

Automatic Division of Physiognomy Types Based on RS and GIS Spatial Analysis

【作者】 马士彬

【导师】 安裕伦; 张小平;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 环境科学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 地貌是地理环境的重要组成要素之一,它不仅对整个地理环境起着决定性的作用,还深深的影响着其他地理环境的形成和发展。但是早年的地貌学多侧重于定性研究,地貌数据获取基本依靠野外调查,不仅工作量大、更新周期长,而且受主观影响大、数据精度低。随着现代科学技术的发展,地貌学的定量研究得到了快速的发展,本文正是在此基础之上以1:10万比例尺DEM为基础数据,通过计算机自动分类的方法提取地貌基本形态。该方法的基本思路是:通过DEM将研究区进行子流域划分,以子流域为单元求证最佳分析窗口并提取地形因子;之后对地形因子进行定性和定量分析,选取适合地貌形态类型划分的最佳组合,并将选取的因子作为单波段组合成“多波段”图像,采用遥感非监督分类的方法进行地貌形态类型的划分。本研究是在前人应用此方法对全国地貌类型进行划分的基础之上,将该方法引入研究区的地貌形态类型划分,所不同的是:1、将该方法用于中比例尺尺度的地貌形态类型划分;2、采用以流域为单元的多窗口分析方法。此外,通过精度评价得出该方法提取的研究区地貌形态类型数据满足对计算自动分类的精度要求,可以应用该方法对贵州省的地貌形态类型进行划分。同时本研究应用提取的地貌形态类型数据结合原有地貌数据,采用空间分析方法对研究区进行了地貌形态成因类型的划分,并进行了相应的统计分析。

【Abstract】 Physiognomy is an important element in the geographical environment.It not only plays a decisive role on the whole geographical environment,but also deeply affects the formation and development of other geographical elements.The fore passed study more focused on qualitative research and obtaining of topographic data basically relying on field investigation.This method makes heavy workload,long data updating cycle.Because of the subjectively determined attribute of landform patterns,the precision of the results are low.With the development of modern science and technology, quantitative study of geomorphology has a large development. Accordingly,this article uses computer automatically extracts landform basic type classification based on DEM in scale of 1:100,000.The basic ideas are as follow:First,divide the study area into some small basins based on DEM,regard small basin as the unit to analyze the best analysis window and extract the terrain factors;Second,through analyzing the results of the qualitative and quantitative of the topographic factors,take the best combination which suits landform type well as the single band into "multi-band" image to differentiate the landform type by using the method of Non-supervised classification.This study divides type of landscape patterns in Guizhou Province on the basis of former research results.However,there are some differences:first of all,the method has been applied to the medium-scale charts;secondly,this research adopt multi-window analysis which taking a river basin as a unit.Through the accuracy evaluation,the accuracy of landform data obtained by this way meets the requirements of automatic classification. Using this method to divide types of landforms in Guizhou Province is feasible.The research also divides genetic types of landforms of the study area by using the research results and the original landform data.

【关键词】 地貌类型DEMGIS空间分析RS自动划分
【Key words】 Geomorphic TypeDEMGISSpatial AnalysisRSAutomatic Division
  • 【分类号】P931;P237;P208
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】495

