

【作者】 董庆杰

【导师】 杨建斌;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 国家机关工作人员的角色具有双重性,既是国家公权力的行使者,又是生活世界中普普通通的自然人。这就经常会导致国家机关工作人员的隐私权和公民的知情权因为两个权利所指向的利益内容的重叠而发生权利冲突现象。为了解决该权利冲突,充分保障公众的知情权,同时兼顾考虑国家机关工作人员的隐私利益,我们就必须在遵循社会公共利益、人格尊严等原则的前提下,对国家机关工作人员的私隐进行限制。由于创设隐私权的任务应由民法完成,那么国家机关工作人员隐私权保护的起点也应当从私法出发,对具体的冲突法益进行利益衡量,借助于私法上的侵权行为、绝对权请求权、不当得利等请求权制度的协力来完善其隐私权的私法保护体系。

【Abstract】 The state organ staff have the double role, as both the exercise of state public authority and the ordinary natural person in real life. This often causes a problem, that is the authority conflict between the privacy of state organ staff and the civil right to know the truth, because of the overlap of the two authority interest. In order to solve this problem and protect the civil right to know the truth, we should limit the privacy of the state organ staff on the premise of obeying to the social public interest and personalistic dignity, at the same time, we can also take the privacy interest of the state organ staff into account. Because it is the duty of civil low to set up right of privacy, the protection to the privacy of state organ staff should start from private law and be improved under the measure of interest balance on the concrete conflict and with the help of right of claim such as encroachment of private law, absolute claim, and unjust enrichment, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【下载频次】71

