

Study on the Transformation of Administrative Act

【作者】 玄鸿娇

【导师】 胡悦;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 “一切事物都处于不断发展变化中”的哲学原理在法学领域同样适用,行政行为是不断发展变化的,并有其自身的演变规律。根因于市场经济并由行政任务从干涉行政到给付行政变迁所直接决定,行政行为正在经历着从强权力性到弱权力性再到非权力性的转变,这种转变不是替代性的,而是行政行为的一个多样性发展过程。非权力性行政行为即是行政主体采用私法思维方式与私法行为方式完成行政任务。行政主体广泛采取私法手段完成行政法上的任务,对于这一现象,德国行政法学者汉斯·沃尔夫(Hans J.wolf)称之为行政私法行为,并将其系统化、理论化。之后,日本、我国台湾地区学界展开了对行政私法行为的研究。本文认为行政私法行为指行政主体采用私法思维方式与私法行为方式以完成行政法上的任务兼具公法与私法性质的行政行为。可见,非权力性行政行为实为行政私法行为。鉴于关于行政私法行为已有成熟的理论,也基于方便在国际范围内研究行政行为转变相关问题的考虑,本文立基于行政私法行为具体展开论述了行政行为的三方面转变:第一,由于行政私法行为的参入,行政行为类型体系有了行政公法行为与行政私法行为的划分,增加了政府经营、政府采购、政府补贴、政府拍卖等具体行为类型;第二,行政行为方式发生了转变,即以私法手段完成行政任务,行政主体拥有了公法手段与私法手段的选择自由,但这种选择权应当受到限制;第三,从行政私法行为是兼具公法与私法双重属性的行为这一逻辑起点出发,行政私法行为应当受到公法与私法的共同调整,私法规范被借用到行政法领域,由此,行政行为的法律适用发生了转变。

【Abstract】 The principles of philosophy that "All things are in constant development and changes " also applies to the field of law, administrative act is developmenting and changing, and has its own evolution law. Decided by the market economy fundamentally and administrative mission changing form“Eingriffsverwaltung”to“Leistungsverwaltung”directly, administrative act is experiencing the changement form strong power to weak power then to non-power, this changement is not alternative, but a diversity development process. Non-power administrative act is an act that the administrators use means of private law for thinking and behavior to complete administrative mission.The phenomenon that administrators use means of private law to complete administrative mission widely is called“Verwaltungsprivatrecht”by the German administrative law scholars Hans J.wolf, then he studied it systematically and theoretically. After that, Japan, China’s Taiwan region Academia started the research on“Verwaltungsprivatrecht”.This article holds that the“Verwaltungsprivatrecht”is an act that the administrators use the way of private law for thinking and behavior in order to complete administrative mission with public and private law nature.This shows that the“Verwaltungsprivatrecht”is as the same as the non-power administrative acts.Given the“Verwaltungsprivatrecht”already has mature theory, also considering for facilitating researching the changement of administrative act in international scope , this article expounded in three aspects based on the“Verwaltungsprivatrecht”:First of all, because of the addition of“Verwaltungsprivatrecht”,the type system of administrative act has the division of public administrative act and private administrative act, some specific acts such as government operating, government procurement, government subsidy and government auction, Etc. add;Secondly, the means of administrative act changes ,that is, private means is used in order to complete administrative tasks, administrators are free to chose means of public law or means of private law, but this option should be restricted; Third, taking the Verwaltungsprivatrecht’public and private law nature as the logical starting point, it should be adjusted by public and private law , private norms are borrowed to the field of administrative law, so the application of the law of the administrative act changed.

  • 【分类号】D912.1
  • 【下载频次】114

