

Empirical Research on the Relationship of Perceptions of Organizational Politics, Organizational Trust and Employee Individual Performance

【作者】 李增懿

【导师】 宋培林;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在职场生活中,组织政治就像空气,无时不在,无处不在。但是由于话题的敏感性,人们却忌谈组织政治,因此理论界对组织政治的研究曾一度陷入僵局。直至20世纪80年代,以Ferris为代表的学者提出组织政治知觉这种更有效的研究方式后,学术界对组织政治的研究才再度升温。因此,本研究希望通过对中国企业员工的组织政治知觉的研究,初步提出中国文化背景下,组织政治知觉的概念、维度和影响,为企业管理者更好地认识、应对组织政治提供理论支持。本研究共分为七章。第一章为研究概述,对选题背景进行了分析,并提出研究问题,说明了本研究的理论及现实意义,得出了本研究的研究思路与论文框架。第二章是相关研究述评,是本研究得以开展的理论基础。第三章为假设提出及模型构建,在第二章相关研究述评的基础上,提出相关假设,并建立本论文的研究构架。第四章为预测试分析,对问卷的信度和效度进行检测,提出正式问卷。第五章为正式的实证分析,根据搜集的数据,分析验证本研究提出的概念模型和相关假设。第六章为研究总结,全面总结本研究的主要结论,并提出相关政策建议。第七章指出了本文的主要创新点、研究不足之处并提出研究展望。本研究研究结论表明:1、组织政治知觉量表在中国符合三个维度的设计,绩效量表仍旧是两个维度;2、组织政治知觉与组织信任之间显著的负相关,组织信任和员工个人绩效之间显著的正相关,组织政治知觉和员工个人绩效正相关,而组织信任并没有在组织政治知觉和员工个人绩效间起到显著的中介作用;3、个人背景特征对于组织政治知觉、组织信任和员工个人绩效三个变量具有不同程度的影响。

【Abstract】 In a company, organizational political behavior exists everywhere and every time as air. But because of the sensitivity of organizational political behavior, people abstain from talking about this theme. So the study of organizational political behavior got into a rattrap until the conception of perception of organizational political behavior was put forward by Ferris. So, the author surveyed the perception of organizational political behavior in order to put forward the conception, dimension and effect of perception of organizational political behavior.This paper consists of seven chapters. Chapter 1 is the summary of research. It mainly analyzes the background of the topic and briefly illustrates the theoretical and practical meaning and the framework of this research. Chapter 2 reviews the related researches. Chapter 3 is the construction of the model and the proposal of hypotheses. Based on the review of the related study, the research framework is constructed and related hypotheses are proposed. Chapter 4 is designed for the pre-test analysis of the questionnaire reliability and validity testing, then advises a formal questionnaire. Chapter 5 is the empirical analyses of the factors of perception of organizational political behavior, organizational trust and employee individual performance. According to the survey data, the paper analyzes and tests the conceptual model and related hypotheses. Chapter 6 summarizes the research and gives the related suggestions. Chapter 7 concludes the main innovation and points out the limitations and further research direction.The main conclusions of this study are as follows:1. The scale of perception of organizational political behavior has three dimensions and the scale of employee individual performance has two.2. Perception of organizational political behavior is significant negative correlated with organizational trust. Organizational trust is significant positive with employee individual performance. Perception of organizational political behavior is positive with employee individual performance. Organizational trust doesn’t play a significant intermediary role between perception of organizational political behavior and employee individual performance.3. Personal background characteristics have different impacts on the three variables.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】774

