

Research on On-line Pro-social Behavior of the Postgraduate Students

【作者】 马晓彤

【导师】 鞠玉翠;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育伦理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网的发展,虚拟社区用户的普遍化,虚拟社区中个体的亲社会行为越来越常见。此行为是指在虚拟社区中发生的符合社会期望的,对他人、群体或者社会有益,又没有明显的自私动机的自愿实施的行为。此处的“没有明显自私动机”主要是指不期望有来自外部的物质报偿,排除助人者自身因为做了好事而获得的心理满足感、成就感等内部酬奖。本研究以一所高校的网络论坛中的研究生用户为研究对象,调查虚拟社区中亲社会行为的发生情况,以及特点。并运用网络社会学的理论结合研究生生活状况对其发生的原因进行了分析。本研究的结果主要是:一、研究生在虚拟社区中实施亲社会行为的现象具有普遍性。虚拟社区中的亲社会行为不仅涉及研究生学习、生活的各个方面,而且表现出与现实社会中亲社会行为几乎同样多的形式。研究生虚拟社区中亲社会行为的实施也具有一定的性别差异。二、研究生在虚拟社区中实施不同程度的亲社会行为,不仅有他们所处的环境和生活、学习的独特状况的影响作用,虚拟社区不同于现实社区的情境特点也对其中亲社会行为的实施有较大影响。虚拟社区中的匿名制度、人际交往的平等性、开放性以及符号性等,都对其中亲社会行为的普遍实施有促发作用,甚至可能比现实生活中的情境,更有利于亲社会行为的实施。三,从现有的文献资料可以看出,大多数的研究显现出互联网对个体存在的很多不良影响,但是本文的调查结果却表明,很多研究生在虚拟社区中表现出亲社会行为倾向,他们愿意在虚拟社区中与他人互助合作,建立良好的人际关系,建设健康和谐的网络环境。因此,不论从促成个体的亲社会行为倾向、进而构建和谐校园文化方面,还是建设和谐、健康的网络环境来说,重视高校BBS,并实施相关的促进措施都是有必要的。

【Abstract】 With the development of the internet technology, the universal of virtual community, the pro-social behavior of individuals in virtual communities are becoming more common. This behavior refers behaviors that took place in the network meet the expectations of other people, groups or social, there is no apparent motive for the voluntary implementation of selfish behavior. Here’s "no selfish motive," mainly refers to do not expect the material rewards from outside, remove themselves to help others because it is a good thing to get the psychological satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, such as pay awards.In this study, the graduate users in a BBS of a university for study to investigate the virtual community pro-social behavior in the incidence of the occurrence of various forms, as well as gender differences. And the study used the network sociology theory and the graduates’ living conditions to analyze the reasons for occurrence of online pro-social behavior.The main results of this study are as follows: First, graduate students in the virtual community in the implementation of pro-social behavior is universal. Virtual community of pro-social behavior is not only involved in graduate study, all aspects of life, but also with the real world pro-social behavior in the form of the same amount. Graduate virtual community in the implementation of pro-social behavior also has a certain degree of gender differences.Second, graduate students in the virtual community in the implementation of varying degrees of pro-social behavior, not only have their environment and life, learning the impact of the special situation of the role of virtual communities is different from the reality of the situation in the communities in which the characteristics of pro-social behavior have a greater impact on the implementation. Virtual community of anonymous systems, interpersonal relationships of equality, openness and symbols, etc., are pro-social behavior in which the universal implementation of priming effect, even more so than in real life situations, is more conducive to the implementation of pro-social behavior.Third, from the existing literature can be seen, most of the studies showed the existence of network of individual adverse effects on many, but the findings of this paper has shown that many graduate students in a virtual community to demonstrate pro-social behavior tendencies, they willing co-operation of the Internet with others, to establish good interpersonal relationships, and build healthy and harmonious environment for the network. Therefore, whether from individuals contributed to the tendency of pro-social behavior, and building a harmonious campus culture, or the construction of a harmonious and healthy network environment, the importance of university BBS, and the promotion of the implementation of related measures are necessary.

【关键词】 虚拟社区亲社会行为研究生
【Key words】 Graduate studentsonline pro-social behavior
  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】501

