

Is There Facilitation at Uncued Locations to IOR

【作者】 张艳青

【导师】 张明;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 紧随外周位置的事件之后在该位置上出现的其它刺激的加工会得到易化,它反应了对刺激的反射性的注意转移。当注意从外周位置移走后,对该位置随后出现的刺激的反应就会延迟,这种抑制效应被定义为“返回抑制(IOR)”。自返回抑制发现以来,IOR效应的测量一直都是用线索化位置上靶子的反应时减去非线索化位置上靶子的反应时。鉴于这种测量方法混淆了线索化位置的抑制和非线索化位置的易化,本实验采用情绪性中央线索刺激,利用其对注意驻留时间的不同,分别在线索化位置和非线索化位置比较不同情绪中央线索下靶子反应时的差异,进一步确定IOR效应的主要来源,从而推论非线索化位置是否存在易化效应。预实验采用辨别任务和检测任务,分别验证正式实验所需时间参数下的IOR效应。实验一采用3×3×2的辨别任务,考察不同情绪中央线索下IOR效应的差异来源。结果表明,IOR效应中,非线索化位置的易化可能是不存在的,主要是线索化位置的抑制在起作用,并且注意在抑制的维持中起了关键的作用;实验二采用3×3×2的检测任务,结果辅证了基于注意的实验一的方法的可靠性,也就辅证了实验一的结果。

【Abstract】 Immediately following an event at a peripheral location there is facilitation for the processing of other stimuli near that location. It reflects a reflexive shift of attention towards the source of stimulation. After attention is removed from such a peripheral location, there is then delayed responding to stimuli subsequently displayed there. This inhibitory aftereffect is labeled‘inhibition of return (IOR)’.IOR is normally measured by subtracting RT to targets in uncued locations from RT to targets in cued locations since it is first described. Since this measure may compound inhibition at cued locations and facilitation at uncued locations. The present study compared RT to targets in different emotional fixation cues respectively at cued locations and at uncued locations using the character that differernt emotional fixation cues affect diverse attentional dwell time, then the sourse of IOR and wheather there is facilitation in uncued locations will be made sure. Preparatory experiments are made to validate IOR with the time parameters of the formal experiments’needs respectively in detection tasks and in discrimination tasks. The experiment one is designed within-subjects 3×3×2 in the discrimination tasks, which discusss the source of difference in IOR. The results suggest that there may be no facilitation at uncued locations and IOR owe to inhibition at cued locations with executive attention. The experiment two is designed within-subjects 3×3×2 in the detection tasks. The results prove out the measure of experiment one based on attention, and then supports secondary the results of the discrimination tasks.

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】126

