

Study on Distribution of Aquatic Macrophytes and Its Purification Effects on Eutrophicated Water Body of Hongfeng Reservoir

【作者】 杨加文

【导师】 陈椽; 张明时;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 植物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 红枫湖位于贵州中部清镇市、平坝县和安顺市西秀区境内,是贵阳市、清镇市最重要的生活饮用水及工农业用水水源地。近年来,红枫湖水库水质不断恶化,藻类大面积爆发,透明度下降,水体浑浊、腥臭,富营养化问题严重。这给城市用水和周边地区居民生活带来极大的影响,同时给地区的经济发展造成障碍。本文在对红枫湖及其流域水生高等植物分布调查的基础上,以红枫湖湖水为试验用水,在实验室及室外自然条件下栽种几种水生高等植物,对其净化水体中营养盐、有机污染物的效果进行了研究,旨在为红枫湖水体净化修复工程的植物选择提供依据,试验结果表明:1.对红枫湖及其流域水生高等植物分布调查显示,红枫湖及其流域具有较丰富的水生植物资源。共记录水生高等植物22科,32属,45种。其中以黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata(L.f)Royle)、狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum L.)、金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum L.)、竹叶眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus Miq.)、慈姑(Sagittaria sagittifoliaL.)、苦草(Vallisneria natans(Lour.)Hara)、萍蓬草(Nuphar pumilum(Hoffm.)DC.)、水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper L.)、喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb.)及满江红(Azollaimbricata(Roxb.)Nakai)较为常见。2.试验选取的黒藻(Hydrilla verticillata(L.f)Royle)、狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum L.)、风车草(Cyperus alternifolius L.)、菖蒲(Acrous calamus L.)、蕹菜(Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.)和美人蕉(Canna indica L.)生长状况表明,室内试验前期六种植物在红枫湖原水中均能很好的生长,蕹菜的生物量增长速率最快,美人蕉次之,狐尾藻的增长速率最低,风车草、菖蒲和黑藻的增长速率相差不大.,在一个试验周期内增长量均在20%左右。试验后期由于营养供给不足,蕹菜、美人蕉和风车草出现枯叶落叶现象,狐尾藻、黑藻和菖蒲则没有出现以上症状。在室外自然条件下营养供给相对充足,只有风车草和美人蕉出现少部分枯叶,初步试验结果表明高等植物能在红枫湖水中很好生长,利用高等植物净化红枫湖富营养化水体是可行而有效的。3.六种高等植物均能有效降低水体中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、化学耗氧量(COD)、氨氮(NH3-N)、浮游植物的量。室内、室外试验对TN、TP、COD、NH3-N的平均去除率狐尾藻为55.96%、48.21%、55.14%、60.21%;黑藻为58.74%、57.39%、56.39%、60.21%;风车草为58.89%、55.67%、43.88%、37.97%;菖蒲为59.85%、57.91%、48.00%、55.27%;蕹菜为52.89%、51.71%、46.08%、38.89%;美人蕉为49.74%、39.85%、47.56%、41.77%。各种植物对水体的最终净化效果差别不大,各指标的去除率与生物量增长率不呈正相关,这可能与植物本身特性和根系微生态系统活性强弱有关。4.对水体中5种持久性有机污染物多环芳烃(PAHs)的净化试验结果表明,六种植物对萘和菲都有很好的去除效果,40天内各种植物对萘的去除率为44.07%-73.49%;对菲的去除率为54.24%-77.19%;对芴、蒽、芘的去除效果稍差,分别为29.45%-45.11%、27.74%-47.64%、29.84%-45.32%。萘、菲、蒽去除率最高的都是菖蒲;6种植物中风车草对几种PAHs的去除效果总体上最差;狐尾藻和黑藻对5种PAHs都有很好的吸收或富集作用,但是抗性比其它植物差,后期逐渐死亡,这可能是试验配制的PAHs含量远高于自然水体中含量的原因。5.综合各方面因素,狐尾藻、黑藻和菖蒲在整个试验过程中对水体能保持良好而稳定的净化作用,这三种植物有较大的应用前景;其次是蕹菜,它能快速去除水体中TN、TP,及时收割或更换植物就能将其净化优势发挥出来;风车草和美人蕉净化效果总体上略比其它植物差,但因其较高的观赏价值而日益受到环保科技工作者的关注。因此,也可考虑利用到红枫湖生态修复工程中去,予以开发其环保价值。

