

Establishment of Ecological Assessment System for Tidal Flat Reclamation in Zhejiang Province and Its Software Development

【作者】 金周益

【导师】 钱翌; 唐建军;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 生态学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对浙江省滨海(江)滩涂湿地生态系统与滩涂围垦区域复合生态系统现状的调研分析,提出了浙江省滩涂围垦生态评价体系构建的原则。进而运用层次分析法和专家打分法,构建了浙江省滩涂围垦的生态评价指标体系及其指标权重,并借助计算机网络技术开发了相关的软件管理系统。基于此,本文以浙江上虞市滩涂围垦区域为例,对围垦前、后的不同生态系统进行生态评价,得到结果如下:首先,本文基于社会—经济—自然复合生态系统模型,提出了评价体系构建的原则,包括:(1)全面性与针对性原则;(2)客观性和可操作性原则;(3)系统性与相关性原则;(4)专用性与通用性原则。其次,基于全面性和因地制宜等诸因素的考量,构建了由1个目标层的总评价指标、3个准则层的分评价指标和24个措施层的具体评价指标三个等级层次所构成的浙江省滩涂围垦的生态评价指标体系。最后,开发了以该生态评价体系为框架、以J2EE架构为系统平台、以网络数据共享为技术手段,可编程的多层体系结构的软件管理系统。本文研究表明,滩涂围垦区域的土壤表层盐分、有机碳以及水体的pH值、电导率在时间和空间结构上具有较高的变异性。世纪丘的土壤盐分含量较高,有机碳含量较低,而69丘的土壤盐分含量相对较低,有机碳含量相对较高。在围垦前水体的pH值、电导率较高,而在围垦后较围垦前相应降低。在同一历史年代的滩涂围垦区域内,与种植蔬菜、棉花的土壤相比,种植水稻、杂草的土壤固碳能力更强。此外,运用建立起来的生态评价体系和软件管理系统,对浙江省上虞市滩涂围垦区域内的“八四丘(海涂试验农场)”和“世纪丘(正在实施围垦工程建设中)”复合生态系统进行了详细的评价,综评得分分别为80.7和65.3。结果表明,通过科学、合理的滩涂围垦开发利用,滩涂围垦区域取得了较好的社会、经济和自然生态环境综合效益,更好地实现了社会—经济—自然复合生态系统的和谐、可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Based on an analysis of actuality about seashore(river) tide flat wetland ecosystem and reclamated tidal flat complex ecosystem,we established a series of principles to build up a index system of ecological assessment for tidal flat reclamation.Father,by combinating Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and Experts’ Scoring Method,an index system for evaluating tide flat reclamation ecosystem in Zhejiang Province was determined and decided its weight.After that,a software management system related with the index system of ecological assessment was built up in virtue of employing PC and Internet.A case study of Zhejiang Shangyu Tidal Flat reclamation ecosystem was conducted.According to its ecological evaluation of different ecosystem of both before and after reclaimation,the following results were obtained.First,based on the complex ecosystem of Society-Economy-Nature,some important principles should be carefully considered to build up a index system for evaluation which include:(1)integrity and pertinence; (2)objectivity and operability;(3)systematicness and relevance;(4)specific and general indicator.Second, by considering the general situation and various circumstances,index system for ecological evaluation to tide flat reclamation complex ecosystem may consist of one index at target-layer,three indexes at guide-layer and 24 index at step-layer.Finally,The structure and its function of management software system was operating to take the evaluating system as a database core contents,and the J2EE configuring for system platform,and the data sharing network as tool,and to develop a programmable multilevel architecture.The results indicated high coefficients of variation of top soil salinity and organic carbon,as well as watery pH and conductance in the framework of spatio-temporal over all the samplings.The date revealed the high salinity and the low organic carbon content in the new-century zone and relatively low salinity and the high organic carbon level in the 69 zone of the studied field.It s the high watery pH and conductance level before reclaimation and accordingly low level after reclaimation.In the same reclaimation area of historical age,comparing the land of planting rice or ruderal to planting vegetable or cotton,the soil of planting rice or ruderal had stronger capability of carbon conservation.Otherwise by employing the established ecological assessment index system and software management system,the complex ecosystems of the 84-zone,i.e.Haitu Experiment Farm reclamated in 1984,and new-century zone newly reclamating since 2000 in Shangyu Tide Flat reclamation as the case study were carefully evaluated.The score of integrated evaluation was 80.7 and 65.3.It was concluded that the scientific and appropriate exploiture of the tide flat will fruit in to a better consequences both socio-economic benefits and natural ecoenvironment and to a harmonic and sustainable development complex ecosystem of Society-Economy-Nature.


