

The Study of Urban Stormwater Runoff Pollution Characteristics and Uncertainties of Data Collection in an Urban Lawn Catchment

【作者】 涂振顺

【导师】 张珞平; 黄金良;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 环境管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市化进程的加速,城市不透水面增加,引起降雨径流水质变差、径流产汇流时间缩短、洪峰时间提前等问题。城市降雨径流污染日益成为水体污染的主要污染来源。然而,开展城市降雨径流污染控制与管理工作要以识别城市降雨径流污染特征为前提。作为城市重要的下垫面类型,城市绿地常与绿地养护、泊车、休闲等人类活动紧密相联,但有关绿地降雨径流污染研究却比较少。另外,针对不同区域、不同下垫面类型的众多城市降雨径流监测方案被应用于识别城市降雨径流污染特征,但对于获取的监测数据往往未经误差处理就被应用,监测数据的不确定性与监测方案的合理性缺乏有效评估。基于此,本研究选取典型城市绿地小流域,开展了城市绿地降雨径流污染特征与监测数据的不确定性研究。通过实地调查,选取厦门典型的城市绿地开展降雨径流污染研究。制订合理的降雨径流监测方案,以绿地小流域为单元开展降雨径流监测,识别城市绿地降雨径流污染特征;并根据误差理论和不确定度评估方法开展降雨径流监测数据的不确定性研究。主要研究结论如下:厦门城市绿地降雨径流污染主要污染物为COD、TP、NO3+2--N,其EMC平均值分别为60.48 mg/L,0.44mg/L和1.18 mg/L;污染负荷平均值分别为0.6334kg/hm2,0.0047 kg/hm2和0.00116 kg/hm2;降雨径流污染物浓度峰值出现时间早于流量峰值;城市绿地降雨径流初始冲刷效应不明显,COD、TSS、TP及NO3- -N的FF30分别为36.26%,26.13%,28.13%和39.03%,总降雨量和径流总量是影响绿地降雨径流污染初始冲刷效应的主要因素。构建了城市降雨径流监测数据不确定性分析的评估方法,评估了城市绿地降雨径流监测数据的不确定性。研究结果显示,COD的采样、储藏、实验分析的相对不确定性平均值分别为13.99%,19.48%和12.28%;TSS采样相对不确定性为31.63%;流量监测相对不确定性平均值为12.82%。应用不确定性传递理论(LPUC)评估场次径流总量监测、COD的污染负荷和EMC监测数据的不确定性平均值分别为7.03%,18.47%和10.26%。

【Abstract】 Non-point pollution resulting from urban stormwater runoff is recognized as one of the major causes of quality deterioration in the receiving water bodies in urban areas.As an important type of urban surface,lawn accumulated lots of pollutants due to human activities such as fertilizer application,parking and recreation,which will be washed off and carried into the water bodies during rainfall events.However,few studies on characteristic of stormwater runoff in lawn catchment have been reported. On the other hand,various stormwater runoff monitoring programs have been developed to investigate the characteristic of urban stormwater runoff.The monitoring data was often used directly and uncertainties of data collection were seldom evaluated.In this study,an urban lawn catchment,located in Xiamen,Southeast China was selected to characterize the urban stormwater runoff pollution based on the analysis of the Event Mean Concentration(EMC),hydrograph and pollutographs analysis,and first flush effect analysis.In addition,the uncertainties of data collection were evaluated by the development of monitoring program,theory of error and law of propagation of uncertainty.The major conclusions are as follows.Chemical oxygen demand(COD),total phosphorus(TP),nitrate and nitrite nitrogen(NO3+2--N) are the major pollutants from stormwater runoff in the lawn catchment,whose average EMC value of 60.48 mg/L,0.44 mg/L and 1.46 mg/L,and the polliton loads are 0.6334 kg/hm2,0.0047 kg/hm2 and 0.00116 kg/hm2,respectively. The peak value of pollutant concentration precedes the peak runoff flow rate in most rainfall events.The first flush effects are not obvious.The portion of total pollution mass transported by the first 30%of total runoff volume(FF30) were 36.26%for COD,26.13%for total suspended solids(TSS),28.13%for TP,and 39.03%for NO3--N.Based on the results of multiple regression analysis,the first flush effect of stormwater runoff from the lawn catchment was positively related to the total rainfall depth and total runoff volume. The uncertainties of specific pollutants(COD,TSS) concentration(u(C)),flow rate(u(Q)),event flow volume(u(V)),COD pollution loads(u(L)) and COD EMC (u(EMC)) was evaluated.The results show that the sampling uncertainty,storage uncertainty and analytical uncertainty of COD are 13.99%,19.48%and 12.28%, respectively.The sampling uncertainty of TSS is about 31.63%;flow rate(u(Q)) is about 12.82%.Based on the Law of Propagation of Uncertainty(LPU) Calculation,u (V),u(L) and u(EMC) of COD is about 7.03%,18.47%and 10.26%,respectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

