

Research on Tourism Function of Modern City Squares in China

【作者】 初洁

【导师】 张广海;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 旅游管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 城市广场既是城市形态的载体,又是城市文化的体现,是城市公共活动空间中最具活力、最具标志性的部分。它除了作为市民的休憩娱乐场所,还在一定程度上代表着城市的形象,是旅游者了解一个城市最直观的窗口。随着现代旅游业的飞速发展,一些城市广场正在成为城市中最重要的旅游景观。本文以旅游学和城市规划理论为基础,结合建筑学、地理学、生态学、行为心理学等理论,从旅游学角度对城市广场的主体和功能进行研究,并重点针对其旅游功能提出评价方法。目的是对现代城市广场的旅游功能进行系统认识和准确定位,以期对我国的城市广场建设,尤其是以旅游景观为主要功能的广场建设给予理论和实践上的支持。主要内容包括:首先,对城市广场进行理论解析,包括广场的概念和特征、理论研究基础、国内外广场发展历史和研究现状以及现代城市广场在城市景观中的具体作用。其次,对城市广场的类型和功能进行研究。本文突破传统的分类方法,将城市广场按照旅游功能的大小进行分类。通过研究广场的主体——人的心理需求和行为模式,来确定城市广场的功能类型,并重点对其旅游景观功能进行研究。然后,分析了城市广场旅游功能的影响因素,包括区域环境影响因素和区位影响因素两部分。区域环境影响因素主要指广场所在城市的自然、社会、经济环境;区位影响因素则指广场自身的位置、形态、文化内涵和其他构成要素。接着,对现代城市广场的旅游功能进行评价。根据影响因素确定城市广场旅游功能的评价指标,并引入灰色综合评价方法建立合理的指标评价模型,力求突出评价过程的系统性、科学性。最后的实证分析部分,以大连市的城市广场建设为例。通过实地考察,收集大量一手资料,选取大连市最具代表性的星海广场和人民广场,利用所设计的指标评价模型进行分析并加以比较,从而确立不同类型的城市广场在城市旅游中的地位,旨在为我国城市广场的旅游功能建设提供参考依据。

【Abstract】 City squares are widely recognized as the most dynamic and the most symbolic part of urban public spaces for activities. They act not only as the carriers of urban morphology but also as the representations of urban culture. In addition to being a recreation and amusement place for citizens, city square, to a certain degree, stands for the image of the city and acts as the most intuitive window for tourists to explore the city. With the rapid development of modern tourism, some of city squares are gradually turning into the most important tourism landscapes.On the basis of tourism science and urban planning theory, this thesis introduces the theories from such subjects as architecture, geography, ecology and behavior psychology and so on, carries out the researches on the subjects and functions of city squares and puts forward an evaluation method which focuses on the tourism function of city squares. The purpose for doing so is to systematically recognize and accurately orientate the tourism function of modern city squares, and to provide theoretical and practical guidance for the construction of city squares in China, especially for those primarily functioning as tourism landscapes. The main contents of this thesis are as following:First, the thesis makes theoretical analysis on city square, including the concept and characteristics of a city square, basic theoretical theories, the development history and research status of city squares both in China and in foreign countries, and the specific role that a modern city square plays in city landscapes.Second, the analysis on the types and functions of city squares are conducted. In this thesis, city squares are classified based on the size of tourism functions, which has gone beyond the traditional means of classification. With the researches on the psychological needs and behavioral patterns of modern city squares’subject—human being, the functional types of modern city squares are determined, and the study is focused on the squares’function as tourism landscapes.Third, the influencing factors on tourism function of city squares are analyzed, whose specific contents include regional environment influencing factors and locational influencing factors. The regional environment influencing factors mainly refer to the natural, social and economic environments of the city in which a square is located, while the factors of locational influence refer to the location, pattern, cultural connotation and other constituent elements of city squares themselves.Furthermore, tourism function of modern city squares is then evaluated. The evaluation indexes for tourism function of city squares are confirmed based on the influencing factors, and an evaluation model is established by using the Grey Comprehensive Evaluation Method. It is aimed at the systematicness and scientificity of the evaluation process.Finally, the construction of city squares in Dalian City is taken as example in the part of empirical analysis. A large amount of first-hand data have been collected after on-the-spot investigation. Xinghai Square and People’s Square in Dalian City have been selected for their most representativeness. Then the index evaluation model designed is applied to the analysis and comparison. Thus, the roles that different kinds of city squares play in city tourism are established and the references for the construction of tourism function of city squares in China may be provided.


