

【作者】 刘敬宇

【导师】 孙健;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 美国是世界上公务员制度比较完备的国家之一,其公务员制度的建立从1883年《彭德尔顿法》颁布算起已经有一百多年的历史。随着时代条件发生巨大变化,美国的公务员制度也出现了一些问题,如繁琐的职位分类,过于复杂的雇用程序,重资历的职务晋升等,使这一制度缺乏灵活性、趋于僵化。20世纪80年代以来,受“新公共管理运动”的影响,美国联邦政府的公务员制度进行了一系列的改革并取得了一定成效,其主要措施有下放管理权限、实行弹性管理、改进绩效管理等,这些改革措施反映了西方国家公务员制度改革和发展的一些趋势。我国年轻的公务员制度只有十几年的历史,处于与西方国家相同的国际背景下,面对新一轮变革的挑战,又受到国内政治、经济体制改革的驱动,再加上制度自身的缺陷,急需进一步改革完善。因此,如何立足国情,有选择地借鉴美国公务员制度变革的基本举措,得出本土化的有中国特色的公务员制度改革完善之路,便是本文力图解决的问题。本文第一部分对公务员制度相关概念进行了阐释,并分析了西方公务员制度的基本特征。第二部分简要介绍了美国公务员制度的形成过程。第三部分20世纪70年代以来美国政府公务员制度的改革的背景、原则、内容进行了分析,并对其改革的特点和动因进行了总结。第四部分简要指出了当前我国公务员制度所面临的挑战。第五部分利用行政生态学的有关理论对美国改革举措的适用性进行了分析,研究了中国与美国行政生态环境方面的差异,指出不能盲目照搬美国的改革经验,应该立足我国实际,有选择地借鉴美国公务员制度改革的经验。第六部分从完善激励机制、加强能力建设、加强道德建设等方面提出了完善我国公务员制度的几点建议。

【Abstract】 The United States is one of the western countries with relatively mature civil service systems, whose civil service system has a history of more than one hundred years since the Pendleton Act (Civil Service Reform Act) of 1883.As time changes,various problems have been found in US civil service system,such as cumbersome classification of positions,over complicated employment procedures,and promotions emphasizing seniority,which make this system rigid and inflexible. Since 1980s,influenced by the ’New Public Administration Movement’ the civil service system of US federal government has undergone a series of reforms and some improvements have been achieved.The main measures in the reform include granting administration jurisdiction to lower levels,implementing flexible administration,improving performance management,etc.,which reflect the trends of reform and development in the civil service systems of western countries.The civil service system in China has a short history of less then twenty years.It is also faced with the challenges of the new round of revolution under the same international background of western countries,as well as driving forces in domestic political and economical reforms.Considering the immaturity of the system itself,further revolution and improvements are urgent.This thesis tries to study the main measures in the civil service system reform in the United States and use them as reference in the study of the Chinese way of reform in its civil service system.The first part of the thesis explains the relevant concepts of civil ervice system,and analyzes the main characteristics of civil service systems in western countries.The second part introduces the development of US civil service system.The third part analyzes the background,principles and contents of the civil service system reform in the United States since 1970s,and summarizes the key points of the reform.The forth part researches the challenges in front of Chinese civil service system.The fifth part studies the feasibility of adopting US reform options in China based on ecology of public administration,and analyzes the difference in public administration environment in the two countries.It is then pointed out that US reform experiences shall not be adopted blindly in China.Selective reference of US experiences in civil service system reform shall be made based on the reality of China.The sixth part proposes suggestions on the Chinese civil service system regarding improvement of motivation mechanism,competence of service,and morality.

  • 【分类号】D630.3;D771.2
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1990
  • 攻读期成果

