

【作者】 胡国峰

【导师】 严法善;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文试图探讨农村民间金融的正规化途径和方法。近年来尽管各方面部加大了农村金融的改革力度,也取得了较大的进展,但我国农村金融发展仍面临着资金供应不足问题。民间金融在农村金融市场中发挥了重要作用,远多于目前的正规金融数量。但是,农村民间金融限于历史、法律、社会等多种因素,其法律地位尚不能完全得到承认,在很大程度上限制了民间金融作用的发挥。本文突破传统对民间金融正规化时仅界定在“合法化”的局限,对正规化进行了全新定义,不仅涵盖合法化,而且正规化还包括所在金融体系的完善化,以及民间金融组织或个人内部管理的提升,即正式化。从而,拓展了农村民间金融正规化的外衍,为农村民间金融的进一步发展厘清思路。本文针对农村民间金融存在的问题,分析了农村民间金融的现状,测算了农村民间金融得规模、讨论了农村民间金融的形式和特征。在我国农村经济主体的借贷活动中,民间金融的规模远大于正规金融。目前中国的农村民间金融主要包括民间借贷、合会、私人钱庄、典当、民间集资、农村合作基金会、小额信贷等形式。主要特征是,利率相对较高、借贷机制灵活、区域特征明显,但缺乏法律基础、组织制度不健全、经营管理混乱、信用活动不规范、服务比较单一。本文从多个角度论证了农村民间金融正规化的必要性和可行性。农村民间金融正规化可以满足农村经济经济增长必需的资本供给、填补正规金融的供给不足,农村民间金融特点决定只有进行正规化改革才能发挥其最大作用,正规化可以减轻农村民间金融自身的系统性风险、提升民间金融效率,有利于宏观政策目标的实现,从而有利于农村经济的长远发展。在正规化可行性上,农村民间金融正规化有金融抑制和深化、制度变迁等理论支持,在实践上,农村民间金融发展具备产权结构、信息、担保、交易成本等多种优势。同时,我国农村特有的社会人文条件,以及农村经济发展为农村民间金融正规化提供基础。在农村民间金融的正规化途径和方法上,本文总体上坚持金融深化和自由化取向。提出提升农村民间金融的合法性,取缔具有明显负面作用的农村民间金融活动,制定相关法律制度,确立部分民间金融的合法地位;构建更宽泛的金融形式和制度,发展保险、担保等金融业务,确立民间金融在农村金融架构中的应有地位,构建完善的农村金融体系;引导民间资本参与农村民间金融的正规化实现;激发自下而上的发展模式,适度引入新的管理模式,促使民间金融组织内部的正规化;同时,要构建囊括政府、行业自律组织等多层次的农村民间金融监管体制。通过论证,本文认为农村民间金融正规化是可行的,通过合法化、完善化和正式化途径,可以达到的农村民间金融正规化预期,从而充分发挥农村民间金融的作用。

【Abstract】 This paper studies the rural informal (non-governmental) finances and their ways to formal finances. The rural finances have made progress greatly owing to government’s reform since our county’s reform and opening. But the demand of the financing always overpasses the supply in the rural area. For the factors in history, law and society, etc., most of the rural informal finances are not authorized by the law, which limits the effort of the rural informal finances.Traditional financial regularization is defined only in the legalization. This paper gives a new definition to cover not only the legalization and standardization, including the perfect financial system, as well as the enhancement of the internal management of the informal financial organizations.This paper analyzes the financial status of the rural informal finance, estimates the size of the finances, and discusses their form and characteristics. In our country’s lending activities, informal finance is far greater than the formal financial. At present, informal finances includes non-governmental lending finance, private banks, pawn, private fund-raising, rural cooperative foundations, and other forms of micro-credit. They are mainly characterized by relatively high interest rates, flexible lending mechanism, regional characteristics. However, they lack legal basis, organizational systems, with the management confusion, the credit activities of non-standard, and the single-service.It is necessary and feasible for rural informal financial to be standardized and regularized. The rural informal finances meet the necessary capital supply for the rural economy. The reform can alleviate the rural systemic financial self-risk, improve the efficiency of private finance, and is conducive to the achievement of the objectives of macroeconomic policy, which is conducive to long-term development of the rural economy. The feasibility of the regularization lies in the financial inhibition and financial deepening, and institutional change.This paper adheres to the overall direction of financial deepening and liberalization. Improve the legitimacy of the rural informal finances, build a broader system of financial forms, develop insurance, guarantees and other financial business, lead private capital to participate in the regularization of the rural informal finances, stimulate the development of bottom-up model. Meanwhile it is necessary to build government regulatory organizations and industry self-regulatory organizations, such as multi-level system of financial supervision and managementThis paper argues that the rural non-governmental financial regularization is feasible, through the legalization and formalization to achieve standardization of the rural non-governmental finance, and give full play to the role of rural informal finance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】F832
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1154

