

Regional Economic Analysis of Jilin Petroleum and Chemical Industry Development

【作者】 佟军

【导师】 宋玉祥;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的持续快速发展,化工产品的需求与日俱增。“十一五”期间,中国石化业面临着巨大的发展空间和难得的发展机遇。近年来,世界石化产业蓬勃发展,随着中国加入世贸组织,国内市场逐步开放,我国石化工业面临激烈的国际竞争。特别是当今世界经济正面临着几十年不遇的危机,在各种纷繁复杂的条件下,我国石化工业的发展面临着巨大的考验。吉林市石化产业的生存和发展也面临着严峻的挑战。本文详尽分析了整个吉林市的石化产业的现状,由于受旧体制和传统观念意识的束缚,并受市场、资金、人才、技术、环保等因素的制约,吉林石化产业发展水平相对滞后,与国内外处于领先地位的石化公司具有非常大的差距。如何把握经济规律,依据自身条件,借鉴国内外成功经验,制定出适合吉林石化发展的战略,已成为企业急需解决的问题。本文通过对国内外石化产业发展过程及现状的分析,以及吉林石化自身发展过程中的内外界条件的演变分析,全面剖析了吉林石化在发展过程中的优势和机遇、威胁和挑战。为实现把吉林石化建成中油最大、国内一流、国际知名的大型石油化工生产基地的目标,就应紧紧围绕区域经济发展理论相关内容,制定出适合吉林石化发展的战略设计,这对吉林石化的产品结构调整、内部改革、企业管理和未来的长期稳定发展,进而对整个吉林石化产业的发展都具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 With the sustainable and rapid development of the national economy, our demand for chemical products is increasing at very fast speed.During the period of "Eleventh Five-Year", the petrochemical industry of China is faced with the enormous space and the rare opportunity for the development.In recent years, the petrochemical industries all over the world have vigorously developed. Since China joined in the WTO, our domestic market has been gradually opened up, the petrochemical industry of our country is facing intense international competition.Especially, when today’s world economy is in crisis, the development of our petrochemical industry is faced with a enormous challenge in a lot of complex conditions.Also, the survival and the development of Jilin Petrochemical Industry are faced with severe challenges. In this paper, we make a comprehensive analysis of the entire status quo of the petrochemical industry in Jilin City. The development level of Jilin Petrochemical industry is relatively laggard because it is astricted by the old system and the traditional consciousness,meanwhile,it is influnced by the market, capital, talent, technology, environmental protection and other factors.There is a very large gap between Jilin Petrochemical Company and those leading petrochemical companies at home and abroad.How to grasp the economic laws, learn from successful experiences at home and abroad and develop a suitable strategy for the development of Jilin petrochemical Company according to its own conditions, have become the urgent problems need to solve.In this paper, we make a comprehensive analysis for advantages and opportunities, threats and challenges of Jilin Petrochemical Company in the development process which is based on the analysis of the development process and the status quo of the petrochemical Companies both at home and abroad, as well as the analysis for the evolution between the internal and external conditions in the process of self-development of Jilin Petrochemical Company. In order to achieve the goal that make Jilin Petrochemical Corporation become the largest scale, first-class, internationally renowned petrochemical production base, we should closely focus on the relevant contents of the regional economic development theory, to constitute suitable strategic designs for the development of Jilin Petrochemical Corporation, which is be beneficial to the restructuring of petrochemical products, internal reform, corporate governance and the future long-term and steady development, and thus it has a certain guiding significance for the development of the entire Jilin Petrochemical Industry.

  • 【分类号】F426.22
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】351

