

Optimization of the Setting of the Near-synonym Discrimination Boxes in ECLDs

【作者】 朱文慧

【导师】 马立东;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 英语近义词的大量存在使近义词辨析成为英语学习中不容忽视的一个领域。作为英语学习重要的参考工具,英语学习型词典都竭力提供各种形式的近义词辨析信息。近义词辨析栏是新版英语学习型词典的重要组成部分,但是现有的近义词辨析栏仍有不尽如人意的地方。本文从三个方面对英汉学习型词典中近义词辨析栏的设置进行分析。这三个方面分别为近义词列的选取、近义词的多维辨析和英汉学习型词典中近义词的索引系统。本文系统研究了优化近义词辨析栏设置所需的主要理论。这些相关理论包括同义语义场、原型理论、意义七分法、语义韵理论、凸显原则,以及用户视角理论。在上述理论的基础上对主流英语学习型词典及英汉学习型词典中近义词辨析栏的设置情况进行了纵向和横向的深入分析,并对其中的近义词辨析栏进行了个案研究。结果发现英汉学习型词典中近义词辨析栏的设置在数量和质量上远远滞后于五大主流英语学习词典。尤其是在采用基于语料库的方法进行近义词辨析方面存在严重的不足。本文采用基于语料库的研究方法选取近义词列,并通过分析近义词在不同语域中的分布、典型搭配词及其语义韵特点区分近义词在语体义及搭配义方面的异同;针对如何将这些辨析信息整合到英汉学习型词典的近义词辨析栏中,作者提出了八种可行的方式,并分别对其进行了分析和探讨。基于英语学习型词典的成功经验,采用语料库研究的方法,本文从近义词列的选取,近义词的辨析以及近义词的索引系统三个方面研究了优化英汉学习型词典中近义词辨析栏设置的可行性,并提供了优化后的近义词辨析栏样例。

【Abstract】 English synonyms,particularly near-synonyms,as they are generally large in number,play a very important role in vocabulary acquisition.The near-synonym discrimination box,a crucial component of ECLDs,is a valuable resource for Chinese EFL learners to retrieve near-synonym discrimination information,however,the setting of the near-synonym discrimination boxes is far from being satisfactory.In this thesis,the issue of setting near-synonym discrimination boxes is addressed in three interrelated aspects:the range of the cluster,the multi-dimensional discrimination information and the access system.Six theories are introduced and integrated to lay the theoretical foundation for the present study.They are Semantically Synonymous Field,Prototype Theory,Seven Types of Meaning,Semantic Prosody,Prominence Principle and User Perspective.A synchronical and diachronical survey of the setting of the near-synonym discrimination boxes in typical ELDs and one ECLD reveals that in the practice of setting the near-synonym boxes,ECLDs lag behind ELDs,especially in applying corpus evidence to the setting of near-synonym discrimination boxes in ECLDs.Corpus-based approaches are adopted in determining the range of the cluster and in discriminating near-synonyms.The register,significant collocates and the semantic prosody of the near-synonyms are investigated in corpora.Eight ways are proposed to integrate the corpus-based findings into the near-synonym discrimination boxes.Based on the strong points found in ELDs and the corpus-based approaches, suggestions for improving the setting of the near-synonym discrimination boxes are made.Models for the optimized near-synonym discrimination boxes and the external access system of the near-synonyms are presented as well.


