

Exploring the Key Technologies for the Development of 3D GIS Based on Skyline

【作者】 李佼

【导师】 张立; 吴健平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 与二维GIS相比,三维GIS具有对空间信息的直观可视化表达、可进行多维度上的空间分析等优势,这使得三维GIS成为信息化建设的重要组成部分,是目前GIS研究和发展的主要方向。Skyline公司以新的视角提出三维GIS的解决方案,使用户能创建自定义的三维可视化场景,进行浏览、查询和分析,通过三维交互的方式展示大量的空间地理数据,并在此基础上实现与业务的轻松整合,使其行业应用日益广泛。然而随着应用的深入,基于Skyline的三维GIS在三维海量数据传输中的负担、三维模型数据不够优化、三维GIS在决策支持层面上功能较薄弱等问题也日渐凸显。本文在总结了国内外三维GIS技术研究进展,分析国内外基于Skyline的三维GIS开发现状的基础上,研究基于Skyline的三维GIS开发中的关键技术,包括三维场景的构建与优化、数据加载与图层渲染以及协同技术。三维场景中三维地形数据集和三维模型等结构复杂,纹理丰富,形成海量级数据,给三维场景的传输、加载与显示增加了难度。本文在实验研究的基础上,对三维地形数据的发布方式进行优化,同时简化三维模型结构,合理组织应用三维模型数据,提高三维场景显示效率。Skyline平台兼容多种数据类型,对数据的支持性较好,并且具有能对空间对象采用多维度方式表达、渲染效果好的优势,但与二维GIS平台相比,它的图层渲染功能分散,这对功能的使用产生了一定的影响,不利于Skyline平台优势的发挥。本文在精通Skyline软件使用的基础上,总结利用Skyline平台进行图层渲染的方法,通过二次开发进行图层渲染功能的设计与实现。目前,三维GIS中的协同操作应用研究还未深入,本文针对Skyline平台支持协同会商的一大特色,在分析协同技术发展与研究现状的基础上,深入研究协同技术在提供决策支持方面的应用模式,借助Skyline提供的协同工具(Collaboration)实现协同控制。最后结合实际构建崇明岛生态建设三维GIS平台,应用上述关键技术开发热点导航与信息查询模块、图层管理与渲染模块和协同控制模块,实现崇明岛生态数据的查询、浏览和可视化管理以及三维GIS平台中图层渲染功能的设计,为管理人员提供基于三维场景共享的异地协同决策支持。

【Abstract】 The 3D GIS is an important part of information technology on behalf of the research and development in GIS direction, which has better expression of visualization of spatial information and multi-dimensional spatial analysis compared with 2D GIS.Skyline puts forward a new solution of 3D GIS which provides software tools for enabling 3D geo-spatial applications, streaming of massive data sets, and opens standards and a full API to easily add interactive 3D capability to enterprise application. However, many problems such as the burden of massive 3D data transmission, less optimization of 3D model data, the weakness of decision support of 3D GIS have become more and more obvious.This paper summarizes the current research progress both national and international wide in 3D GIS research field as well as the development of 3D GIS by Skyline. Based on the above background, the key technologies of the development of 3D GIS are studied which includes the optimization of 3D terrain database and models, method of loading and displaying data and collaboration technology.The complex and massive 3D terrain database and models are difficult to transfer, load and display. In this paper, the method which optimizes publication of 3D terrain data and simplifies the structure of 3D model is discussed on the basis of experimental studies.The function of layer rendering is designed and developed based on the summary of the use of the method of rendering layers in Skyline in order to resolve the weakness of functional design of layer rendering.At present, in-depth research of applying collaboration technology in 3D GIS has not carried out, which is a major feature of Skyline. In the paper the application mode of integrating collaboration and 3D GIS to provide decision support is put forward based on the analysis of development and research of collaboration technology.As a result, the application of 3D GIS for Chongming Island ecological construction is established based on the key technologies mentioned in the paper, which includes three function modules for searching and location, layers rendering and collaboration to provide visualization of geographic information management and layers rendering, and aid to carry out collaboration in different place based on sharing the 3D scene.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1862

