

Study on County-level Timber Transportation Management System in Fujian Province

【作者】 阮毅

【导师】 景林;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的木材运输管理实行的木材凭证运输制度,木材从生产地向消费地转移过程中,必须持有林业主管部门核发的木材运输证,并接受林业检查站的检查监督。木材是林区经济发展的重要资源,木材在伐区生产,但伐区并不消耗木材。只有通过运输,将木材从伐区运抵城镇的消费者手中,才能将资源转变为经济效益,因此,管住了木材运输环节,实际上就掌握了森林资源管理的主要环节。本文在从实际情况出发,结合手机短信息、WEB网页开发技术,建立了县级木材运输管理系统。首先,了解国内计算机在木材运输管理中的研究应用,结合我省木材运输管理的现状,对计算机在我省木材运输管理应用方面进行系统的归纳和总结,并提出了当前我省木材运输管理存在的问题。其次,结合手机短信技术,利用VF6.0和数据库技术设计了基于手机短信的县级木材运输管理系统。文中介绍系统了该系统结构体系和主要功能,通过手机短信平台发送规定格式的码单信息,能及时上传和查询码单数据,解决林区木材检尺码单不能及时核对而造成运输管理上的问题。最后,利用VB.NET技术,设计了木材运输管理信息发布系统,解决了以往木材运输信息的查询必须先安装业务软件的问题,方便了木材运输证,运输码单等信息的查询。

【Abstract】 In our country the timber transportation management was executed by certificating of timber transportation system. The timber from producing area to consuming area must have the certifications which certificated by forestry authorities and checked in forestry checkpoints. Timber was the important resources for forests area’s economy development, timber was output in cutting area, but in cutting area it did not consume timber, only by the way of transporting the timber from the cutting area to town, the resources could been translated into economical benefit. So management well the course of timber transportation, in fact that it controlled the main courses of forest resources management. In paper considering the actual situation and combining with the technology of mobile phone short message and Web, it built the system of county-level timber transportation management.At first, understanding the application of computer in timber transportation management in our country, combining the present situation of timber transportation management in fujian province, including and summarizing the application of computer in timber transportation management in fujian province, paper put forward the problem of timber transportation management in our province at present.Secondly, combining the technology of mobile phone short message ,VF6.0 and database, county-level timber transportation management system which based on mobile phone short message was designed. In paper, by way of sending log scaling bill messages in regulated format through mobile phone short message platform , the data of log scaling bill could been uplinked and inquired in time, it sloved the problems of timber transportation management which brought by the log scaling bill information could not been checked in time.At last, with the technology of VB.NET, timber transportation management information publishing system was designed. It solved the problem that the information of timber transportation inquired must after setting the operation software, it made get the information of timber transportation certifications and log scaling bill Conveniently.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】171

