

Studies on Effect of Temperature on Life Ability of Periplaneta Americana (Linnaens) and Parasitoid Behavior of Tetrastichus Hagenowii (Ratzeburg)

【作者】 徐鹿

【导师】 吴珍泉;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 生物防治, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 美洲大蠊Periplaneta americana (Linnaens)是世界性的卫生害虫,蜚蠊卵荚寄生蜂哈氏啮小蜂Tetrastichus hagenowii(Ratzeburg)是控制其危害的重要天敌。在前人的研究基础上,本文以美洲大蠊卵荚作为繁殖寄主,研究了美洲大蠊及其天敌哈氏啮小蜂繁殖的影响因子,目的是在如何提供优良的寄主下,进一步为人工繁殖哈氏啮小蜂提供理论依据。本文在试验恒温的条件下,通过从温度对美洲大蠊取食量和产卵量的影响、温度对美洲大蠊耐饥力的影响、美洲大蠊的高温耐受性和美洲大蠊的耐寒性四个方面,研究了温度与美洲大蠊生活能力的关系。不同温度下美洲大蠊取食量和产卵量结果表明:25℃-31℃是美洲大蠊取食的最佳温度范围;美洲大蠊不同虫态取食量顺序是高龄若虫、低龄若虫和雌成虫、雄成虫;模型预测可知美洲大蠊雌成虫日取食量和日产卵量最适温度为27℃,美洲大蠊雌成虫日取食量高于非产卵期日取食量。在30℃、25℃、自然变温(15℃-30℃)条件下,设置有水无干食、有干食无水和无水无干食三种处理,以平均存活时间评价耐饥力,美洲大蠊在自然变温(15℃-30℃)时比25℃和30℃时平均存活时间延长,但结果相似;不同温度的不同处理方式,美洲大蠊平均存活时间有不同的虫期顺序。高温对美洲大蠊卵荚孵化的结果表明:30℃对美洲大蠊卵荚孵化无影响,40℃是美洲大蠊卵荚的致死温度。在35℃-40℃范围内,美洲大蠊卵荚孵化受到抑制。美洲大蠊在不同的高温条件下,存活平均总时间随温度的升高而变短;在不同的高温条件下,美洲大蠊存活平均总时间的虫期顺序是高龄若虫、雄成虫、低龄若虫和雌成虫。不同虫态美洲大蠊的耐寒力从强到弱顺序为高日龄卵荚、低龄若虫、高龄若虫和雌虫、雄虫。本文研究了哈氏啮小蜂性比、交配行为和产卵行为的影响因子,为哈氏啮小蜂的大量繁殖提供了重要理论依据。结果表明:温度和光照对哈氏啮小蜂子代性比影响显著;雌蜂与寄主接触时间和雌蜂补充营养对哈氏啮小蜂子代性比无影响;10日龄雌蜂成虫的后代性比下降。单位面积产卵雌蜂数量增多,其后代性比下降。雌蜂交配能力随着年龄的增加而降低;雌蜂随着年龄的增加,遭遇次数增加,交配率降低;饲喂雌蜂清水,雌蜂随着年龄的增加而交配率降低。哈氏啮小蜂在低日龄卵荚上产卵多于老龄卵荚;雌蜂的攻击力和产卵量随着寄主日卵的增加而降低,产卵管插入的次数随着寄主卵龄的增加而增加;雌蜂选择未寄生的卵荚产卵,在已寄生和未寄生的卵荚上的攻击率没有差别。

【Abstract】 Periplaneta americana (Linnaens) was considered to be an important medical pests which extensively distributed in the world. Tetrastichus hagenowii (Ratzeburg) which was a small eulophid parasitoid of cockroach egg capsules was an important natural enemy to prevent P. americana L. from hazards. The Periplaneta americana oothecae was selected as the host of T. hagenowii. The reproduction factors of experimental population of P. americana L. and parasitic natural enemy T. hagenowii were studied on the basis of previous research in order to know how to provide excellent host. These research could provide a further theoretical foundation for artificial propagation of T. hagenowii.In the paper the relationship between temperature and life ability of P. americana L. were studied under the conditions of test constant temperature by four aspects of the effect of temperature on feeding capacity and fecundity of P. americana L., the effect of temperature on feeding capacity and fecundity of P. americana L., the high-temperature tolerance and the cold hardiness of P. americana L.. The results of feeding capacity and fecundity of P. americana L. at different temperature were showed that It was considered comprehensively that optimum temperature range of feeding capacity was from 25℃to 31℃. The sequence of feeding capacity for different stages of P. americana L. was old nymphae> young nymphae and female adults> male adults at different temperature. It was forecasted by the model that optimum temperature of feeding capacity and fecundity of female adults of P. americana L. was 27℃. Feeding capacity of female adults of P. americana L. in the period of spawning were higher than that in the period of non-spawning. At 30℃, 25℃and the natural temperature (15℃-30℃) , the starvation and thirstiness tolerance of P. americana L. was researched in three treatments by providing water, dried food, nothing. The starvation and thirstiness tolerance of P. americana L. was evaluated by mean survival time. At natural temperature(15℃-30℃), mean survival time of P. americana L . at natural temperature was longer than at 25℃and at 30℃. But the results of starvation and thirstiness tolerance of P. americana L. was the same as the results at 25℃and at 30℃in three treatments. At different treatments of different temperature, there were sequence of different stages of P. americana L. in the aspect of mean survival time. The results of the effect of high temperature on oothecae hatch of P. americana L. were showed that at 30℃oothecae hatch of P. americana L. was not influenced, at 40℃P. americana L. oothecae did not hatch, the lethal temperature of P. americana L. ootheca was 40℃. In the range of 35℃-40℃ootheca hatch of P. americana L. was inhibited. The mean survival time of of P. americana L. declined with the temperature increasing when they were put the high temperature respectively. At different high temperature conditions, the mean survival time of P. americana L. on stages were old nymphae>female adults>young nymphae and male adults respectively. The cold hardiness of different stages of P. americana L. presenced difference. The sequence of cold hardiness of P. americana L. on different stages were old eggs >young nymphae >old nymphae and female adults >male adults.In the paper the effect factor of sex ratio, mating behavior and mating behavior of T. hagenowii were researched, which could provide an important theoretical basis for mass rearing of T. hagenowii. The results showed that the temperature and light had significantly effect on on sex ratio of T. hagenowii. The contact time beween female adults and host, female adults supplement nourishment had no effect on sex ratio of T. hagenowii. When female adults age were 10 day-old,sex ratio of T. hagenowii reduced. Sex ratio of T. hagenowii declined with growth of spawning female adults quantity. The mating ability reduced with female adults age growth. The encountering times increased and the percentage of mating reduced with female adults age growth. If female aduls were feeded by water, the percentage of mating reduced with female adults age growth.T. hagenowii laid more eggs on young ootheca than on old ootheca. The aggression ability and ovipostion quantity of female adults of T. hagenowii on different age oothecae decreased as host egg age growth respectively while the ovipositor inserting times of female adults of T. hagenowii increased as host egg age growth. Female adults of T. hagenowii laid eggs on unparasitized oothecae, the aggression percentage of T. hagenowii had no difference on parasitized oothecae and unparasitized oothecae.

  • 【分类号】S476.3
  • 【下载频次】150

