

Process of Patch Mosaics of Mature Subtropical Monsoon Evergreen Broadleaved Forest in Hexi, Fujian, China

【作者】 林媚媚

【导师】 李振基;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 生态学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 群落演替作为植被动态研究的核心内容,是植被生态学研究的热点问题之一。同时季风常绿阔叶林作为南亚热带地区的地带性植被,是南亚热带陆地生态系统的重要组成部分。本研究运用植物群落学和恢复生态学的原理,同时采用时空互代的方法,调查了具有代表性的南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林——福建南靖和溪南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林(南亚热带雨林)。系统地分析了其斑块的组成、生长型、生活型、结构、物种多样性、斑块相似性等,同时还探讨了整个演替系列斑块的恢复潜力及其演替机制。研究结果表明:1.在林窗形成后的2~30a间,植物物种数量发生了很大的变化。植物物种数在演替的前2~6a变化非常剧烈。演替至10a时,154.8m~2的斑块6(10a)内的植物物种数急增至92种。至21~30a,物种丰富度变化较为缓慢,物种丰富度指数变化程度趋近于平稳状态。2.南靖和溪南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林演替系列斑块内的植物区系多样、复杂。随着演替的进行,斑块内的科、属、种均呈现较明显的增长趋势,表明随着演替时间的延长,斑块的物种多样性和复杂性在演替进程中都得到了很好的恢复。3.在演替系列上,植物的生长型和生活型组成逐渐复杂,物种丰富度逐渐增加,到演替后期,出现下降趋势。在演替系列上,各生长型和生活型的组成比例变化也反映了斑块结构趋于稳定的恢复过程。4.从不同演替阶段斑块内乔木层优势种的变化即少叶黄杞(Engelhardia fenzelii)、白楸(Mallotus paniculatus)、猴耳环(Pithecellobium clypearia)等的不断衰退以致退出斑块和红鳞蒲桃(Syzygium hancei)、红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)、淋漓锥(Castanopsis uraiana)等的不断强大可以看出,随着演替的进行,演替后期斑块内优势种的变化趋势呈现出阳性先锋树种的衰退和中生性顶极种的发展。同时发现乔木幼树是灌木层中的优势种。总之,各样地中的灌木层、草本层、藤本植物的重要值是随着乔木层的变化而变化的,斑块内小环境的变化,导致各样地中灌草藤优势种类的不同。5.从不同演替阶段不同层次斑块的相似性以及相异性的比较可以看出,斑块8(30a)和斑块7(21a)的相似性较强,在演替系列中均处于斑块演替的中后期。同时斑块8(30a)处于接近顶极斑块的阶段,而斑块6(10a)到斑块7(21a)的演替则处于阳生向中生性斑块的过渡阶段,从斑块1(2a)到斑块6(10a)处于早期物种侵入,斑块结构建成的阶段。大体上,斑块演替的趋势就是斑块1(2a)-斑块6(10a)-斑块7(21a)-斑块8(30a),也就是薄叶润楠、红鳞蒲桃、扇叶铁线蕨(Adiantum flabellulatum)—罗伞树、单叶新月蕨(Pronephriumsimplex)—小紫金牛(Ardisia chinensis)、团叶陵齿蕨(Lindsaea orbiculata)—薄叶润楠、箬竹(Indocalamus tessellatus)。6.斑块内物种多样性各指数随着演替的发展大体上呈现逐渐升高的趋势。从初期向稳定的顶极斑块发展,乔木层的物种多样性逐渐增高,灌木层的物种多样性逐渐降低。由于斑块上层的郁闭,耐荫草本的不断发展旺盛,草本层的多样性逐渐增加。7.对演替系列优势种的斑块结构特征的分析可以看出,随着演替的进行,红鳞蒲桃种群的个体得到了很好的更新,而且种群增长趋势稳定。而在整个30年的演替过程中,始终未见第七级以上个体,说明斑块演替还未达到顶极阶段,只是有过渡到顶极阶段的趋势,但不是最终的顶极斑块。而在这一过程中根据红鳞蒲桃种群个体数的变化可以很明显地感觉到斑块内种群的自疏、他疏作用比较明显。另外,红锥种群的变化与红鳞蒲桃种群的变化有相似之处。8.福建南靖和溪南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林斑块演替机制是多种机制综合作用的结果。演替初期主要为“初始植物区系组成学说”,随着斑块演替的不断进行,“竞争和资源比例说”、“种间三重作用说”、“生态史对策说”、“变化镶嵌体稳定学说”等演替机制在整个的演替系列中都有所体现。9.对演替系列斑块的演替机制、福建虎伯寮国家级自然保护区的保护与管理进行了讨论,并对今后南靖和溪南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林自然保护区的研究进行了展望,提出了几点建议。这些研究将丰富该地区关于受到干扰后植物种群和群落的响应机制及恢复生态学的内容,并总结出适合该地区的群落演替规律,为南亚热带地区退化植被的生态恢复提供指导。

