

The Study of Lepista Sordida (Fr) Sing Strains

【作者】 曲伟东

【导师】 朱坚; 谢宝贵;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 蔬菜学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 花脸香磨属于珍稀食药用菌,气味浓香,味道鲜美。在黑龙江地区产量较多,称花脸蘑[1]。花脸香蘑作为质味优良的食用菌可进行驯化栽培,但至今都没有人工驯化栽培成功的报道[2]。为了开发珍稀食用菌资源,我们对紫花脸香蘑的生物学特性及栽培特性作了系统研究,其结果如下:一.生物学特性研究花脸香蘑菌丝最适合的生长温度为25℃;菌丝最适合的生长的培养基pH值为6-7;最适C源为面粉;最适N源为黄豆粉;培养基最适C/N为15:1;最佳维生素为抗坏血酸。在光照与黑暗对照试验中两者效果不明显。二.遗传特性研究利用RAPD技术,通过4个多态性较好的引物对8株供试菌株作了聚类分析,得出:所研究的8个菌株,遗传距离为0-0.46,其中2号与8号菌株跟其它供试菌株遗传距离相对较远。三.孢子萌发条件探索通过对孢子萌发因素的研究得出花脸香蘑孢子萌发最佳的培养温度为25℃,最适的孢子浓度为6-20,最佳热击温度为40℃,时间持续30 min。四.栽培条件的研究通过出菇实验发现花脸香蘑为好气性食用菌,若通风不畅将对正常出菇造成严重影响。8号菌株(原编号为Le.s0013)出菇时间最短产量最高,色泽最深,在以后的育种或栽培中,可以考虑将其作为育种核心亲本菌株。五.几种常见酶的不同时期的测定通过对供试菌株产生酶的结果分析,酶活力的高低与菌丝的生长期密切相关。CMC酶在现蕾期形成加快,而淀粉酶、木聚糖酶、多酚氧化酶均在供试菌株菌丝长势良好的时期形成加快。六.子实体营养成分评价该供试菌株子实体营养丰富,各种氨基酸齐全。其中2号(原编号Le.s0005)菌株含人体第一必需氨基酸赖氨酸含量最高,人体必需氨基酸含量也最高。

【Abstract】 Lepista sordida (Fr) Sing is a valuable specie which is famous for its deliciousness and medical effectiveness. Until now there is not any report about its acclimatization. In this study, we did a systematical research from its biological characteristics to economical character. The results are as follows:First, the research on biological characteristics: the optimum conditions for the growth of mycelium are: temperature at 25℃,pH at 6-7; cornmeal and flour as the carbon source; bean flour as nitrogen source; C/N ratio as 15/1; VB1 as vitamin and we also find that the mycelium is nothing sensitive to light..Second, RAPD molecular marker technology was used to do the cluster analysis from which we could see that the genetic distance of the strains tested is 0-0.46. Tested strains number 2 and number 8 are comparatively alien to other strains respectively.Third, spore germination factors research: the result showed that the optimum temperature for spore germination is 25℃, the optimum concentration of spore is 6-20, and the heated temperature and heated time to the spore solution are 40℃, 30 min.Forth, culture experiment: we find that strains tested are all aeromicrobe. Tested strain number 8 has shorter growth cycle, bluer fruiting body, and highest yield compared with other strains.Fifth, mensurating the content of enzyme in different phrase, we can tell that the activity of enzyme is closely related with the phrase it was in. It was usually high when the mycelium is growing mature.Sixth, nutritious elements research: the strains tested were rich in nutritious elements, and have a full serial of amino acid. Among the strains, strains of number 2 has the highest level of lysine, and also the essential amino acid.

  • 【分类号】S646
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】230

