

【作者】 魏乐

【导师】 雷航;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 制造执行系统(Manufacturing Execution System, MES)是面向制造过程的新型车间生产管理与控制信息系统。它接收企业上层生产管理信息系统产生的生产计划,负责管理生产现场的计划执行,指导生产现场活动;同时为企业上层生产管理信息系统制订切实有效的生产计划提供及时、准确的反馈信息,形成一个双向、实时的信息链路。MES填补了计划管理层与控制层之间的信息断层,是实现企业全面信息集成的关键,也是实施敏捷制造的重要基础。本文针对一家制造公司的实际需求,采用软件工程的思想,详细阐述了适用于该公司的、具有一定可复用特征的制造执行系统的设计思路和实现过程。主要工作有以下几个方面:1.从宏观的角度介绍了制造执行系统的定义、定位、应该具备的功能和国内外的发展现状;分析了在研究和工程实践中存在的不足,提出企业实施制造执行系统的规范化过程。2.在对公司现行生产业务流程进行调研的基础上,描述了公司制造执行系统的信息流集成关系和系统边界;抽象出系统功能需求和非功能需求,并就划分的各功能模块进行了详细叙述。3.从可复用性、抗修改能力、运行效率和便捷易用的角度出发,确定了系统的设计方案:系统总体采用框架设计,框架程序采用面向对象的设计方法;与生产管理相关的模块基于C/S技术开发;综合查询、生产现场信息模块基于B/S技术开发;数据库使用Oracle 9i大型关系数据库。论文对设计方案和部分数据表进行了解释。4.详细阐述了计划管理、加工作业管理等与生产任务相关模块的具体实现;简要说明和分析了系统的测试方案和测试结果。

【Abstract】 Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is a new type of manufacturing process-oriented information system for workshop production management and control. The system receives production plans from production management information system, is held responsible for the execution of the plans in real production, and directs the production activities. It also provides real-time accurate feedback to the production management system about those plans. Obviously, it’s a bridge between top-level management and low-level control system, and is the key for the integration of all enterprise information systems and implementation of advanced manufacturing strategy. For the actual requirement of a manufacture company, in the thesis, the thought of software engineering is adopted. The design idea and development procedure of the manufacture executing system which is applicable and reusable to the company is also elaborated. The main author’s work is described briefly as follows:Firstly, the MES’s definition, position, basic functions and situation in practice are introduced generally. Its deficiencies in research and engineer practices are analyzed. And the Standardization processes of MES are proposed.Secondly, based on the research of the company’s current production flow, the information integration relationship and system borders are described. The system functions and non-functual requirements are generalized. The function models also are divided and detailed.Thirdly, to make the MES reusable, anti-amendable, efficient and easy-to-use, the system is generally designed with the framework and object-oriented method. Models for production tasks are developed based on C/S. Synthesis selection and production information models are realized based on B/S. Oracle 9i is adopted for database. The designation and some date sheets are explained in the thesis.Fourthly, models realized by author such as plan management and processing operations management are elaborated. The corresponding model testing is also finished and interpreted.


