

Researchment about Citizen Refined Service Based on City Card System

【作者】 耿晓燕

【导师】 王舰;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会飞速的发展进步,城市公民对政府管理服务的要求越来越高,物质生活改善,加速了人们对精神文明的追求。然而当前政府管理与市民丰富的物质生活之间存在差距,主要表现在如下几个方面:一是市民主人翁意识的加强,希望能够参与到城市管理中去,政府信息公开、政策民主的要求比较高;二是政府服务质量和服务水平的改善,部门信息化水平和信息化管理手段需要进一步加强,使市民在办理业务时候能够更方便快捷;三是业务流程化和制度结构化需要理清,在业务处理过程中尽量坚持透明公开的原则,消除吃、拿、卡等“潜规则”,通过网上办公、在线审批等方式,彻底改变以往“事难办、脸难看”的情况;四是针对市民综合服务功能加强,变以往部门管理方式为业务管理方式,消除部门之间的壁垒,避免市民在办事过程中跑部门的现象,而是市民只需提出服务的内容,政府部门之间内部协调,综合服务。我国从上个世纪末期开始政府信息化工作,经过反复的探索,目前已经进入到数据集成和管理阶段。对于一个城市来说,将与市民生活相关的基础数据进行统一管理,将业务系统集成连通,是当前电子政务建设的重点,“一卡通”系统就是在这个基础上提出的。系统的建设,非常贴近市民生活,能够有效解决政府管理水平和市民需求之间的差距问题,是当前电子政务建设的重点,当前国内很多城市都开展了“一卡通”系统的建设。“一卡通”系统是指在原有政府部门业务系统的基础上,进行新建、升级、改造,通过建设统一的网络和数据管理系统,将这些系统联合到一起,并通过与银行等事业单位联合,开发大量增值业务。一方面能够方便市民办事,变“部门化”市民管理模式为“事务处理型”新型市民管理模式,另一方面通过政府部门和事业单位联合,能够改善市民基本生活环境,方便市民处理生活中有关问题。通过业务集成,市民可以在系统中统一办理民政、劳动保障、医疗保障、工商、税务、户籍、教育、卫生、计生、人事、残疾、慈善等业务,也可以利用一张统一的“市民卡”在公交、出租、地铁、水费、电费、轮渡、加油、智能化小区、停车场收费、旅游集散中心票务、便利点、连锁超市、体育场馆、公园、电影院等设备场所进行小额消费,避免排队和携带多张卡的麻烦。通过“一卡通”系统的建设实施,市民能够充分享受到政府贴身的服务,也能够了解和参与到政府部分业务当中。然而,系统建设是一项复杂巨大的工程,牵涉部门多、技术复杂,在建设方法、部门协调、资金筹措、管理维护等方面都存在很大的问题,而关于这方面系统化的研究很少,真正成功的案例几乎没有。城市在系统实施建设方面可以参考的案例比较少,详细的理论指导也很少。本文根据工作经验,加上研究生阶段的理论学习,在广泛调研基础上,将系统建设过程和系统对城市管理的意义加以整理,最终成文,希望能够对系统的建设具有一定指导意义。

【Abstract】 The public requirement on the government management is becoming higher with the rapid social development. Their purchase on improvement of material life also accelerates the pursuit of spiritual civilization. At present, the gap between the government management and the citizen demand is mainly manifested in the following some aspects:Firstly, the strengthening of the sense of ownership makes the public want to participate in city management. So their requirement on public information disclosure and policy democracy is relatively high.Secondly, the government service and the department information management need to be further strengthened, enabling the public affairs more convenient and efficient.Thirdly, the business process and institutional structure need to be rationalized. Carry out OA and online approval to eliminate the unreasonable situation.Fourthly, change the department management to business management, eliminate barriers between departments, strengthen the function of general serviceInformatization has been carried out in our country since the end of last century. After the exploration, informatization has entered the phase of data integration and management. For a city, the focus of e-government is to integrate the basic data and business related to the daily life of the public. "City card" system is proposed on this basis. The system construction is close to the public life and can solve the gap between the government management level and the public demand effectively. "City card" system is the focus of present e-government construction and is carried out in many cities of our country."City card" system is the integrated net and data management system constructed on the original government department operating system. It can develop a large number of value-added services through cooperating with banks and other institutions. On one hand it facilitates the public affairs, change the department management to business management, creating a new public management; on the other hand it can improve the public living environment and solve related questions through uniteing the government departments and institutions. " City card" system can handle government business covering civil affairs, labor and social security, health care, industry and commerce, taxation, residence, education, health, family planning, personnel, disability and charitable. It also can use "Citizen Card" to provide small-amount payment service covering public transportation, rental, subway, water, electricity, ferry, come on, intelligence community, parking fees, travel ticketing hub to facilitate the point, supermarket chains, stadiums, parks, cinemas and other places. "City card" system makes the public enjoy the government service and understand and participate in the government management.Well, the system construction is a complex huge project, involving many of the department, technical complexity, the construction methods, department coordination, financing, management, maintenance, etc. But little research is done on this respect and there is no successful case. So the reference cases and theories on the city system construction are very few. Based on a wide range of research, work experience and graduate student studying, I organized the system construction process and significance on the city management to write the paper. I hope it can have some guidance significance on the system construction.


