

Studies on the Character of Blossom and Fruition in Peculiarity Fruit Trees Around Tarim Basin in Xinjiang

【作者】 马燕

【导师】 李疆;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过野外观察和室内试验相结合的方法,对阿克苏地区红旗坡农场的香梨、红富士苹果和灰枣的开花特征,柱头可授性,花粉寿命,传粉媒介及传粉距离等开花结实的特性进行了研究,主要结果如下:1.2008年4月5日阿克苏地区库尔勒香梨进入初花期,花期持续约15d。单花开放时间5~6d,在自然条件下花粉寿命25d,柱头可授性在开花第1~2d内最强。花粉胚珠比(P/O值)为12186±2603,属异交繁育系统。花部形态具有典型的动物传粉特征,结实必须依赖传粉昆虫或人工授粉。意蜂、鼠尾管食蚜蝇等膜翅目和双翅目昆虫是有效传粉者,昆虫有效传粉距离约20m以内。砀山、早酥和红香酥等梨品种与库尔勒香梨花期相遇并均能有效提高其座果率。2.2008年4月11日阿克苏地区红富士苹果进入初花期,花期持续约17d。单花开放时间5~6d,在自然条件下花粉寿命24d,柱头可授性在开花第1d最强。花粉胚珠比(P/O值)为15664±765,属异交繁育系统。花部形态特征为典型的动物传粉的特征,结实必须依靠传粉昆虫或人工授粉,昆虫有效距离为20m以内。青香蕉,新世纪,嘎啦与红富士苹果花期相遇,而且均能够有效的提高红富士苹果坐果率。红富士苹果花芽形态分化可分为七个时期:未分化期,花序原基分化,分化初期,萼片分化期,花瓣分化期,雄蕊分化期和雌蕊分化期,整个花芽形态分化期持续90d左右。3.2008年5月底阿克苏地区灰枣进入初花期,花期持续2个月。单花开放在24h完成,在自然条件下花粉寿命为11天,当单花开放花瓣展平时,柱头可授性最强。P/O值为15196±4290。花部特征为典型的虫媒花特征;双翅目食蚜蝇科、丽蝇科、蝇科的昆虫及蚂蚁和人工饲养的意蜂为有效传粉者。灰枣花芽形态分化可分为七个时期:未分化期,花序原基分化,分化初期,萼片分花期,花瓣分花期,雄蕊分花期和雌蕊分花期。枣单花花芽形态分化历时6d左右。

【Abstract】 The blossoming character,stigmas receptivity,pollens life,pollination media,pollination distance of Korla Fragrant Pear,Red Fuji apple,Hui-zao jujube in Hong-qi po farm in Aksu region were studied by both the field observation and the experiment indoor in this paper.The main results were as follows:1. In April 5th,2008,Korla Fragrant Pear in Aksu district began from initial flowering and the flowering duration was about 15 days.The longevity of individual flowers was 5~6 days,while the pollens life was 25 days in nature condition.The stigmas had the strong receptivity at the 1st and 2nd day of blooming.The pollen-ovule ratio (P/O) was 12186±2603.Based on Cruden’s criterion,the breeding system would be termed xenogamy.The floral morphology had the typical animal-pollinated characters,and the fruit setting depends on the pollination by insects or by hand.the effecitive pollinators were Hymenopteran and Dipteran,such as Apis mellifera Ligustica and Eristalis campestris Meigen.The efficiency distance of insects pollination within 20m.The florescence of Korla Fragrant Pear has almost simultaneous with varieties of Dangshan Pear, Zaosu Pear,and Hongxiangsu Pear,and the fruit setting can be promoted by hand pollination with the pollens of these three varieties as well.2. In April 11th.2008,the Korla Fragrant Red Fuji apple were in Initial blossom date,and the flowering duration was about 17days.The longevity of individual flowers was 5~6 days,while the pollens life was 24 days in nature condition.The stigmas had the strong receptivity at the 1st day of blooming.The pollen-ovule ratio (P/O) was 15664±765.Based on Cruden’s criterion,the breeding system would be termed xenogamy.The floral morphology has the typical animal-pollinated characters, and the fruit setting depends on the pollination by insects or by hand.Hymenopteran (Apis mellifera Ligustica ) is effecitive pollinators.The efficiency distance of insects pollination less than 20m.The florescence of Red Fuji had almost simultaneous with varieties of qing xiangjiao,Xinshijie,Gala and the fruit setting can be promoted by hand pollination with the pollens of these three varieties as well.Red Fujin apple floral bud morphodifferentiation could be divided into seven developmental stages.They are flower bud indifferentiation stage,Flower order differenriation flower bud differentiation initial stage,sepaldifferentiation stage,petal differentiation stage,stamen differentiation stage and pistildifferentiation stage.All floral morphodifferentiation mainly need more than 90 days.3. In 2008,the initial flowering of Korla Fragrant Hui-zao jujube initial blossom date from May 24th,singal flower just duration 24h.while the pollens life was 11 days in nature condition.Petal deploy,the stigmas had the strong receptivity,The pollen-ovule ratio (P/O) was 151967±4290.The floral morphology has the typical animal-pollinated characters,the effecitive pollinators were Eristalis campestris Meigen,Eristalis sp.,Eristalinus sp.,Calliphoridae,Muscidae,ant and Apis mellifera Ligustica.The efficiency distance of insects pollination within 18m.Hui-zao jujube floral bud morphodifferentiation can be divided into seven developmental stages.They are flower bud indifferentiation stage;Flower order differenriation flower bud differentiation initial stage,sepaldifferentiation stage,petal differentiation stage,stamen differentiation stage and pistildifferentiation stage. All floral morphodifferentiation of singal flower just 6 days.


