

Analysis of High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Microfacies in 4th Member of Quantou Formation of Haituozi Area in Jilin Oilfield

【作者】 江志强

【导师】 张金亮;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋地质, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 松辽盆地南部海坨子地区位于中央坳陷区大安-红岗阶地南端,西邻西部斜坡区,东为乾安凹陷,该区勘探程度比较低,存在着大面积的小幅度构造和隐蔽性岩性油气藏。本文旨在通过对区域格架层和沉积体系、沉积相的研究,建立该区沉积地层层序以及沉积相的演化规律,在此基础上分析海坨子地区泉四段储层砂体的成因类型以及分布规律,为海坨子地区勘探开发提供可靠的地质科学依据。本文运用高分辨率层序地层学的原理,通过层序界面的岩心、钻测井和地震响应特征,对海坨子地区泉四段进行了层序地层划分,把研究区划分为一个长期旋回、4个中期旋回和12个短期旋回,剖析了短期基准面旋回层序的结构类型,识别出了向上“变深”的非对称型短期基准面旋回(A)和向上变深复变浅的对称型短期基准面旋回(C),以及分布发育于低可容纳空间和高可容纳空间中的2种亚类型。并初步建立了海坨子地区泉四段高分辨率层序地层格架。根据研究区泉四段各砂组沉积时期的泥岩色值图、重矿物组合特征和铸体薄片分析资料,确定研究区为水上氧化和弱还原的沉积环境,气候干燥、炎热,物源区为东北部和西南部,砂岩碎屑类型主要为岩屑长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩。在层序格架内,以岩心资料为依据,结合测井和粒度分析资料,建立沉积相识别标志,首次提出了海坨子地区泉四段为末端扇沉积体系。研究区主要位于末端扇中部亚相,其主要沉积微相有分流河道、近水道漫溢、远水道漫溢和泥滩。末端扇具有不同于其它沉积相类型的沉积构造,平行层理是其中最典型的标志,河道冲刷面之上常直接发育平行层理,砂体中富含泥质条带。在对小层砂体和沉积微相分析的基础上,绘制了海坨子地区泉四段小层砂体平面分布图、沉积微相平面图以及沉积微相对比剖面图,最终建立了研究区末端扇沉积体系的沉积模式,确定并描述了砂体的分布特征和以及时空演化规律。

【Abstract】 Haituozi area in south Songliao basin lies in the south of the Daan-Honggang terrace of the Central Depression area, west of the Western Slope and east of Qianan Depression. The extent of the exploration in the target area is relatively low and there are large areas of small structural and hidden lithologic reservoirs. This paper sets up superposition fashion of sedimentary sequence and evolution rules of sedimentary facies, analyzes reservoir genetic type and distribution rule of Haituozi area in order to provide reliable geological basis for further exploration and development in future.Applying the theories of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, the paper classifies the layer of Quantou Formation in Haituozi area through the combination of core, well and seismic. One long term base level cycle, four middle term base level cycles and twelve short term base level cycles are identified in the target area. Analyzing structural type of short term datum level cycle, the paper identifies two main types which are up-deeping asymmetry(A) and symmetry from up-deeping to up-shallowing(C). Further in the light of the high or low accommodation, two subtypes of structure are distinguished. At the same time, high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework are built up in Quantou Formation of Haituozi area.According to the mudstone color value charts, the characteristics of heavy mineral assemblages and analysis of cast thin sections, oxidation and weak reduction are identified and source come from the north-east and south-west of the target area which climate is dry and hot. The reservoir sandstone are primarily litharenite and feldspathic litharenite.The sedimentary facies identification is built up and Terminal fan system is firstly confirmed on the Quantou Formation of Haituozi area with the study of core, well and grain size datum. The target area lies in the distributary zone which microfacies are distributary channel, proximal overbank, distal bank and mudflat. The sedimentary structures in Terminal fan are different from other types. Parallel bedding which is the most special trademark often occurs on the channel erosion surface and mud-stripe are abundant in sandstone. On the basis of analysis of the sandstone of layers and microfacies, sand body plane graphs, sedimentary microfacies plane and profile graphs about each layer and sedimentary model are drawn in order to study the reservoir distribution rules and evolution characters.


