

Effects of Feeding Amount Virulence and Activity of Enzymes to Phyllotreta Striolata under the Host Conversion

【作者】 王军志

【导师】 侯有明;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农药学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,在我国南方主要菜区,黄曲条跳甲防治出现了药效降低、药剂敏感性下降的现象,许多菜区黄曲条跳甲爆发成灾。在菜田生态系统中,黄曲条跳甲发生再猖獗的现象也比较严重。本文通过对常见的六种十字花科蔬菜寄主胁迫及寄主转换,黄曲条跳甲致害性和体内相关酶系的研究,揭示黄曲条跳甲再猖獗的深层次机理。1.黄曲条跳甲在六种十字花科蔬菜的长期胁迫下,致害性的变化趋势和转化速率都有不同程度的变化。黄曲条跳甲在六种十字花科蔬菜上胁迫45d后取食量的大小为:芥菜>白菜>菜心>萝卜>芥兰>甘蓝。胁迫后取食量都有不同程度的减少,减少幅度最大的是芥菜,胁迫前取食量为96.33 mm2,胁迫45d后减少至80.67 mm2。说明在蔬菜生产中,由于同一蔬菜种植期内,各种寄主蔬菜的共同存在,黄曲条跳甲在各寄主蔬菜辗转为害,是造成黄曲条跳甲为害严重难以控制的原因之一。2.在六种十字花科蔬菜的胁迫下,羧酸酯酶活性高低排列顺序为:芥菜>萝卜>白菜>甘蓝>菜心>芥兰;乙酰胆碱酯酶活性高低排列顺序为:萝卜>芥菜>甘蓝>白菜>芥兰>菜心;谷胱甘肽硫转移酶活性高低排列顺序为:芥菜>萝卜>白菜>甘蓝>菜心>芥兰。寄主胁迫下,黄曲条跳甲的取食量与其体内羧酸酯酶的规律基本一致,都是芥菜>白菜>萝卜>芥兰>甘蓝。说明黄曲条跳甲取食量对体内酶活性也有所影响,取食量较大的,其体内羧酸酯酶活性也相对较高。寄主胁迫下黄曲条跳甲体内相关酶变化幅度也不一致。羧酸酯酶,取食菜心的跳甲体内羧酸酯酶胁迫前和胁迫45d后活性分别为0.0158和0.0175,变化幅度最大,变化幅度较小的是甘蓝和芥兰。取食芥菜、萝卜、芥兰的乙酰胆碱酯向低活性方向发展,取食白菜的向高活性方向发展,芥兰在胁迫15d和30d的活性分别为0.0346和0.0390,变化幅度最大,幅度变化最小的是萝卜。3.寄主转移以黄曲条跳甲的取食量及其体内的羧酸酯酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶、谷胱甘肽转移酶作为测定指标,研究黄曲条跳甲寄主转换后的变异规律。本研究的结果表明,随着寄主的转换,黄曲条跳甲的取食量变异规律不一致。白菜与菜心寄主转换后,黄曲条跳甲的取食量变化不明显,从芥菜、菜心、白菜、萝卜转移到芥兰和甘蓝上,取食量的变化较为明显。黄曲条跳甲随着寄主转换的不同其体内的羧酸酯酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶、谷胱甘肽转移酶的变异规律也不同,黄曲条跳甲体内的羧酸酯酶活性随着寄主的转换,变化的速率及幅度与乙酰胆碱酯酶、谷胱甘肽转移酶相比较大。这可能与植物营养物质及次生物质有关。乙酰胆碱酯酶在寄主转换后,也有不同程度的变化,这些都可能是菜田系统中黄曲条跳甲相关药剂敏感性变化的一个重要因素。

【Abstract】 In recent years, phenomenons of potency and medicament sensitivity decreasing have been appeared in control of Phyllotreta striolata, and disasters have been come about by phyllotreta striolata in many vegetable fields in the main areas of Southern China. In the ecosystems of vegetable fields, rampant again phenomenons of Phyllotreta striolata occurred more seriously. Long term stress and host conversion of six cruciferous vegetables、virulence and enzymes in vivo of Phyllotreta striolata have been researched in this article.1. Long-term stress of six cruciferous vegetables made trends of virulence changes and conversion rates of Phyllotreta striolata varying from each other.The order of feeding amount of phyllotreta striolata feeding on different cruciferous vegetables were as follows: Brassica juncea L.,B.chinensis L.,B.parachinensis Bailey,Raphanus sativus L.,B.alboglabra Bailey,B.oleracea. Long-term stress of six cruciferous vegetables made virulence capacity of Phyllotreta striolata change in varying degrees. R.sativus L.and B. parachinensis Bailey had a sharp increase, the change of B. juncea L.was not relatively obivious, B.oleracea and B.oleracea had decreasing trends.2. In Long-term stress of six cruciferous vegetables, the order of carboxylesterase activity were as follows: B. juncea L.,R..sativus L.,B. chinensis L.,B.oleracea,B. parachinensis Bailey,B. alboglabra Bailey, the order of acetylcholinesterase activity were as follows: R .sativus L.,B. juncea L.,B. oleracea、B. chinensis L.,B. alboglabra Bailey,B. parachinensis Bailey,the order of glutathione S-transferase activity were as follows: B. juncea L.,R .sativus L.,B. chinensis L.,B.oleracea,B.parachinensis Bailey,B.alboglabra Bailey.Changes of enzymes in vivo of Phyllotreta striolata by host stress were inconsistent. The biggest changes of carboxylesterase of Phyllotreta striolata occurred in B. juncea L.and B. parachinensis Bailey,and the smallest changes of carboxylesterase of Phyllotreta striolata occurred in B.oleracea and B. alboglabra Bailey, Activity of carboxylesterase in vivo of Phyllotreta striolata had decentralization trends after 45 days.Acetylcholinesterase activity in vivo of Phyllotreta striolata feeding on different host plants were consistent after 45 days. Acetylcholinesterase activity of Phyllotreta striolata feeding on B. juncea L.,B. juncea L.,B. alboglabra Bailey decreased, the one feeding on B. chinensis L.increased, great changes occurred in B. alboglabra Bailey,smallest changes occurred in R.sativus L..3. Host conversion based on such determination indicators: feeding amount、carboxylesterase activity、acetylcholinesterase activity、glutathione S-transferase activity, researched variation rules of Phyllotreta striolata after host conversion. The results showed that variation rule of feeding amount of Phyllotreta striolata was not consistent. Changes of feeding amount of Phyllotreta striolata were not obvious after host conversion on B. chinensis L.and B. parachinensis Bailey, changes of feeding amount of Phyllotreta striolata were more obvious after shifting them from B. juncea L.,B. parachinensis Bailey,B. chinensis L.,R.sativus L. to B. alboglabra Bailey and B.oleracea.Variation rules of carboxylesterase,acetylcholinesterase,glutathione S-transferase in vivo of Phyllotreta striolata were different with different host conversion, changing rates of carboxylesterase activity in vivo of Phyllotreta striolata were more slowly than those of acetylcholinesterase and glutathione S-transferase. This may be in relation to nutrients and secondary materials of plants. Acetylcholinesterase appeared actively after host conversion,this may be a important factor of medicament sensitivity decreasing and rampant again of Phyllotreta striolata in vegetable ecosystems.

  • 【分类号】S433
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】106

