

【作者】 钟柔英

【导师】 李媛;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 诚信是我国的传统美德,也是中华民族传统道德中的一个最重要的规范。政府在社会主义诚信建设中起着规范社会行为和以身作则的双重作用。因此,我国政府诚信也就成为了社会广泛关注的焦点。本文以委托代理理论为视角,从政府诚信建设理论,缺失现状影响,以及构建路径等几个方面进行了讨论,希望能对政府的诚信建设提出一些可借鉴的意见。政府诚信是指政府诚实守信,并且以诚实信用的行为获得公众的信任,为政府赢得公信力。古今中外的学者针对这一问题进行了深入的研究,但是研究忽视了政府与公众的互动问题。在公民社会建设成为社会发展目标的今天,如何引导公民参政议政成为社会教育的重要问题,政府与公众之间的沟通自然也成为重中之重。本文引入GMP模式,对政府公众之间的沟通进行了分析,弥补了其他文献中的不足。本文首先分析了研究政府诚信的理论意义和实践意义,以及本文的研究方法和创新。同时,概述了政府诚信建设的理论基础,并在此基础上分析了在我国构建诚信政府的必要性和紧迫性。然后,运用委托代理理论,从作为代理人的政府、作为委托人的公众以及代理人和委托人之间的互动三个角度寻求政府诚信不足,失信于民的外在、内在原因。结合对我国政府诚信建设的前提分析,最终,从法治、行政、环境三个方面出发提出了完善法律,完善行政问责制度,强化诚信监督,推行政务公开,强化政府行为的制度约束,打造诚信文化,推进政府、公众双向互动,建设信息对称、政务公开的行政环境等一系列路径选择。

【Abstract】 Good faith is our country’s traditional virtues, and also is one of the most important norms in traditional Chinese morality. Government on one hand sets norms of social in the building of good faith of socialist and on the other hand sets an example for social members. So our country’s good faith in Government becomes a focus with whole society. This article discusses the theory of construction of the good faith in Government; the impact of the absence of good faith; the route of construction and so on, on basis of the Principal-Agent Theory, in order to promote some advices which can be used for reference.Good faith in Government means the Government must be honest and creditable, and also win the faith of public by honest and creditable behaviors. So many scholars research these questions deeply, but they didn’t notice the question of interactive between the government and the public. Nowadays, as civil society becomes the goal of the development of the society, how to guide the citizen participation in politics has become an important issue of social education, the Government and the public communication between the natural has become the top priority. This article introduces the GMP pattern to analyze the communication of the government and the public, which makes up for lack of other literatures.This article first analyzes the theoretical and practical significance of the good faith in government, as well as research methods and innovation in this article. At the same time, this article outlines the theoretical basis for the construction of good faith in Government, and on this basis I analyze urgency. Then, using the Principal-Agent Theory, the author analyzes from there different aspects: the government as an agent, the public as the agency and the interaction between the two, to reveal the outer and inner reasons why the public’s faith failed in government. Ultimately ,this article combined with the analysis of the prerequisite for the construction of good faith in government, study from the rule of law, administration, three aspects of the environment from, proposed laws to improve and perfect the system of administrative accountability, and strengthen the integrity monitoring, promoting openness in government affairs, and strengthen the system of government action bound to create credibility culture, promoting the Government, the public two-way interaction, the construction of asymmetric information, the Chief of the administrative environment in public a series of route choice.

【关键词】 政府诚信GMP委托代理
【Key words】 Good faith in GovernmentGMPPrincipal-Agent Theory

