

Study on the Effect of Two years Applying Fertilizer in Chinese Fir Plantations

【作者】 陈秀庭

【导师】 王果; 林德喜;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 植物营养学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 杉木是我国重要的树种之一,由于经济的飞速发展,木材需求量不断增加,短轮伐期和全树利用等集约经营的出现,促使了杉木人工林地肥力大大衰退,影响了木材的生产。为了提高土壤肥力,促进林木生长,达到速生、优质、丰产的目的,林地科学施肥是一极其重要的措施。杉木是福建最主要的树种之一,福建大部分森林林地均为杉木的中心产区。本试验研究在福建3个不同地点各设置了三个试验点,分别于2007年和2008年的3月份在各试验地进行追肥,并在每年的年底对试验地进行野外调和实验分析,试验结果表明:Ⅰ.(1)2年生林地白沙林场:追施NPK+锌肥能明显的促进杉木地径的生长。施用此肥后,杉木2007年和2008年的地径连年生长量分别比对照增加24%和37%;追施NPK肥对杉木的树高的影响效果最好,施用此肥后,杉木2007年和2008年的树高连年生长量分别比对照增高11%和29%。将乐林场:追施NPK+铜肥对杉木生长的效果最好。施用此肥后,杉木2007年和2008年的地径、树高分别比对照提高13%、38%和36%、25%。(2)3年生林地将乐林场:施肥以NPK+锌肥的效果为最佳。施用此肥后,杉木2007年的胸径、树高、蓄积连年生长量分别比对照增高29%、31%、101%;2008年的分别增高32%、26%、110%。洋口林场:施肥以NPK+铜+锌肥的效果最佳。施用此肥后,杉木2007年的胸径、树高、蓄积连年生长量分别比对照增高10%、9%、10.5%,2008年的分别增高21%、13%、28%。(3)5年生林地施用NPK+锌肥的肥效明显。施用此肥后,杉木2007年的胸径、树高、蓄积连年生长量分别比对照增高22%、40%、27.3%,2008年的分别提高10%、20%、17.8%。(4)8年生林地追施NPK肥后,杉木2007年的胸径、树高、蓄积连年生长量分别比对照增高29%、6%、4.3%;2008年分别增高20%、4%、3.1%。(5)12年林地各施肥处理对杉木生长的影响效果均较明显,但对蓄积影响效果以处理N50P100K50Cu25最好。施用此肥后,杉木2007年、2008年的蓄积连年生长量分别比对照增高20.2%、11.5%。(6)13年生林地单施PK肥的效果最显著。施用此肥后,杉木2007年的胸径、树高、蓄积连年生长量分别比对照增高38%、29%、40%,2008年的分别增高40%、31%、44%。(7)17年生林地追施NPK肥后,杉木2007年的胸径、树高、蓄积连年生长量分别比对照增高13%、27%、21%,2008年的分别增高17%、31%、27%。Ⅱ.施肥后的杉木针叶的养分含量普遍比对照的高。特别是加施微肥后,针叶的Cu、Zn养分含量的增幅更明显。Ⅲ.施肥后,林地土壤养分的增幅也较明显,特别是速效养分。但林地土壤养分的循环是复杂的,肥效是连续积累的。短期内的土壤化学变化,还无法说明施肥对土壤性质产生了有效的影响。因此,有关施肥对土壤养分的影响有待进一步研究。

【Abstract】 Chinese fir is one of the most important timber species in China, as economy develops at full speed, the demand of timber increases unceasingly. The emergence of intensive management such as short rotation and full tree utilization brings out the fertility of Chinese fir plantations decline significantly, and impacts the timber production. In order to improve soil fertility, promote tree growth, achieve rapid growth and high-yield, a scientific measure of woodland fertilization is extremely important.Chinese fir is one of the most important timber species in FuJian Province. Most of the Fujian forest lands are the center of Chinese fir. This study was set up at 3 locations with three plot sites in each location in Fujian. These locations were topdressed in March 2007 and 2008. and Field investigation and laboratory analysis in the end of 2007 and 2008, The results showed :Ⅰ(1) 2–year-old forest land BaiSa forest farm: Topdressing NPK+Zn can accelerate the ground diameter growth obviously. After applying this fertilizer, Chinese fir’s growth of the Ground diameter increased by 24% and 37%, respectively compared with the control; And applying NPK had an obvious effect on the increasement of tree height. After applying this fertilizer, Chinese fir’s current annural tree height increment at 2007 and 2008 increased by 11% and 29%,respectively compared with the control. JiangLe forest farm: The best result of the growth of Chinese fir was top dressing NPK+Cu. Compared with the control , Chinese fir’s Ground diameter and tree height at 2007 and 2008 with NPK+Cu fertilizer increased by 13%、38% and 36%、25%,respectively.(2) 3–year-old forest land JiangLe forest farm:The fertilization effect of NPK+Zn was the best amog fertilizations.Compare with the control, the current annural growth of dbh, tree height and stand volume at 2007 increased by 29%、31%、101%, and that at 2008 increased by 32%、26%、110%,respectively.YangKou forest farm: The fertilization effect of NPK+Cu+Zn was the best among fertilizations. Compare with the control, the current annural growth of dbh, tree height and stand volume at 2007 increased by 10%、9%、10.5%,and that at 2008 increased by 21%、13% and 28%,respectively.(3) 5–year-old forest land Topdressing NPK +Zn was optimum. the current annural growth of dbh, tree height and stand volume at 2007 were higher than the control, 22%、40% and 27.3%,respectively,and that at 2008 was higher than the control, 10%、20% and 17.8%,respectively.(4) 8–year-old forest land After applying the fertilization of NPK , the current annural growth of dbh, tree height and stand volume of Chinese fir at 2007 were higher than the control, 29%、6% and 4.3%,and that at 2008 increased by 20%、4% and 3.1%,respectively.(5) 12–year-old forest land All fertilization treatments to the influence effects of growth of Chinese fir were obvious.But to the stand volume, fertilizer treatment N50P100K50Cu25 was optimum. After applying this fertilizer, the current annural growth of stand volume at 2007 and 2008 were higher than the control, 20.2% and 11.5%, respectively.(6) 13–year-old forest land With topdressing PK as the best treatment. Compared with the control, the current annural growth of dbh, tree height and stand volume at 2007 increased by 38%、29% and 40%,and that at 2008 increased by 40%、31% and 44%,respectively.(7) 17–year-old forest land After applying fertilization of NPK , the current annural growth of dbh, tree height and stand volume of Chinese fir at 2007 were higher than the control, 13%、27% and 21%,and that at 2008 increased by 17%、31% and 27%, respectively.ⅡChinese fir’s nutrient content of needles was generally higher than the control after application. After adding trace fertilizer, especially, the increase amplitude of Cu and Zn nutrient was more obvious.ⅢAfter applying fertilizer, the increase amplitude of soil nutrients was obvious too, Especially, the available nutrients.But the circulation of soil nutrients is complex, fertilizer efficiency is the result of continuous accumulation. Short-term changes in soil chemistry could not say that fertilizations had effective impact on soil properties, therefore, That relevant on the Effects of fertilization on soil nutrients to be studied further .

  • 【分类号】S791.27
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】179

