

Studies on Reason of Public Virtue

【作者】 蒋萍

【导师】 黄向阳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育伦理学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 随着公共领域不断扩大,公共生活日益丰富,公共道德凸显其重要性。人们一向关注公共道德行为及其培养,本文则研究公德思维的方式,考察青少年在公共情境中的利己、利他、利群的反应,揭示行为背后的道德理由;在描述现状的基础上探讨青少年道德发展水平与其社会公德思维的关系,为发展其社会公德思维提供实证依据。本研究使用自行设计的社会公德思维问卷测试道德思维,使用改编的确定性问题测试工具测试道德阶段。社会公德思维问卷根据多次测试的反馈结果进行改进,采用自下而上的方法确定典型公共情境及情境反应中可能的思维方式,将多次调查的分析结果作为备选项,确定正式问卷后对430名中小学生进行了调查。数据统计时,采用多种方法相互验证,以获得较可靠的结论。研究发现:(1)青少年具有利己和利他思维,但利群思维倾向更明显,因此对学生进行公德问题的教育成为可能;是否影响自己也是决定情境反应中的一个重要因素,因而学校在道德教育中要在关注学生个人利益的基础上培养、发展其公共道德思维。(2)道德思维在性别上无显著差异,但在具体问题上男生比女生更关注公正,女生对公益的考虑上利群思维更多,因此建议学校教育时注意基于公益和公正的相互补充;道德思维在学段、年龄上存在差异,随着年龄、学段的提高,利己思维得到发展,利群思维有所下降,因此在对公德行为的教育方式上不能采用私德的思维方式。(3)三种思维类型之间均呈显著负相关,意味着利群思维与利己、利他思维为不同的序列,公德教育自成体系,因此对公德进行教育时要注意其思维本身的特点,可利用道德语言,凸显出公德的“公共”内涵,培养学生的利群思维。(4)青少年道德水平整体处于习俗水平,道德发展阶段在学段、年龄上没有显著差异,学生道德思维的培养亟待加强。(5)随着道德阶段的提高,利群思维有所发展,利己思维有所减弱。虽然在统计学意义上此结果不具有显著特征,但仍对教育有所启示。

【Abstract】 In traditional society with self-sufficient economy, connections are based on blood relation and geo-social. This situation has been changed now. Existing society is characterized by a highly socialized large-scale producing way, interpersonal basic rule on freedom and equality. The expansion of the public sphere makes the private moral become weaker and the importance of public morality highlighted.There are two modes in researches on ethical: one is the study of moral behavior; the other is the study of moral thinking, that is, the moral reasons behind behavior. My study focused on the latter.There are lots of theoretical analyses on public ethics, as well as investigations. But the investigations focus on the status quo, with the behavior study mode instead of the moral reason study mode.My study explores ways of thinking of young students in public occasion, the relationship of these reasons and moral stage in Kohlberg’s theory. DIT (Defining Issues Test made by Rest) is recomposed as a tool to test moral stage. Questionnaire to test the public reasons is designed carefully. The questions (called public reasoning factor) represent the reasons behind behavior. These typical reactions and reasons in the public context come from times of pre-investigation. This paper presents the process of measuring improvement.The impact factors have been divided into three major types: concern for the welfare of self, others (altruism) or public. This paper examined the importance of each factor in youth groups, giving an overall description of each factor and the relationship of them. After testing the stages of moral development of young people, relation between individual moral stages and moral public reasoning factor is studied. We have some discovery and then give discussion about the result, providing suggestions in moral education.

【关键词】 公德情境道德思维利己利他利群
【Key words】 public occasionmoral reasonmoral stageself-interestaltruism
  • 【分类号】G410
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】409

