

Study on Different Formulations and Application Methods of Imidacloprid to Control Effect of Aphids and Effect of Natural Enemies and Cotton

【作者】 姜运涛

【导师】 马德英; 羌松;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 动物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 通过20%康福多SL室内对棉田天敌多异瓢虫的毒力测定、取食行为等的观察,吡虫啉不同剂型(20%康福多SL、高巧600FS拌种剂和艾美乐70%WG)及田间不同施药方式对棉蚜的防治效果、对天敌的安全性以及对棉花生长发育及产量品质的影响研究,获得了以下主要结果:1.20%康福多SL高浓度处理对多异瓢虫成虫有较高的触杀毒力,能够明显降低卵孵化、蛹羽化。0.06g/L处理对多异瓢虫成虫安全。0.24g/L以下浓度对瓢虫卵和蛹较安全,卵的孵化率和蛹的羽化率分别在70.97%和70%以上。2.20%康福多SL处理蚜虫后能明显降低多异瓢虫成虫的取食率,显著影响成虫的取食选择,对着药活蚜和新鲜死蚜的取食率分别为21.8%和11.5%,对干僵死蚜不取食。3.20%康福多SL田间喷雾处理对棉蚜有很好的控制作用,药后20d内40g/667m~2处理防效在80%~99.63%,15g/667m~2防效在52.84%~91.96%;40g/667m~2灌根处理的防治效果较差。药后10d内对长管蚜防效在88.46%~99.54%,但持效期较短。4.20%康福多SL田间喷雾处理对瓢虫各虫态及草蛉卵和蚜茧蜂寄生僵蚜的杀伤作用较大。药后3~20d,40g/667m~2处理卵量较对照减少78%~100%,40g/667m~2处理幼虫数量减少51%~100%,药后7~10d成虫数量减少70%以上。康福多40g/667m~2和赛丹喷雾处理对草蛉卵数量和蚜茧蜂寄生僵蚜数量影响较大,药后10~34d分别减少23%~69%和62.9%。康福多40g/667m~2灌根处理对所有天敌都较安全。5.20%康福多SL喷雾处理对棉花表现出较好的促进生长、提高蕾铃率的作用,但棉纤维衣分率较低。灌根处理效果不明显。20%康福多SL不同处理对棉花品质有不同程度的影响,总体比较,较对照无显著改善。6.在高盐碱土壤条件下,艾美乐喷施对棉蚜的防效高,持效期达20d左右。而高巧药剂拌种仅在棉蚜发生初期有较低控制作用,后期无效。叶面喷施艾美乐和阿克泰在施药初期对瓢虫数量影响较大,但随着施药时间的延长,天敌数量逐渐恢复。高巧600FS拌种剂和艾美乐70%WG促进结铃和吐絮效果明显,对棉花苗期生长、现蕾开花未表现出促进作用,但也无不良作用。7.灌水控制的普通土壤质地条件下,所有药剂处理对蚜虫的防治效果以及对天敌的安全性等结果与高盐碱土壤条件下试验结果一致。各药剂处理对棉花株高及叶片数有一定的促进作用,但影响不显著;高巧拌种+艾美乐喷施处理和阿克泰喷施处理平均单株铃数较多,单铃重及衣分率增加,增产效果显著。高巧拌种剂和艾美乐喷施在一定程度上能够提高棉花的抗逆作用,无不良影响。

【Abstract】 The paper comparatively studied on toxicities of 20%Confider SL to the Hippoodamia(Adonia) variegate (Goeze) and feeding behavior in the laboratory,and effects of different formulations of imidacloprid(20% Confider SL,Gaucho 600FS,Admire70%WG) applied in different methods to the Aphis gossypii Glover,the security of natural enemies,the development of cotton and fiber quality.The main results are as follows:1.The contact toxicity of high concentration of 20%Confider SL is high to adults of Hippoodamia(Adonia) variegate(Goeze),and the percentage of eggs hatching and pupae eclosion are significantly reduced.The dose of 0.06g/L is safe to adults.Doses below 0.24g/L showed a little effects to egg hatching and pupae eclosion,the percentage of egg hatching and pupae eclosion are above 70.97%and 70%respectively.2.The treatment of 20%Confider SL significantly decrease the feeding rate of adults,and influence the feeding choice of adults.The feeding rate of adults to the alive treated aphids and flesh dead treated aphids are 21.8%and 11.5%respectively,and the adult doesn’t feed the dried dead aphids at all.3.There are very good effects of foliar application of 20%confider SL to Aphis gossypii Glover.The control effects is around 80%~99.63%in dose of 40g/667m~2,and is around 52.84%~91.96%in dose of 15g/667m~2 within 20days.The control effect of foliar application is around 88.46%~99.54%within 10days to Acyrthosiphon gossypii Mordvilko,but the persistent period was short.No positive effects were observed in the treatment of root watering of 20%Confider SL in dose of 40g/667m~2.4.The foliar application of 20%Confider SL showed relative strong killing effects to all development stages of ladybug,the eggs of Chrysopa perla and Aphid Parasitoids.The quantity of ladybug eggs reduced 78-100%in dose of 40g/667m~2 to compare with the control within 3 to 20days,and the quantity of larvae reduced 51%~100%.The quantity of adults reduced above 70%between 7 to 10days.The foliar application of the 40g/667m~2 of 20%Confider SL and thiodan showed negative effect to the egg laying of Chrysopa perla and Aphid Parasitoids,and the quantity reduced 23%~69%and 62.9%,respectively.The treatment of root watering of 20%confider SL is safe to all investigated natural enemies.5.The foliar application of 20%Confider SL displayed positive effects on the cotton growth,budding and boll formation,whereas the lint percentage is relative low.The effect of root watering is unconspicuous. Although,there are different effects to the cotton quality were observed in treatments of 20%confider SL, however the differences are not significant.6.In the condition of the alkaline-saline soil,the effect of foliar application of Admire to aphids is high;the persistent period is about 20 days.There was little inhibition to aphids treated by Gaucho seed dressing at the early stage of cotton growing lasted for a short time.The number of ladybugs decreased significantly in treatments of Admire and thiamethoxam at the early stage of foliar application,and then the number of ladybugs upturned along with the time prolongation.There was no significant improvements were observed to the growth of seeding stage,budding and flowering in treatments of Gaucho 600FS and Admire70%WG,however the effects on boll formation and boll opening are distinct.7.In the condition of general soil with controlled irrigation,the effects of all pesticide treatments to aphids as well as the safety to natural enemies are similar to results obtained in the experiment of the alkaline-saline soil condition.The enhancement on height of cotton plant and leaf numbers were not significant.Effects of Gaucho 600FS plus Admire foliar application and thiamethoxam to cotton yield are significant since the high bolls per plant,the increase of weight of single boll and lint percentage.


