

Effect of Feather Meal Chelated Copper and Manganese on Growth Performance and Immune Function of Weaned Piglets

【作者】 沈绍新

【导师】 王寿昆; 杨小燕;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 兽医, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 为减少和解决养殖污染,实现生猪清洁生产,通过提高猪对饲料中的铜和锰的生物利用度,在不影响猪生长性能的同时减少铜和锰的添加量,从而降低猪粪便中铜和锰的含量,减轻猪场治理污染的负荷、缓解养猪对环境的压力。本试验研究不同配比羽毛粉微量元素铜和锰螯合物对断奶仔猪生产性能及免疫功能的影响。试验1,选取5窝(共70头)出生日龄(28±2日龄)、体重(约10-12kg)相近,健康活泼的杜×长×大三元杂交断奶仔猪为试验动物。分别设A组、B组、C组、D组和对照组。A组日粮中,螯合铜含量为对照组的80%,螯合锰含量为对照组的80%;B组日粮中,螯合铜含量为对照组的60%,螯合锰含量为对照组的80%;C组日粮中,螯合铜含量为对照组的80%,螯合锰含量为对照组的60%;D组日粮中,螯合铜含量为对照组的60%,螯合锰含量为对照组的60%,对照组中为无机态铜、锰源按猪场正常配方要求,饲喂21天。结果表明,断奶仔猪的日增重,分别为A组0.66kg、B组0.63kg、C组0.63kg。同比对照组,日增重分别提高A组8.2%、B组3.3%、和C组3.3%,其中D组组和对照组相当;断奶仔猪(10~30kg)A、B、C组料增重比明显低于对照组,A组效果最好、C组次之、B组第三,D组与对照组料增重比相差不明显:试验组A、B、C中在头试验开始前几天腹泻率低于对照组,D组(60%铜、60%锰)与对照组差别不明显。试验组中对控制腹泻有一定的作用:B组最好、A组次之。试验2,试验动物同试验1,分别设A组、B组、C组、D组和对照组。羽毛粉微量元素铜和锰螯合物配比及对照组同试验1,每组随机选择10头仔猪,在7和21天时,上午7:00-9:00前腔静脉采血5ml,待凝血后,于4℃下3000r/min离心1-2分钟,分离血清,用于检测仔猪血清中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)以及谷光甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)的活性。结果表明,B组配比(80%铜、60%锰)的水解羽毛粉螯合铜和锰作为添加剂,可以提高断奶仔猪血液中SOD酶的活力;B组配比(80%铜、60%锰)或C组配比(60%铜、80%锰)的水解羽毛粉螯合铜和锰作为添加剂,断奶仔猪血液中GSH-PX酶和SOD抗氧化酶含量较为稳定,且呈一定的上升趋势。各组GSH-PX的含量有随着日龄的增长而呈上升趋势,B、C、D组GSH-PX的含量有随着日龄的增长而显著上升,C组增幅最大、效果最好。试验3,试验动物、试验设组、配方、采血和分离血清方案同试验2,检测断奶仔猪血清中IgA、IgG和IgM的各免疫蛋白含量。结果表明,日粮中添加原配方中无机铜和锰的80%比例的水解羽毛粉氨基酸螯合铜和锰(A组),能够在试验开始的第7天就可以较显著地提高断奶仔猪血液中IgA和IgM的含量;对照组和各试验组断奶仔猪试验期间血液IgG含量差异不显著;各组中的免疫蛋白水平,在喂料第7天和喂料第21天时差异并不显著。试验4,试验动物、试验设组、配方、采血和分离血清方案同试验2,检测猪瘟抗体阻断率。结果表明,试验C组的猪瘟抗体阻断率明显高于对照组,A、B、D组也略好与对照组;试验组7d断奶仔猪猪瘟抗体阻断率的影响效果显著,均优于对照组;21d试验A、C组断奶仔猪猪瘟抗体阻断率的影响效果显著,B组也优于对照组,D组影响效果不显著。综合研究表明,不同配比羽毛粉微量元素铜和锰螯合物对断奶仔猪的生长性能及免疫功能的影响各不相同,A组配比(80%铜、80%锰)的水解羽毛粉螯合铜和锰作为添加剂较为适宜。

【Abstract】 In order to relieve livestock pollution and realize swine cleaner production,content of copper and manganese was lowered through replacing inorganic form with chelated form which was proven to have a higher bioavailability,without lowering growth rate.In this paper,effect of several proportions of Hydrolyzed feather meal Chelated copper and manganese on growth performance and immune function of weaned piglets were studied.Experiment 1:five little of 70 Duroc-lanndrae-Yorkshire cross weaned piglets about 10-12kg body weight were divided into five groups(A,B,C,D and Control).cheated copper and manganese in trial diets were replaced in corporation with control group,with 80%copper and 80%manganese in group A,60%copper and 80%manganese in group B,80%copper and 60%manganese in group C,60%copper and 60%manganese in group D.after 21-day,compared to control group,group D had similar average daily gain(ADG) to control group,while ADG of group A(0.66kg per day) raised by 8.2%,group B(0.63kg per day) by 3.3%,group C(0.63kg per day) by 3.3%,respectively. In case of feed/gain(F/G),group A<group B<group C<group D and control group.In case of diarrhea rate,result was similar to feed/gain and found group A best,group B next.Experiment 2:trial animal,group dividing,diet formula and experiment design were same to experiment 1.Ten piglets were randomly sampled and 5ml blood was drew from precaval vein,during 7:00-9:00a.m.at 7th and 21th day.blood coagulated and was centrifuged at 3000r/min for 1-2 minutes.separated serum was conserved at 4℃for late use of detecting activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD) and glutathione peroxidase(GSH-PX).Results suggested:group B achieved best SOD activity than the other groups,and either group B or group C had stable SOD and GSH-PX activity with a certain degree of rising inclination;when separately analyzed, GSH-PX activity rose as age,among which group C increased the most while group B,C,D all reached statistically significant level.Experiment 3:trial animal,group dividing,diet formula and blood drawing schedule were same to experiment 2.Content of serum immunoglobulin including IgA,IgG and IgM,was measured. Results indicated:content of IgA and IgM in group A significantly increased early at 7th day; content of IgG in all groups didn’t significantly differ;totally,content of immunoglobulin in all groups had no significant change at 7th day and 21th day.Experiment 4:trial animal,group dividing,diet formula and blood drawing schedule were same to experiment 2.Swine Fever(SF) antibody blocking rate was compared between all groups. Results showed:group C had a significantly higher blocking rate,while group A,B and D better than control group,but not significantly.At 7th day,all trial groups were better than control group;at 21th day,except group D,group A,B and C,had significantly effect.Totally,group A(80%chelated copper and 80%chelated manganese) could serve as optimal scedule,although several replacing proportions of chelated copper and manganese had no agreeable effect on growth performance and immune function of weaned piglets.

  • 【分类号】S828.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】149

