

On the Right of Direct Claim of the Third Party in Marine Liability Insurance

【作者】 杨云君

【导师】 蔡镇顺;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 国际法, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着学者们对海上责任保险研究的深入,第三人对海上责任保险人的直接请求权也逐渐成为研究的热点问题。第三人直接请求权制度,是对传统民法中的合同相对性原则的突破,同时也是现代海上责任保险的立法趋势。但令人遗憾的是,迄今为止,在国际海上责任保险制度中,尚没有一个比较完善的第三人直接请求权制度,因此,对第三人直接请求权的研究是有其制度价值的。本文以民法基本原理为指导,参考国内外关于第三人直接请求权的理论研究和司法实践,对海上责任保险中第三人直接请求权的一些基本问题,如该制度的研究价值、理论基础、具体行使等作了初步研究,并提出相关立法对策。全文除绪论和结论外,共分为四章。第一章介绍了第三人直接请求权的产生及发展。通过对海上责任保险第三人直接请求权的界定和分类,介绍了海上责任保险的历史沿革及第三人直接请求权观念的演进,并从第三人直接请求权制度的合理性和可行性两方面分析了海上责任保险中第三人直接请求权的研究价值。第二章介绍了第三人直接请求权的法理基础及性质。在肯定了第三人直接请求权有悖于合同相对性原则的基础上,对有关第三人直接请求权理论的五种学说一一列举,分别探讨其利弊,同时对第三人直接请求权的性质进行了分析。第三章介绍了第三人直接请求权的行使,是本文的重点。详细论述了海上强制责任保险领域和海上任意责任保险中第三人直接请求权在行使条件、保险人的抗辩权等方面的不同,并对具体行使中相关权利之间的竞合与冲突进行了探讨。第四章对第三人直接请求权的立法进行了评析和对策分析,是本文的难点。根据本文的论述,结合国际公约和国外立法的相关规定,对我国关于第三人直接请求权的立法一一评析,并提出建立我国关于第三人直接请求权制度的立法建议。

【Abstract】 Recently,with the scholars’ profoud study on marine liability insurance,the right of direct claim of the third party against the insurer has become the focus of the study. The system of the third party’s right of direct claim breaks the traditional rule of Privity of Contract in civil law,which is,at the same time,the trend of modern liability insurance law.Unfortunately,however,so far there has not been any perfect system about the right in international society,so the study is valuable.Based on the basic principles of civil law as a guide,refering domestic and foreign study and judicial practice,the thesis gives a preliminary study on some fundamental problems of the subject,such as the research value of the system,the theoretical foundation and the specific performance,and put forward legislative proposals as well.In addition to the introduction and the conclusion,the thesis is divided into four chapters.The first chapter gives an overview on the origin and development of the third party’s right of direct claim.It introduces the definition and the classification of this subject,as well as the history of maritime liability insurance and the evolution of the concept of the third party’s direct claim right.From the rationality and feasibility two aspects,the thesis analyzes the research value of the system.The second chapter describes the legal principle theries and nature of the third party’s right of direct claim.By affirming that the third party’s direct claim right is contrary to the Privity of Contract rule,the thesis discusses the pros and cons of five kinds of theories on this subject and analyzes its legal nature.The third chapter is the key part of the thesis and introduces the performance of the third party’s right of direct claim.It studies differences between the third party’s direct claim right in the compulsory maritime liability insurance and that in the common marine liability insurance in the aspects of enforcing conditions as well as the defense of the insurers suffered.The last chapter discusses the legislation about the third party’s right of direct claim,which is the difficult part of the thesis.By combining relevant provisions of international conventions and foreign legislations,it analyzes our country’s present legislation situation and makes some suggestions on how to build the system about the the third party’s direct claim right in our country.


