

【作者】 康桂珍

【导师】 黄子强;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 光学工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 液晶盒厚即液晶层的厚度。在生产过程中,由于工作人员的操作不当造成液晶盒厚度不均匀,从而无法达到特定的显示模式。所以,精确的测量液晶盒厚度至关重要。当然,不只是因为要计算液晶盒的厚度而需要实际测量PI层和ITO的膜厚。实际上精确测量这些薄膜厚度不仅对工艺控制、材料分析有重要作用,对了解器件与材料等关系也非常重要。本论文研究了一种新型的LCD厚度/薄膜厚度以及折射率测量技术。不同与多数的激光光源,该方法入射光源为白光。现有的光谱仪主要用于测试反射光谱、反射率等特性曲线。计算过程中,通过对反射光谱的分析研究,最终得出被测液晶盒厚度、薄膜厚度和薄膜折射率。不同与以往的区域均匀度测量,本方法可以做到单点测量,测量过程简单,测量时间短暂。在薄膜折射率未知的情况下,测量薄膜厚度和折射率要求光线能够斜入射到薄膜表面。而现有的光纤光谱仪只能实现光线垂直入射。本论文完成了光谱仪硬件电路的制作,为以后薄膜厚度测量和折射率测量奠定了基础。系统重点是基于ARM的线阵CCD数据采集系统的电路设计,也包括支持系统运行所需的软件。首先提出了系统的总体设计方案。整个系统分为三个模块:CCD驱动模块,对微处理器进行编程产生CCD的驱动脉冲及同步控制信号;输出信号经差分预处理后,由高精度模数转换模块进行采样,将CCD输出的模拟信号转换成数字量;最后,将数据送入ARM处理系统中进行后续处理。在系统硬件电路调试通过的基础上,编写了系统运行所需的软件,并进行了软件测试。

【Abstract】 The gap of the LCD is the thickness of the LC. In the process of manufacture, improper operation will cause LCD gap asymmetry, and LCD will not achieve the specifically display mode. So it is very important to measure the gap of LCD accurately.Of course, in order to get the thickness of the LCD, the operator must measure the thickness of the IP and ITO film. Actually, the exact thickness measurement of film is very important for the technics control, material analysis and the relationship between implement and material.A new thickness measurement technology of LCD gap and film was introduced in the paper. Being different from the mostly laser sourse, the method used the white light as the light source. The spectrum equipment was used to measure the reflected spectrum, reflected rato etc. By anglicizing the relationship between wavelength and the reflective light intense; the operator can obtain LCD gap, film thickness and the refractive index of the film. Being different from other methods, it can measure the thickness of the sigle dot quickly and expediently.When the incident angle is not 0, and the refractive index of the film is unknown, the operator must get the reflective spectrum. However, the current equipment can only measure the reflective spectrum when the incident angle is 0.The hardware of the spectrum equipment was disigned, which laied a solid foundation of the film measurement. The focus of this system was to design the hardware of linear-CCD data sampling system based on ARM processor, and the related software to support the system. The system was composed of three modules. In order to produce CCD driving pulses, the CCD driver module was used to program the ARM. After preprocessing, the output signals were transmitted into ADC module, in which they were converted into digital signals. And then they were processed in ARM processing module. Finally, the debug process and the compiled system were demonstrated.

【关键词】 液晶盒厚薄膜厚度电荷耦合器件ARM
【Key words】 LCD gapfilm thicknessCCDARM

