

The International Comparative Study of Public Interest Litigation

【作者】 朱翠玮

【导师】 肖鹏;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 国际法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 传统法律理论认为,维护社会公益乃国家之职责,对危害社会公共利益的行为,理应由国家适用公权力追究其责任,公民私人无权亦无需介入;法院被认为是处理个人利益之间的纠纷,而不是管理有关公共利益的事务。相应地,建立在这一理论基础之上的传统诉讼法体系立足于维护个人私益,对于公民个人间的私益纠纷,公民个人可以通过法院适用司法力量维护自身合法权益,而对于社会公共利益,公民个人因对其无直接利害关系,其原告资格不予承认,对于遭受损害或损害之虞的社会公益之维护,法院大门对公民个人是紧闭的。事实证明,当人类进入到社会生活日益复杂化和利益关系日益多元化的现代社会,“行政万能论”下的单纯依靠国家这一单个主体已远远不能适应维护各种社会公益,而公益诉讼制度正是为适应这一突破性要求而产生的一项理想的制度设计,并为国际立法与实践所检验与认同。公益诉讼是指允许直接利害关系人以外的公民或组织,根据法律的授权,对违反法律侵犯国家利益和社会公共利益的行为,向法院起诉,并由法院追究违法者责任的诉讼。公益诉讼制度,是指任何组织和个人都可以根据法律法规的授权,对违反法律、侵犯国家利益、社会公共利益的行为,有权向法院起诉,由法院追究违法者法律责任的行为规范。随着我国法制的完善和公民法律意识的增强,具有公益诉讼性质案件的数量呈增长趋势,公益诉讼之诉作为一项关系全社会人民共同利益的重要诉讼制度,已经越来越受到公众的重视。我国在法学理论领域虽对公益诉讼已经有了比较广泛的研究,但是在司法实践领域,我国现行的三大诉讼法中,唯一明确公益诉讼的是针对危害国家利益、社会利益的犯罪行为,授权检察机关向人民法院提起刑事诉讼,除此之外,立法上没有关于公益诉讼的踪迹,无法对损害公共利益的行为进行法律追究。本文通过对公益诉讼制度的概念、特征以及国际公益诉讼立法的介绍,针对公益诉讼在我国的现状,结合我国国情,从提起公益诉讼的主体范围、管辖和审级、案件范围、诉讼前置程序、提起方式、立案审查、审理等方面着手,探讨如何构建我国的公益诉讼制度。主要探讨了公益诉讼的原告主体资格的扩张,并对公益诉讼在审理过程中涉及到的相关诉讼程序,如:适用合议制、不适用调解、诉讼时效、举证责任的分配、判决的效力等等进行了探讨。对公益诉讼原告的资格,突破了我国现行的《民事诉讼法》和《行政诉讼法》中对当事人的主体资格采用的“直接利害关系人”说,公益诉讼有权提起的主体不应仅仅局限于直接利害关系人,而应赋予所有知道国家和公共利益或社会中不特定的大多数人的利益遭到侵害的组织和个人提起公益诉讼的权利,笔者认为我国公益诉讼原告范围应为检察机关、具有一定社会公共职能的社会团体组织和国家机关、以及公民,总之,公益诉讼作为一种有效的救济权利的司法机制,已被诸多国家的司法经验所证实,无论是从国际发展趋势还是我国的社会现状及未来发展趋势,在我国的司法实践领域,公益诉讼有着广阔的适用前景。面对现状,通过借鉴国际上的公益诉讼制度,取其精华,结合我国实际,以积极而审慎的态度,推动公益诉讼的发展,使公益诉讼制度成为保护我国国家利益和社会公共利益的一种行之有效的制度,是我辈继续努力奋斗的方向。

【Abstract】 According to traditional law theories,it’s the nation’s duty to maintain public interest,and the behaviors that place public interest in danger,theoretically speaking, should be investigated and affixed responsibility by the nation adopting proper public right and the citizen itself has no right or need to get involved;the court is seen as an institution providing relief to private interest contradiction instead of public interest. The system of litigation based accordingly on the traditional theories is established to handle all issues that are of private interest and the citizen itself can defend its interest legally through the court;while the citizen has no direct relation with public interest and therefore,the court does not accept individual citizens as plaintiff.In this sense, the court closes its door to the individual citizens,who try to defend the public interest that has been damaged or is insecure against damage.Facts prove that when human enter the modern society in which social activities tend complicated and interest relations tend pluralistic,the nation as an only subject cannot meet the various demands of public interest.The system of public interest litigation is the system that meets the demands and makes a breakthrough,and is in use in other countries’ legislation and practices.Public interest litigation is by definition the litigation in which the citizen or organization that is not directly interested,by authority of law,brings a lawsuit against any behavior that infringes upon national interest or public interest and the court investigates and affixes the responsibility.Public interest litigation system is the code of conduct by which any organization or individual person,by authority of law,brings a lawsuit against any behavior that violates laws or infringe upon national interest or public interest to the court which investigates and affixes the responsibility.With the improvement of China’s legal system and citizens’ legal awareness,the amount of the lawsuits that are of public interest litigation displays rising tendency.Public interest litigation system as an important litigation system to public common interest is attached much importance by more and more individuals.Although wide-ranging studies on public interest litigation have been undertaken by the law theory circle,in China’s judicial practice,the only specification in the current three major laws of litigation on public interest litigation is that against criminal behaviors that infringe upon national interest and public interest,procuratorates are authorized to bring lawsuits to the courts.There is no other statement on public interest litigation than that,so there is no way to investigate and affix responsibility to the behaviors that infringe public interest.This thesis makes an introduction on the concept,features and other countries’ practice of public interest litigation system,and in view of the existing situation of public interest litigation in China and considering the national conditions,this thesis delves into how to construct China’s public interest litigation system touching the scope of the subject,jurisdiction and judicial level,type of lawsuit,mode of bringing a lawsuit,placing a case on file and investigation,and trial.It mainly discusses the extension of the scope of the subject,making a breakthrough in the subject qualification of‘direct interested person’ as adopted in China’s current Civil Procedure Law and Administrative Procedure Law.The subject that has the right to bring a public interest lawsuit shall not be limited to direct interested person.Rights to bring a public interest lawsuit shall be given to all organizations or individuals who are aware that national interest or public interest is infringed upon,or shall be given to a majority of individuals who are not specific and whose interest is infringed upon. The author holds that the scope of subject of civil public interest litigation is comprised of procuratorates,social organizations that are of specific social functions and citizens.This paper also discusses relevant litigation procedures in the trial of public interest lawsuits,for instance,collegial system being applicable,conciliation being not applicable,and limitation of action,sharing of the burden of proof,and effectiveness of judgment,and so on.To sum up,public interest litigation as an effective legislative relief has been verified by many countries’ practices.Seen from the international trend of development or in view of China’s existing situation and trend of future development, public interest litigation boasts a bright future of wide-ranging application.Efforts shall be made,in view of existing situation,to draw references from the public interest litigation of other countries by absorbing the essence and combining the realities,with an active and prudent attitude to promote the development of public interest litigation,so that the public interest litigation system will be an effective system to protect the national interest and public interest.


