

Study on the Set of IB Chemistry

【作者】 李凤英

【导师】 韩金根;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 为适应新时期国际、国内形势的变化,中国于世纪之交开始了新一轮的高中化学课程改革。面对原有课程的弊端,要使高中化学课程改革获得质的发展,并达到广泛的适应性,在比较的基础上借鉴其它国家或地区先进的教育理念是非常必要的。事实上,我们对于国际尤其是发达欧美国家和与大陆有着相似文化背景的港台地区的化学课程研究较多,然而,对于国际文凭组织(IBO)我们却没有给予真正的研究。因此,就国内高中化学课程设置与IB化学课程设置的比较研究,便具有了特殊的意义。本文第一章主要介绍国际文凭组织(IBO)及其DP课程总体设置。第二章以课程标准和教材作为比较对象。在介绍国际文凭组织课程前版与本版的变化基础上,从课程设置、课程目标、课程内容、课程评价、课程实施等方面对两者高中化学课程进行分析和比较。针对每一方面,主要采取了先整体介绍后结合世界课程改革趋势加以分析比较的方式。第三章着重研究IB化学课程项目设置对上海高中化学新课程在课程设置、课程目标、课程内容及教材设计上的启示。研究结果表明,两种课程都体现了国际先进的课程理念:以促进学生的个性发展为目的设置多样化课程,根据学生应具备的基本科学素养建立目标体系,以适应学生未来发展和培养终身学习能力等为目的选择课程内容、设计探究化学学习活动。但也存在一些不足之处,如情感、态度价值观目标的操作性不强,内容标准对知识点的要求过于笼统等。为此,本文在肯定上海高中化学新课程成果的基础上,对高中化学课程的完善提出了一些建议,主要有:合理安排各年级的化学课程,处理好必修与选修、选修与选修课程之间的关系;促进学生的全面发展,处理好知识目标、能力目标和态度目标的关系;完善内容标准,使之对教材编写和教学过程的指导性增强。

【Abstract】 In order to meet the new era of international and domestic situation changes, China at the turn of the century and the beginning of a new round of high school chemistry curriculum reform. Faced with the drawbacks of the original courses, high school chemistry courses to the development of access to quality and to achieve a wide range of adaptability, based on comparison to other countries or regions from the advanced philosophy of education is very necessary. In fact, we especially developed for international and mainland Europe and the United States share similar cultural background of Hong Kong and Taiwan studies of the chemistry curriculum more. However, the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) has not given us a real study. Therefore, on the domestic and international comparison of the chemistry curriculum is of special significance.In my paper, the first chapter introduces the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) and the overall course set-up and our understanding of the organization and the status quo.In Chapter two mainly states the International Baccalaureate Organization curriculum version with the version before the change in basis, from the curriculum, course objectives, course content, curriculum evaluation, curriculum and other aspects of the implementation of two high school chemistry courses to analyze and compare. For each, the main take the first combination of an overall introduction to the world trend of curriculum reform analysis approach.Chapter three focuses on IB chemical courses in high school and Shanghai set up new courses in the chemistry curriculum, course objectives, course content and teaching materials on the similarities and differences between the design points.The results show that the manifestation of the two courses are advanced courses in international philosophy: to promote the personality development of students set up for the purpose of diversification of courses, the student should have the basic scientific literacy to establish the target system, in order to adapt to the future development and training of students for lifelong learning the ability to choose for the purpose of the course content, the design of learning activities to explore. However, there are some inadequacies, such as emotions, attitudes, values do not have a strong operational objectives, the content of the standard point of knowledge, such as the requirements are too general.In this paper, high school chemistry in Shanghai certainly the outcome of the new curriculum on the basis of the perfect high school chemistry course made a number of proposals are: reasonable arrangement of the chemistry curriculum at all levels, deal with compulsory and elective, elective and elective courses relationship; To promote the comprehensive development of students, deal with the goal of knowledge, ability and attitude of the target goal of the relationship; improve the content of standards, so that the preparation of teaching materials and teaching to enhance the process of guiding.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】585

