

On the Subjectivity of the Feminist Translator

【作者】 王萍

【导师】 杨士焯;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 女性主义翻译理论是翻译研究的“文化转向”和女性主义运动相结合的产物。这一理论挑战了传统翻译观中绝对忠实原文本的理念,争取原作者和译者之间的平等地位,并且提倡译者的可见性和主体性。女性主义译者通过操控和干涉原文本,充分发挥了译者主体性。她们竭力推翻父权社会对女性的压迫,同时,引入新的女性语言来彰显女性身份。在翻译实践中,女性主义译者选择女性作家的作品进行翻译,并且采用干涉主义翻译策略,使译者的声音和身份在译语中得到显现。然而,大部分的女性主义译者认为,只有女性译者才能成功地翻译女性作家的作品。这种观点过分强调了女性主义译者的主体性,而且可能导致对原文本的错误理解。本文旨在从女性主义的角度探究译者主体性,同时对《傲慢与偏见》的两个中文译本进行对比研究。在此理论分析和实践分析的基础上,本文还提出了改进女性主义翻译的建议。一方面,笔者建议翻译时结合异化和归化,以便创造出更为忠于原文本的译文。另一方面,笔者引进作者/译者之间“双性共体”的关系模式,既保持两者之间的平衡,又使译者的主体性得到充分地发挥。本文除了引言和结语,包括五个章节。第一章介绍了女性主义的定义和发展,性别和语言的关系,并且分析了女性主义对翻译的影响。第二章阐述了女性主义的理论观点,女性主义翻译实践以及对女性主义翻译的局限性的批判。第三章重点讨论译者主体性。该章详细阐述了女性主义理论下译者主体性的内涵和受到的重视。最后两章侧重对《傲慢与偏见》的两个中文译本进行案例分析。第四章介绍了作者简·奥斯丁,其作品《傲慢与偏见》,以及孙致礼和张玲、张扬的译本。同时,该章还分析了《傲慢与偏见》中女性意识的体现。第五章从女性主义的角度对两个译本进行了仔细的对比研究,并且提出了改进女性主义翻译的建议。

【Abstract】 Feminist translation theory is the outcome of the "cultural turn" in translation studies and the feminist movement.It challenges the traditional translation notion of absolute fidelity to the original text,strives for equal status between the author and the translator,and advocates the visibility and subjectivity of the translator.Feminist translators bring their subjectivity into full play through their manipulation of and intervention into the original.They do their utmost to overturn the patriarchal oppression imposed on women and to construct female identity by employing a new feminine language.In translation practice,feminist translators choose to translate works by women writers and adopt interventionist translation strategies to make their voices heard and their identities visible in the target language. However,most of the feminist translators claim that works by women writers can only be successfully translated by female translators.This view overemphasizes the subjectivity of feminist translators and may lead to misinterpretation of the original texts.This thesis intends to explore the translator’s subjectivity from a feminist perspective and conducts a comparative study on two Chinese versions of Pride and Prejudice.Based on the theoretical and practical analysis,thoughts on improving the feminist translation are also put forward.On the one hand,a unity of foreignization and domestication is advised to be adopted in feminist translation to achieve more faithful translations.On the other hand,androgyny between the author and the translator is introduced to maintain a balance between the two poles and to bring the translator’s subjectivity into full play.The thesis is composed of five chapters plus an introduction and a conclusion. Chapter One begins with the definition and development of feminism,proceeds with the relation between gender and language,and then analyzes the influence of feminism on translation.Chapter Two gives an account of the theoretical ideas of feminist translators,feminist translation practice and criticisms about the limitations of feminist translation.Chapter Three focuses on the translator’s subjectivity.It expounds the connotation and the recognition of translator’s subjectivity in feminist theories.The last two chapters concentrate on a case study of two Chinese versions of Pride and Prejudice.Chapter Four gives an introduction to Jane Austen,Pride and Prejudice and its two translated versions by Sun Zhili and by Zhang Ling and Zhang Yang,and explores the feminine consciousness embodied in Pride and Prejudice.Chapter Five conducts detailed comparison of the two versions from the feminist perspective and gives suggestions on how to improve feminist translation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】I046;H315.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】824

