

The Construction of Luoyang in Beiwei Dynasty

【作者】 谢美婧

【导师】 韩宾娜;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 历史地理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 北魏都城洛阳上承东汉魏晋,下启隋唐盛世,在我国古代都城规划建设中具有重要的意义。它废弃了东汉、魏晋以来的南北二宫的结构,创立了单一宫城制;改“后市”的传统的为“前市”的布局;首创规划整齐的里坊制度;三重城垣的都城结构,为隋唐都城的建设提供借鉴,对后世都城产生重大的影响。笔者大胆地尝试结合近年来考古发掘最新信息和运用历史地理信息系统(CHGIS)及多媒体技术复原北魏洛阳城,便于人们直观了解北魏洛阳城的布局、景观风貌和人居环境。从复原图再现北魏都城辉煌壮观的场面,让人们一睹其风采。第一章,分析北魏迁都及定都洛阳的原因。洛阳居天下之中,其良好的自然气候和险要的地理形势使周、汉、魏、晋等朝选择定都于此。北魏迁都洛阳也是基于这些因素。平城地处边陲,农业生产基础薄弱,不利于北魏统治中原地区,近百年的发展和移民使得城市人口承载量达到饱和,加之气候寒冷、疾患不断、北方柔然部的不时侵扰以及孝文帝对汉文化的仰慕,最终促成了北魏迁都洛阳。迁都成为转移国内矛盾,扩大统治区域的最佳选择。第二章,论述北魏洛阳城的营建过程、城市布局和规划等,包括宫廷建筑、礼制建筑、佛教建筑、城市交通、供水系统等在内的北魏时期的独特建筑,融合了鲜卑和汉族两种风格,开创了大规模的里坊制,被后世王朝采纳。本文运用CHGIS技术及3D-MAX等软件复原北魏洛阳城,将宏大的洛阳城采取数字化技术呈现出来。第三章,主要阐释北魏洛阳城在我国古都史上的历史地位及对隋唐等王朝都城建设的影响。此外,洛阳旧城历史遗迹和古都风貌是历史留给我们丰厚而珍贵的文化遗产,洛阳城的发展既要彰显其原有的历史风貌又要展示为现代城市的发展明的崭新风貌。如何既能保持古都风貌,还原历史古城遗迹,又不影响城市现代发展,促进古都的可持续发展已成为一个必须正式的现实课题,也是一项长期的历史任务。本文尽可能多地搜集了传世文献中保留下来的有关北魏洛阳城营建情况的材料,以历史唯物主义为指导,分析探讨了北魏洛阳城独特的建筑风格和对后世都城建设的巨大影响。本问题的研究,对于更准确地了解我国古代都城建设很有帮助。本文只是对北魏洛阳城的初步考察,由于笔者才疏学浅,断不敢言已穷尽此问题的每个方面,行文也难免有考虑不周之处,文中不足之处恳请各位尊敬的师长多多批评指正。

【Abstract】 North Wei LuoYang City is the milestone of the ancient metropolis construction of our country,it has established a scientific foundation of reasonable programming layout in the ancient metropolis of our country. The direct consequence of XiaoWen Emperor’s capital moving is that it made millions of immigrants including Xian Bei and some other northern nationalities move into Central Plains,which made its material culture and spiritual culture reach an unprecedent altitude, which also established the foundation of the development and prosperity of Tang civilization afterwards. The construction style of North Wei LuoYang City not only contained the style of minority ethnics but also combined the architectural concept of Han nationality,which severed as a reference of the capitals’construction in later decades.At present, academic researches mainly go to some limited aspects such as the layout of HanWei LuoYang City and Buddhist architectural arts, what’s more,Chinese scholars have difficulties in picturing the overall of the north Wei LuoYang City, because of the lack of documents records and the shortage of relevant picture information. What is even harder is to reshow the largest city in the world at that time. Therefore, the author tries to use the new discoveries in archaeology, history and geography information system and multimedia technology together to recover the north Wei Luo Yang City, which will help people tolearn the layout, landscape and residence environment of the city easily,people also can see the splendid and grand capital of North Wei again fromthis recovery picture.The article is consisted of foreword,text,conclusion, bibliographical reference and figure.In the foreword, the author combines the construction of North Wei Luo Yang City, the recent architectural discoveries and the refile of classical documents, summarizes the preliminary reason why XiaoWen Emperor moved the capital,the discussion of how the climate factors influenced the moving is the special of the article. It also includes the researches on LuoYang City in each dynasty at home and abroad .The text is mainly divided into three parts.The first part analyzes the various reasons of North Wei’s capital moving and the reason why they choose LuoYang City as the capital.The second part:it is mainly explains the process of the construction and layout of LuoYang City. Besides, it shows the recovery picture of North Wei LuoYang City which made byutilizing historical and geography information system and 3D-MAX software.The third part illustrates the north Wei LuoYang City’s historic position in ancient China.The article collects as much information of LuoYang City that can be found in the remaining documents as possible, bases on historical materialism,discusses the unique architectural style of LuoYang City and the huge influence on the metropolis construction of later generations.The study of this question serves as a great help for people to get to know the ancient metropolis construction of our country more accurately. It is just some shallow study towards the north Wei Luo Yang City.Because of the shortage of talent and knowledge I dare not to say I have covered all aspects of this question,I am willing to accept the instructions from respectful masters if there is any limitations need to be completed.

  • 【分类号】K878
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】938

