

The Search and Development of Power Relay Protection Setting System Based on Wu Hai Electric Network

【作者】 裴敏

【导师】 杨淑英; 郝建军;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(河北) , 电力系统及其自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 整定计算是保障现代电网安全运行的基础性工作,合理的整定计算对保护装置的可靠性具有重要作用,保护装置的灵敏性、选择性和速动性要靠整定计算获得的合理保护定值来保证。本文选择地区电网继电保护整定计算软件的开发作为主攻方向,论文首先确定整定计算软件的设计思想、功能划分、系统结构和开发环境;然后研究了基于数据库的图形平台、网络拓扑和运行方式组合,详细讨论了伴有拓扑结构和阻抗参数变化的复杂电网故障计算方法;对故障计算中的三个重要概念:母线等值阻抗、分支系数和支路电流最值进行了详细的分析;以实例形式说明电流电压保护和变压器保护的自动和手动整定流程;最后设计了整定软件的数据库管理系统。

【Abstract】 Relay setting Coordination is the basis of secure operation of modern power system, and is of great importance to the reliable function of relays. Sensitivity, selectivity and speed of the protection devices could be guaranteed by the appropriate settings. In this paper, choose regional power grid relay coordination software development as the main direction of attack, the first paper to identify coordination software design, function, system architecture and development environment; and then studied graphic database based on the platform, and the network topology mix operation , Accompanied by a detailed discussion of topology and impedance changes in the parameters of the complex calculation of fault; fault on the calculation of the three important concepts: the equivalent impedance bus, the branch of the slip coefficient and the current value of a detailed analysis; to examples Help in the form of current and voltage transformer protection and the protection of the automatic and manual tuning process; the final design of the entire set of software database management system.


