

【作者】 郑重

【导师】 张乃根;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在生物科技高速发展的背景下,遗传资源的利用已经广泛涉及到医学、化妆品、现代农业、药品、食品等行业。知识产权制度加速了遗传资源的商业化利用,保障生物科技的研发收回投资。二十世纪90年代以来,生物剽窃的现象时有发生,给遗传资源所在国造成了巨大损失,发达国家依仗技术和资金优势,利用发展中国家的遗传资源进行研究,获得技术成果后申请专利,然后高价向发展中国家转让专利,获得高额利润。《生物多样性公约》签订后,为了贯彻事先知情同意和惠益分享原则的实施,防止越演越烈的生物剽窃,发展中国家提出了在专利申请中披露遗传资源的来源,并将此与专利的有效性相联的主张,同时,发展中国家积极在WIPO,WTO推动这一提议,力求形成具有约束力的国际规则。虽然,在国际层面上无重大进展,但很多国家的专利法已经增加了披露遗传资源来源的要求,在细节上有所区别。中国在新修改的专利法中加入了遗传资源披露要求,体现了我国作为生物资源大国和发展中的生物技术强国的立场,有着重大的意义。但这仍然需要其他法律法规的配套,才能发挥其应有的作用。基于上述研究的目的和意义,本文分五章展开分析。第一章详细介绍了遗传资源的概念,列举了国际层面上遗传资源的定义,各国立法中对遗传资源的定义,分析了遗传资源和传统知识以及生物多样性之间的关系,以及遗传资源的法律地位。第二章探讨了遗传资源的利用。遗传资源的利用涉及很多产业,如医药、农业、化妆品等,而专利权和植物新品种权是对遗传资源利用成果的主要保护方式,文章分析了遗传资源利用中所出现的生物剽窃现象,介绍了目前国际上遗传资源利用的双边体系和多边体系。第三章介绍了遗传资源来源披露要求的提出,以及在WIPO、WTO下的进展,涉及专利合作条约、专利法条约、专利实体法条约草案、TRIPS协议第二十七条第三款(b)项和第二十九条,概要地分析了有关国家的立场。第四章对现有遗传资源来源披露立法的现状做一归纳介绍和梳理,解释了典型的加强披露,适中披露以及弱式披露模式的具体立法。第五章立足于中国的情况,介绍了目前中国遗传资源管理的具体机构,评析现有涉及遗传资源的立法,对新修改的专利法和专利法实施条例草案做了简述。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of technology, human being has more power to utilize the genetic resource, nowadays; the utilization of genetic resource is common in many industries, such as the pharmaceuticals, the botanical medicines, personal health care and cosmetic products and so on. Currently, the intellectual property is the main mechanism for the commercial utilization of genetic resources. However, the problem is that the developed countries use genetic resources mainly from developing countries, and gain enormous economic benefits through intellectual property right. With the conclusion of the CBD, the principle of prior informs consent and fair and equitable sharing of benefits is established. The developing courtiers argued that the current intellectual property system facilitates the so called bio-piracy, which is detrimental to the developing country. The developing countries are pushing the proposal that the patent applicants should be required to disclose the origin of genetic resources and traditional knowledge on which their inventions were based. They proposal of this kind (with different version) are wildly discusses at different international forum such as the WIPO and the WTO, and some courtiers have already amended their patent laws. The newly amendment of the Patent Law in China also follows this trend. With these purposes, this thesis includes five chapters.Chapter 1 begins with the definition of the genetic resources, and then discusses the relationship between the genetic resource and traditional knowledge, the relationship between the genetic resource and biodiversity, and the legal status of the genetic resources. Chapter 2 discusses the utilization of the genetic resources, introduced the concept of bio-piracy and typical cases. Chapter 3 analyzes the bilateral system under Convention on Biodiversity and the multilateral system under International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Chapter 4 describes how the proposal, which argues that patent applicants should be required to disclose the origin of genetic resources and traditional knowledge on which their inventions were based, is being discussed in the WIPO and WTO. The national legislation of this kind is also analyzed. Chapter 5 gives the comments on the newly amended Patent Law of China, and calls for further support of other genetic resource management law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】D997.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】636

