
移动Ad hoc网络动态源路由协议DSR及其测试床研究

【作者】 张翔

【导师】 汪文勇;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在无线通信技术与计算机网络迅猛发展的背景下,移动Ad hoc网络以其移动自组、多跳通信等特性引起了人们的广泛关注。移动Ad hoc网络(Mobile Ad hoc Network,MANET)是由一系列具有移动无线收发能力的节点组成的自治网络系统,具备自行组网、多跳通信等特殊能力。尽管存在拓扑变换频繁、无线信道不稳、链路带宽受限以及计算存储资源紧张等特点,但是由于MANET网络不依赖于任何固定基础设施即能正常工作,具有良好的移动性、自组性和抗毁性,且相对传统有线网络部署便利、成本低廉,在军事战场、灾难救援以及民生、商业等领域具有广阔的应用前景,由此成为近年来的研究热点。事实上,针对MANET网络的研究内容广泛而丰富,从网络体系结构到信道接入、网络路由,从多层网络分簇算法到贯穿所有层次的安全保障、服务质量以及节能机制等领域均有涉及。毫无疑问,在这其中,MANET路由协议的地位举足轻重,是支撑MANET网络的重要基石,而动态源路由协议DSR便是其中的优异代表。DSR是一种采用按需路由策略的反应式MANET路由协议,具有简洁高效的主要特点。本文对该协议RFC进行了细致研究和分析,探讨了DSR协议的性能优化途径与安全扩展策略。随后,在深入学习基于OPNET平台的MANET协议管理框架与DSR进程模型基础上,着重探讨了构建DSR协议真实环境测试床的相关问题,分析确定了在Windows操作系统中有效嵌入DSR协议栈的基本策略,并详尽阐述了DSR协议栈的数据结构设计与核心流程实现。最后,通过真实环境中的测试,对所创建的DSR协议栈进行了实验室内的初步验证,证明了协议栈的有效设计与实现,初步完成了DSR真实环境测试床的构建工作,为后续真实环境中的Ad hoc网络研究打下了基础。

【Abstract】 Under the background of rapid development for both wireless communication technology and computer networks, Mobile Ad hoc Network - MANET, attracts people’s extensive attention. MANET is actually an autonomous system composed of serial nodes which can communicate with each other through multi-hops in mobile wireless environment. MANET has some inherent characters like frequently changed topology, limited link layer bandwidth and constrained resources for computation and storage. But since it can be working without any infrastructure, it is supposed to play a big role in lots of environments such as military battle and emergency assistance.Researches on MANET are actually extensive and comprehensive, and during all of these, MANET routing protocol is obviously the most important one, because efficient packets delivery need efficient routing protocol first. One of the typical representations in various MANET routing protocols is just Dynamic Routing Protocol– DSR, which is always treated as a simple but highly efficient reactive MANET routing protocol. Based on the study of related RFC, DSR performance optimization and security expanding were discussed. And then, based on a deep study and research on DSR virtual model supplied by OPNET and its uniform MANET manger architecture, we kept focus on DSR test-bed in real-world environment. Strategies about embedding DSR into Windows NDIS architecture were discussed first. And then, a detailed analysis for PASSTHRU, the classical NDIS intermediate driver example, was given. Based on the work all above, we pre-analyzed several key problems about creating the real-world DSR protocol stack, and proposed concrete designs of this protocol stack’s data structures and basic process flows. In the end, experimental results in laboratory environment proved stack’s availability.

【关键词】 移动自组网动态源路由协议测试床Windows操作系统
【Key words】 MANETDSRTest-bedWindows

