

Research on the Construction of Mobile Learning Service

【作者】 林营

【导师】 杨志强; 林和平;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随信息技术的发展以及无线通信设备普及,移动学习(M-Learning)应运而生。移动学习是一种新型的学习方式,它充分利用无线技术和移动计算机设备来辅助教学,为学生通过移动设备和移动网络开展教育活动、传递教育信息成为了现实。特别是3G技术的出现,它能够处理图像、音乐、视频等多媒体业务,提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务等多种信息服务,人们可以通过移动设备进行学习,学生的学习不再受固定时间、固定场所等条件的限制,对人们实现终身教育起到积极和深远的影响。作为一种新型的学习方式—移动学习,由于具有个性化、便利性、普及性等优点,因此有较大的发展潜力。但是由于移动学习作为一种新型学习方式还是一个新生的研究领域,作为一个全新的研究领域还是有许多的问题有待我们去发现、去思考、去解决,有效的使用移动计算技术辅助教学和学习成为这个领域研究中心,因此,研究移动学习服务器的构建具有重要意义。本文在对移动学习技术作了深入研究的基础上,提出了一种移动学习服务器的构建方法,该方法通过多线程网络爬行分类器构建移动学习个性化知识库,建立数据网格节点,共享数据资源。在网格服务器的管理下,学习者通过短消息服务应用程序(SMSA)从网格节点获取知识。本文主要工作有:(1)多线程网络爬行分类器的设计与实现,构建移动学习服务器的知识库。(2)提出基于WebService的网格模型,充分利用WebService和数据网格融为一体的特点构建网格节点,共享网络资源。(3)采用短消息服务(SMS)技术开发SMSA,SMSA通过计算机电话集成网关(CTIGW)与短信网关程序(SMGW)进行短信息的发送与接收,在网格服务器上进行资源的搜索和反馈。(4)通过浏览器直接访问网格节点,解决了知识的异构、零散分布的问题,实现了基于浏览器的学习方式。

【Abstract】 Mobile Learning emerges as the development of information technology and the popularization of wireless communication devices, as a new learning mode, M-learning make full use of wireless technology and mobile computer equipment to aid teaching. Especially the appearance of 3G technology, the 3G technology coped with multimedia information such as image, music, video stream, and provide multiple information services including web page browsing, conference call, e-commerce and so on. students’ learning no longer restrict by time and location via 3G mobile phone and other intelligent terminal equipment, it will have positive and deep influence on the student education.M-learning has many advantages such as personalization, popularization, convenient and so on,therefore has great potentiality. However as a new learning modal, M-learing is a new research field and there are still many problems awaiting solution. Effectively using mobile computer aided teaching and learning become research center of this field. therefore it has important significance to study on the construction of M-learning service.Having thoroughly researched the M-learning technology, in this paper, we propose a construction method of mobile learning service. The method constructs personalized knowledge based on M-Learning database via multithread network crawl classifier. It establishes grid node and shares data resources. On the management of grid service, learners acquire knowledge from grid node by the short message service application.The main contributions of this paper conclude: (1) The design and realization of multithread network crawl classifier, construct knowledge database of mobile learning service. (2) propose a network modal based on WebService, construct grid node and network resources by use of the characteristics that WebService is integrated into data grid. (3) SMSA developed by short message service(SMS) send and receive short message with short message gateway by Computer Telephony Integration Gateway (CTIGW), meanwhile search and feedback resources on the grid service. (4) Quite good solves problem of heterogeneity, scattered distribution through browser access grid node, and realize the learn model based on browser.

【关键词】 移动学习网格WebServiceBPSMS
【Key words】 M-learningGridWebServiceBPSMS

