

Assessment of Pelagic Fisheries Stock and Value in Minnan Bank Ground

【作者】 林彦红

【导师】 彭本荣;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 环境管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国海洋渔业捕捞量占到世界海洋渔业总捕捞量的16%,是世界海洋渔业捕捞量最大的国家。过去几十年的过度捕捞、破坏性的捕捞方式以及渔业管理政策的失灵,导致我国海洋渔业资源的严重衰退。对海洋渔业资源存量和价值进行系统准确评估,是制定科学有效的渔业管理政策的基础性工作。但是,我国渔业管理部门现有的渔业调查统计无法满足渔业资源存量评估的数据需要。如何整理出一套较为完整、客观的渔业社会经济学数据,如何在数据有限的条件下,建立一套适宜的评估方法和模型,对渔业资源存量和价值进行评估是我国渔业学术界和管理界面临的重要课题。本论文利用渔业资源学和渔业资源经济学的方法和理论,围绕以上重大问题,以福建闽南浅滩渔场中上层鱼类资源为研究案例开展研究,取得了如下研究成果:1)通过对国际国内渔业资源评估理论和实践的研究,建立了一套在有限数据条件下的综合渔业资源评估模型,包括剩余产量模型、生态经济模型、渔业资源价值评估模型和渔业资源损耗评估模型。2)数据收集和甄别。由于目前渔业管理部门关于渔业的调查和统计不足以提供渔业资源评估所需要的数据,研究采用现场调查获取第一手资料、查阅历史统计年鉴、文献检索获取二手资料、专家咨询等方法,收集了研究对象21年的渔获量、捕捞力量、单位成本和单位上岸价格等时间序列数据,确定了灯光围网作业与闽南浅滩渔场中上层鱼类资源的对应关系。3)最优评估模型识别。论文将收集到的资料输入建立的模型,利用E—views等统计软件,估计模型参数值,并通过参数比较和统计检验量分析,筛选和识别出评估闽南浅滩中上层鱼类资源及其价值的最优模型。4)闽南浅滩渔场中上层鱼类资源存量及价值评估。将21年时间序列数据输入所识别的最优评估模型,对闽南浅滩渔场中上层鱼类资源进行了系统评估,包括不同产权状况、静态和动态均衡的捕捞力量、捕捞量和资源存量评估及渔业资源价值和资源损耗评估。5)根据资源存量和价值评估结果,结合闽南浅滩渔场的实际情况,提出相关渔业资源管理的政策建议。

【Abstract】 China is the biggest fishery harvest country in the world,which occupy 16%of total world ocean catch.From 1950s,overfishing,destructive exploiting pracitces and policy failure have led to serious resource depletion.Systematic and accurate assessment of fishery stock and its value is the base of sound fishery policy making, however,available fishery statistical data provided by current fishery authority are insufficient to the practical research needs.How to get a relative complete and objective social-economic fishery data,and how to build a set of applicable methods and models to assess fishery stock and its value under the condition of limited data have challenged fishery academic and management fields for several decades.This dissertation presents a systematic assessment of pelagic fisheries stock and its value in Minnan bank ground employing the methods and theories of fisheries resources and natural resource economic,and contributes to the literature on fishery resource management in several ways.Firstly,the study demonstrates the theory and practice of fishery recourses assessment in both international and domestic,and establishes a integrated approachable fishery assessment method and models under the condition of limited data,including surplus production models,bio-economics models,resources value evaluation models and resources depletion evaluation models.Secondly,the study collects innovatively 21 years time series data,including catch,effort,unit cost and unit landing price,etc.Because the fishery investigation and statistics provided by current fishery management department are unable to meet practical research needs,the author found the special corresponding relation between light seine fishery and pelagic fisheries by spot investigation,checking statistical books and literatures,and expertise consultancy,to accomplish the data collectionThirdly,the dissertation identifies optimal assessment models of research sit.The study inputs the collected data into established models;estimates the parameters of every possible model using the E-views software.The optimal assessment models of pelagic fisheries stock and value in Minnan bank ground are identified by comparing the statistical test variables and parameters.Fourthly,the study assesses the pelagic fisheries stock and value in Minnan bank ground.This thesis put the 21 years time series data into identified optimal models,to value pelagic fisheries stock systematically,which included the condition of different property right,assessment of different effort,catch and stock under static and dynamic equilibrium,and the depletion of fishery stock value.Lastly,the study proposes the possible fishery polices options according to the research results and natural and socioeconomic situations of Minnan bank ground.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