【Abstract】 Hongfeng reservoir is the most important water resource of Guiyang.But the water quality of Hongfeng reservoir had become deteriorated in recent years.There was low transparence,turbid and fishy water in the reservoir and it had been an eutrophicated reservoir.That could cause some serious problems:polluted water could not be used as the drinking water and daily used water for denizen,and it also destroyed the development of economy of Guiyang.On the basis of investigating the resource of aquatic macrophytes in Hongfeng reservoir,the paper selected some aquatic macrophytes to study their purification effect of nutrition and organism in the water.Experiments were carried out in indoor and outdoor natural condition by the water of Hongfeng reservoir.Experiment results were summarized as follows:1.Investigation result indicated that there are rich resources of aquatic macrophytes in Hongfeng reservoir basin.45 species of aquatic macrophytes,belonging to 22 families 32 genus were found.Among them, Hydrilla verticillata,Myriophyllum spicatum,Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton malaianus,Sagittaria sagittifolia,Vallisneria natans, Nuphar pumilum,Polygonum hydropiper,Alternanthera philoxeroides and Azolla imbricata were common species.2.Growth situation of Hydrilla verticillata,Myriophyllum erticillatum, Cyperus alternifolius,Acrous calamus,Ipomoea aquatica and Canna indica show that aquatic macrophytes could grew well at prophase of indoor experiment.The increase rate of The biomass of Ipomoea aquatica is the most fast,Canna indica is slower than Ipomoea aquatica, Myriophyllum verticillatum is the slowest.Cyperus alternifolius,Acrous calamus and Hydrilla verticillata have no obvious difference.Because of the lack of nutrition,some leaves of Ipomoea aquatica,Canna indica and Cyperus alternifolius became withered at the end of experiment.But Hydrilla verticillatajvlyriophyllum verticillatum and Acrous calamus were not.On the contrary,there were few withered leaves because of rich nutrition in the water at the outdoor experiment.The results of preliminary experiment shows that purifying eutrophic water body of Hongfeng reservoir with aquatic macrophytes is viable and effective.3.It could be seen from the results that the aquatic macrophytes selected in this test decrease the concentration of total nitrogen(TN),total phosphorus(TP),chemical oxygen demand(COD),NH3-N and biomass of phytoplankton in the water.The removal rates of TN,TP,COD,and NH3-N with Myriophyllum erticillatum,Hydrilla verticillata,Cyperus alternifolius,Acrous alamus,Ipomoea aquatica and Canna indica was 49.7~59.9%,39.9~57.9%,43.9~56.4%and 38.0~60.2%,respectively. Purification effect between different aquatic macrophytes had no significant differences.The correlation between the biomass increase rate and the removal rate is not obvious.The rate may relate to absorption characteristic and micro-ecosystem activity of root.4.Result of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) experiment indicated these six kinds of aquatic macrophytes had good abilities to get rid of naphthalene and phenanthrene.During the 40 days experimental period,removal rate of naphthalene and phenanthrene was 44.07~73.49%,54.24~77.19%,respectively.Removal rate of fluorene,anthrace-ne and pyrene was 29.45~45.11%,27.74~47.64%,29.84~45.32%, respectively.Acrous calamus had the best effect for naphthalene, phenanthrene and anthracene.Cyperus alternifolius was worse than other aquatic macrophytes.Myriophyllum verticillatum and Hydrilla verticillata are better choices to adsorb PAHs.5.Considering various factor,Myriophyllum verticillatum,Hydrilla verticillata and Acrous calamus had both good and stable purifying effect.They have potential utilization value.Ipomoea aquatica can remove the TN and TP in the water body quickly.The advantage will be exhibited if harvest or replace them in time.Purifying effect of Cyperus alternifolius and Canna indica inferior to others in general.However,an increasing number of researchers play an interested in them because of their ornamental and environmental value.Therefore,we could try to use them in ecological restoration engineering of Hongfeng reservoir.

  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】307

