

【作者】 施泽钦

【导师】 黄琦;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题是与西南油气田分公司合作的横向课题。该手持式杂散电流检测仪主要用来采集和处理杂散电流信号,具有功耗低、自动化、设置灵活、人机界面友好等特点。根据实际工程需要,采用了低功耗的MSP43OF1611单片机作为核心器件。整个系统由主控模块、数据采集模块、数据存储模块、电源模块和显示与控制模块五部分组成,实现了数据采集、时钟读写、系统设置、液晶实时显示波形、键盘控制、SD卡便携式数据存储等功能。系统采用C语言进行编程,易于维护和修改。实践应用表明,该数据采集系统是可行的。它能够满足用户对数据采集的要求,提高生产自动化程度,降低用户劳动强度。

【Abstract】 The study is a cooperative project with Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company. The stray current tester is used to collect stray current signal. It has some features such as low-Power,automation and flexible configure.To match users’requirements, the study use MSP430F1611 as key device. The system consists of five modules, which are core module, data acquisition module, data save module, power module and display and control module, realize the function of data acquisition, clock reading and writing, system configuration, keyboard control, SD card data saving. Modify and maintain the system is convenient by adopt C language programming. It is proved that the stray current tester has achieved remarkable result by experiments. The tester can satisfy the needs of users, increase the degree of automation and reduce the labor strength in industrial production.


