing factors are deeply analized on the base of organizing the two translators’ career history.ChapterⅥconsists of conclusion and review, making a summary of translators’ category and professionalized route, generalizing characteristics and influencing factors of their vocational learning, and reviewing this research.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】333

