

Designed "Competency Based Education" Model of Teaching in Aerobics Classes at Insititute of Physical Education

【作者】 饶芹

【导师】 翟廷立;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 CBE是英文Competency Based Education的缩写,其原文的涵义是:“以能力培养为中心的教学体系”,即能力本位。它是近二十年在我国发展起来的一种新兴的教育理念,即以能力的培养与发展作为教育活动的根本。其基本特征是以能力培养为中心展开教学活动,藉助实践能力的培养来促进学生知识、能力、素质的协调发展。目前在体育院系健美操专选课教学中对能力本位教学模式还缺少系统的实践性探索。本研究在对能力本位的概念内涵进行逻辑梳理的基础上,通过现状调研、问卷调查、专家访谈等方法,对CBE理论在教学中应用的可行性的探究,以及对体育院系健美操专选课教学中应该培养的学生的能力的具体分析,研究分析出体育院系健美操项目专选学生应具备的能力结构系统,其中包括6个一级能力结构指标、17个二级能力结构指标和55个三级能力结构指标,尝试性地构建健美操专选课能力本位教学模式,旨在为体育院系健美操专选课教学的教学模式的创新提供参考,希望能对解决学校教育与社会需求脱节的矛盾有所帮助,为健美操教学改革和有关部门的决策提供参考依据,并对体育其它项目的专项教学有借鉴意义。本文得出:发端于职教领域的能力本位教学模式,经过改造适合高等体育教育专业健美操专选课的教学改革。该模式在不打破原有教学体系的前提下实施教学中心的转移,能有效地利用现有的教学条件,激发学生的学习积极性,使学生成为知识与能力的主动建构者,成为学习的真正主体;注重学生综合职业能力系统的培养,同时进行与该能力培养相关的知识传授和技能素质的培养,从而培养出具有适应社会要求和自我发展能力的“宽口径、厚基础”的健美操专业人才,使健美操运动项目得到更长久而深远的发展。

【Abstract】 CBE is the initials of Competency Based Education in English .its original meaning is“to cultivate the ability of the teaching system as the center”,that is the ability-based. It is our country developed a new educational concept at the last two decades, that is, to cultivate the capacity of education and develop as a fundamental activity.The basic characteristics of its capacity-building as the center is to start teaching activities, through the practice of ability to promote students’knowledge, ability, quality for development.Higher education is currently Sports Aerobics major specializing in teaching based on the ability to also explore the lack of practical systems. In this study, based on the ability of the logic of the concept of connotation on the basis of combing through the status of research, a questionnaire survey, expert interviews and other methods of CBE in the application of theory in teaching to explore the feasibility, as well as special Sport aerobics class institutions Teaching students should cultivate the ability of the specific analysis, Sports institutions of research and analysis project designed aerobics students selected should have the ability to structure the system, including the six-level structure of target capacity, the capacity of the seventeen structure of the two-tier target and fifty-five the capacity of the structure of the three-tier target, constructed tentative callisthenics Competence-based Specialized Course fuck modes of teaching, Sports institutions aimed at post-secondary course aerobics teaching innovation and provide a reference model, hoping to solve the School of Education and the contradiction between society’s demand for help, for teaching aerobics reform and relevant departments to provide reference for decision-making, Sports and other items from the special significance of teaching.According to the result of the research,we can get some conclusions as follows:the originator’s ability in the field of vocational education-based teaching model, after suitable transformation of the Higher Education Sports Aerobics major specializing in the teaching reform.The model does not break the existing system under the premise of teaching the implementation of the transfer of Learning Center, effective use of existing teaching conditions, to stimulate the enthusiasm of the students studying to become a knowledge and students take the initiative to build capacity, and become the real main study ; Students’ability to focus on vocational training system, at the same time with the ability to cultivate the knowledge and skills to impart quality training, which helps to nurture a society has to adapt to the demands and capacity for self-development of the "wide Perspective thick foundation," the aerobics professionals Aerobic exercise to make the project a more long-term and far-reaching development.

  • 【分类号】G831.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】419

