

Present Situation Survey and Coping Strategies of the Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates in Fujian

【作者】 池银花

【导师】 王果;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业资源利用, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 氮肥产业在我国农业中占据着十分重要的地位,氮素是农田生产力的主要限制因子之一,我国是世界农业大国,化肥产量在上世纪末已年产9000万t,其中绝大部分为氮肥,其用量占世界氮肥用量的1/4,大量使用氮肥对增加农作物的产量起了积极的作用,目前我省农业上水稻施用的氮肥主要有尿素、硝酸氨、碳酸氢氨、氯化氨、硫酸氨等,肥料中的氮主要以NH+和NO-3的形式被植物吸收然而,随着氮肥使用量的增加,农田氮素损失引起的地表水体富营养化、农产品品质下降等一系列环境和食品安全问题日益严重,并日益受到人们的重视许多研究表明,不控制农业面源污染就不可能根本解决水质污染问题,化肥中氮素在地面中的富集与输出,是面源污染贡献大但又难以控制的问题之一,治理氮素的面源污染,对生态环境的保护和农业的可持续发展有很大贡献因此,本课题选择氮肥作为研究对象,与生产实际结合紧密,具有十分现实的意义,我省使用化肥首先是氮肥,其次是磷肥,接着是钾肥和微量元素化肥等,化肥的使用经历了不断提高的进程,20世纪50年代,我省围绕不同化肥品种在不同土壤和作物的效应做了大量肥效鉴定工作,为因土、因作物配方施肥提供了科学依据,60年代我省又针对如何减少肥分损失、提高肥料利用率和增进肥效开展研究工作,取得了很好的成果,80年代,随着化肥施用量的迅速增加,施用单一肥料和依靠经验的施肥方法已越来越不能适应农业生产发展的需求.化肥适宜用量及氮磷钾肥合理配比的研究应运而生。

【Abstract】 Nitrogen fertilizer industry occupies a very important position in China’s agriculture, nitrogen productivity of farmland are the main limiting factor, our country is the world’s large agricultural, chemical fertilizer production in the last century, has an annual output of 9 million t, most of them nitrogen fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer use accounts for the amount of the world’s 1 / 4, heavy use of nitrogen fertilizer to increase crop production has played a positive role in the present province of nitrogen fertilizer applied in agriculture are mainly urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium bicarbonate, chloride, ammonia, sulfuric acid ammonia. Nitrogen fertilizer mainly NH ’and NO’ form absorbed by plants, however, with increased nitrogen fertilizer use, nitrogen loss of farmland caused by surface water eutrophication, declining quality of agricultural products, such as a series of environmental and food safety is becoming increasingly serious and growing attention in many studies have shown that does not control the agricultural non-point source pollution can not fundamentally solve the water pollution problems. Nitrogen fertilizer on the ground of the concentration and output, are non-point source pollution contributed to large but difficult to control one of the issues, governance of nitrogen non-point source pollution, the ecological environment protection and sustainable development of agriculture has great contribution, therefore, subject selection for the study of nitrogen fertilizer, and production of the actual combination of working closely with a very practical significance. First of all, our province the use of chemical fertilizers are nitrogen, followed by the phosphate fertilizer, followed by potash and trace elements such as chemical fertilizers. Fertilizer use has undergone continuous improvement process, the 20th century, the 50’s and province around the different varieties of fertilizers in different soils and crops to do a lot of fertilizer effects of exercise, as a result of soil due to crop Fertilization to provide a scientific basis for the 60’s. Our Province address how to reduce losses, improve efficiency of fertilizer utilization and promotion of research work, and achieved very good results. 80’s, with the fertilizer application amount of the rapid increase in a single application of fertilizer and rely on the experience of the fertilization method has been the development of agricultural production can not meet the growing demand. Fertilizer NPK appropriate dosage and a reasonable proportion of research came into being.

  • 【分类号】S143.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】128

