

【作者】 雷东

【导师】 张玉兴; 罗仲;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 相控阵雷达具有快速改变天线波束指向和波束形状能力、易于形成多个发射和接收波束、可在空间实现信号的合成,这些特点使相控阵雷达可完成多种雷达功能,具有稳定跟踪多批高速运动目标的能力,在单部雷达发射机功率的限制下,也能获得相对大的辐射功率,为加大雷达作用距离、提高雷达测量精度和有效对抗各种杂波及低可观测目标提供了技术上的潜力,因此成为当今雷达发展的重要方向。无论哪个频段何种用途的有源相控阵雷达,其每个或数个辐射单元后均接有一个固态T/R组件,一部相控阵雷达少则几百个,多则几千个T/R组件。其成本已占到雷达总造价的60%~80%,所以设计制造出尺寸小,重量轻,成本低,性能优良、可靠性高的T/R组件是实现和保证雷达整机性能的关键所在.是降低雷达整机制造成本的关键所在。所以进行本课题的研究显得尤为重要。本课题来源于081电子集团,主要研究利用货架商品(元器件)设计制造高性能、低成本的X波段T/R组件的可行性,对T/R组件设计和制造过程中关键技术和工艺进行探索和验证,为T/R组件的设计和生产提供依据。近年来,随着微波单片集成电路(MMIC)的发展,T/R组件所需全部器件(移相器、低噪放、功率放大器、衰减器等)均可通过商用化的单片集成电路实现,为设计制造高性能的T/R组件提供了一个更好的选择。本课题采用了上述方式,其中的移相器、低噪放为单片集成电路,其余部分通过混合微波集成电路(HMIC)实现。本课题主要完成以下工作:1.研究T/R组件的结构和设计制造方法。2.设计功率放大器、限幅器等T/R组件单元电路。3.金丝键合模型进行仿真和优化(包括去嵌入技术)。4.设计功率放大器控制保护电路。5.完成X波段T/R组件的测试和分析

【Abstract】 Phased array radar(PAR) can rapidly change the direction and the shape of its beam.It also can easily form multiple transmission and receive beams.When applied multi-transmitters,it can combine power in space.Because of all of these features, PAR can accomplish many functions.So it can steadily track multiple high-speed targets.Even using a single PAR,it can transmit high radiation power.For extending the detection range,enhancing measurement accuracy,promoting the ability of sub-clutter visibility,more and more people have devoted this kind of radar.For any active phased array radar,its each radiating dement or several radiating elements connect a solid T/R module.An active phased array radar has hundreds of T/R modules.60-80%of the cost of a radar are of these modules.So we need small, light,low cost,high reliability T/R module.All of these are one of keys of the performance of a radar.Our target is that only using commercial available components,we study the feasibility of producing X-band high-performance,low-cost T/R module.After exploring and validating all the key techniques of designing and producing T/R module,we have found some ways.In recent years,as the development of the MMICs,all of the sub-circuits of consisting a T/R module have integrated and can be commercial available.In this article,phase shifter and LNA are ICs.Others are HMICs.I have accomplished the following goals.1.Study T/R module’s configuration and research the manufacture method.2.Design PA and limiter.3.Simulate and optimize the model of the gold bonding.4.Design the protection circuit of PA.5.Test and analyses the X-band T/R module.

【关键词】 相控阵T/R组件移相器金丝键合EM仿真
【Key words】 X-bandT/R modulephase shiftergold bondingEM simulation

