

A Study on Taiwan’s Populism

【作者】 聂学林

【导师】 林劲;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中外政治制度, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在“第三波”的民主化浪潮中,与许多同样经历政治转型的新兴民主国家和地区相比,台湾地区是少数几个转型较为顺利和成功的例子之一。即便如此,台湾的民主政治运作仍然面临许多困难和问题。在各种质疑、批判和反思台湾民主政治的观点之中,民粹主义普遍被认为是台湾民主政治发展的一大隐忧。但是,也有人不赞同上述观点。他们认为“民粹主义”一词在台湾的使用非常混乱,而且已经被过度污名化,于是他们要致力于使“民粹主义”回归其中性化的原貌。本文认为,民粹主义并没有一个放之四海而皆准的定义,在污名化的“民粹主义”已经被台湾各界所广泛使用的情况下,再让“民粹主义”的涵义回归中性化的努力已经没有太大的意义。概念上的无谓争论只会遮蔽政治生活中的实际问题,我们应该回到该术语在实际生活中的使用上来,厘清其使用的背景,从中发现问题,对问题进行细致的分析并提出解决之道。为此本文在对相关文本进行分析的基础上,归纳出台湾政治语境中的三类民粹主义现象,即在省籍、族群以及统独议题上的过分炒作;对于公民投票的滥用;为了讨好选民、不顾社会的长远利益而进行的政策买票。这三类民粹主义现象本质上都是政治人物为了追求政治权力而精心预谋的诉诸民众利益或偏见的政治策略,对于台湾民主政治的正常运作产生了极为不利的影响。台湾民粹主义的兴起与台湾的民主转型过程相伴随。一方面,民主转型所带来的政治社会条件的变化促使部分政治人物选择了民粹主义来作为政治动员的策略;另一方面,台湾地区特殊的社会历史背景则决定了台湾民粹主义的特质。要减少民粹主义的弊端,有赖于以下三个方面的进展:对于非理性选举行为的限制、成熟理性公民文化的培养以及两岸人民的和解和对话。最后,从近年来台湾岛内政局以及两岸关系的发展变化来看,台湾民粹主义已经有式微的迹象。

【Abstract】 Compared with many other newly democratized countries and regions,Taiwan was among the few examples with a relatively successful and smooth democratic transition.In spite of this fact,Taiwan’s democracy is still facing many difficulties and problems.It comes under suspicion and criticism.Populism is generally believed to be an insidious threat to the consolidation of democracy in Taiwan.However,some people hold the view that the concept of populism has been heavily distorted and they have strived to recover its neutrality.Since the stigmatized populism has been widely accepted in Taiwan, attention should be focused on the use of this terminology in daily life and on existing political issues,and populism should be regarded as a useful, even indispensable,concept in elucidating Taiwan’s politics.Based on the analysis of relevant literatures,the thesis defines populism in Taiwan as a political strategy used by politicians who appeal to the interests or bias of the populace to quest for political power.There are three kinds of phenomenons that are often criticized as populism in Taiwan,namely ethnic politics,the abuse of referendum,and to woo the electorates by announcing policies that may harm the long-term development of the society.They have exerted negative influences on the democracy of Taiwan.The rise of populism in Taiwan was accompanied by its democratic transition.On one hand,the changes brought about by democratic transition stimulated some politicians to choose populism as the strategies to mobilize voters.On the other hand, the distinctive social and historical background of Taiwan determined the features of its populism.In recent years,populism in Taiwan is on the decline.To address the drawbacks of populism,three aspects need to be taken care of,namely to address the drawbacks of electoralism,to build a mature civic culture and the reconciliation and dialogue across the Taiwan Strait.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】D675.8
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】514