【Abstract】 Community succession,as a core part of vegetation dynamic research,is one of the hot vegetation ecological research subjects.In the meantime,monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest is a zonal vegetation type and an important part of land ecosystems in subtropic of the world.Based on the theories of vegetation ecology and restoration ecology,and also based on space-for-time substitution,detailed field investigation was conducted in the representative south subtropical monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest in Hexi,Fujian Provinve,China. Patch ecological charaeteristics such as plorristic composition,plant growth form and life form,patch structure,species diversity,comparison of patch similarity and succession dynamics were described in this paper.The results showed as followings:1.The total number of plant species in the eight study sites basically increased with patch age.During the 2nd to 6th year of the succession,the number of patch species fluctuated violently.When it came to the 10th year,the number of the plant species on the 154.8 m~2 of patch increased sharply to 92.And during the 21st to 30th year,species richness varied more slowly,approaching a possible plateau.2.The florae of successional patches were complex.With the development of succession, the number of families,genera and species increased.3.The species richness of every growth form group and life form group increased at the early stages and decreased at the late,the compositional proportion became more consistent over time.4.The dominant species of patches took a change of pioneer heliophytes degenerated and the mesophytes developed,and the dominant species of shrub layer were tree seedlings in the period before being climax patch.In conclusion,the importance value of shrub layer,herb layer and liana varied with the change of tree layer in different succession series,and the change of the microenvironment resulted in the variation of the dominant species in shrub layer,herb layer and liana.5.By pairwise comparison among patch 8(30a)、7(21a)、6(10a)、5(6a)、4(5a)、4(4a)、3(3a) and 1(2a) in respects of their coefficient of similarity and diversity in tree layer,shrub layer and herb layer,we can see that the coefficient similarity between patch 8(30a) and patch 7(21a) was close,therefore they should be considered to be in the similar succession series. The patch 8(30a) was approaching the stage of climax,and the period from patch 1(2a) proceeding to patch 6(10a) was the early stage of species invasion and patch formation.6.Species diversity increased during succession process.During the period from early succession to climax patch,species diversity rised gradually in tree,herb and liana layer and went down gradually in shrub layer.7.From analysis on the characteristics of the population structure during succession process,we concluded that the natural regeneration of Syzygium hancei under the forest went on relatively well.With the patch regeneration went on,the Syzygium hancei population will increase to a certain degree.While throughout the whole 30 years’ succession,the seventh grade plant species never appeared.This phenomenon indicated that the patch 8(30a) has approached the climax,it just had a trend of developing and transiting to the climax.But it really was not a final climax patch.Also according to the dynamics of the number of Syzygium hancei,we can obviously observe the phenomenon of self-thinning and alien-thinning between populations in community during succession process.Meanwhile,the change of Castanopsis hystrix population and Syzygium hancei population shared something in common.8.At the beginning stage of succession,the successional mechanism was the "initial floristic composition hypothesis",and at the later stages,multiple mechanisms stimulated the succession together.9.The successional rate,management and conservation of Hexi south subtropical monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest and its study in the future were discussed,and also the suggestions were brought up.These studies will enrich the content of the responding mechanism of plant population and community after the disturbance,the rules of community succession,and restoration ecology in this area,and this paper is useful and referential to the restoration of degraded vegetation of south sub-tropical areas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】Q958
  • 【下载频次】100

