

The Investigation Research on the Drainage and Mental Factors for Turnover Intention of Teachers in the Rural Primary and Secondary Schools

【作者】 黄文

【导师】 陈维翰;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 古语云:国将兴,必贵师而重傅;国将衰,必贱师而轻傅。“良师兴国”是因为国家的命脉系于教育的成败,而教育的良莠又系于优良的教师。随着我国区域经济差异的扩大,城市化战略的实施,以及农村中心镇的规划发展,优质教育资源不断向经济发达地区聚集。农村地区教师流失问题日益严峻,给农村教育的健康发展带来了重重困难与频频危机,亟待进行研究和解决。本研究选择我国有代表性的三省(贵州、江西、广东)农村中小学教师为研究对象,希望通过实地调查研究,了解农村中小学教师流失的现状、根源,并提出相应的策略,以期稳定农村中小学教师队伍,为农村地区解决教师流失问题提供借鉴。在“以人为本”在前提下,对农村中小学教师管理的自然属性决定了研究管理问题必须研究人的行为。人的行为选择受人的需要、欲望、动机、目的等心理因素的影响。农村中小学教师的需要满足情况与其流失行为选择直接相关。找出农村中小学教师需要的规律,以满足主导需要提出管理对策,稳定农村中小学教师队伍是本研究的目的。研究农村中小学教师的需要与流失行为,应以人性理论的基本原理为起点予以剖析,他们的需要满足情况符合需要理论的一般原理。因此,本研究以对需要理论的认识,农村中小学教师流失行为的理论分析,农村中小学教师管理的复杂性分析三方面作为本研究的理论支点。本文在对教师流失的相关理论进行阐述的基础上,通过问卷调查、个案访谈以及文献收集的方法,以抽样调查为基础,根据马斯洛的五层次需要论,假定农村中小学教师的需要满足状况是其去留行为选择的影响因素,设计农村中小学教师需要情况及流失行为选择调查问卷。通过对农村中小学教师的问卷调查,获取了农村中小学教师的基本情况,对调查结果用SPSS统计软件进行处理,通过多元分析理论中的因素分析法归纳出农村中小学教师需要满足及其流失心理或行为选择的主因子;找出影响农村中小学教师流失心理或去留行为选择的需要因素,运用多元回归分析建立农村中小学教师需要满足与流失心理或行为选择的关系模型,并从事实和理论两个层面对其结果作了探索性分析,据此提出稳定农村中小学教师管理对策。本学位论文的主要创新点如下:1.将马斯洛需要层次理论运用与对我国农村中小学教师调离心理或流失行为选择的调查中,设计出了农村中小学教师生理需要、安全需要、社交需要、尊重需要、自我实现需要及其流失心理或行为选择的利克尔特(Likert Scale)量表,并通过了检验,通过高级统计方法(因素分析法)归纳出农村中小学教师需要满足及其流失心理或行为选择的变量;2.对影响农村中小学教师流失心理或行为选择的主要因素进行了理论和实证分析,提出了农村中小学教师需要满足及其调离心理或行为选择的系统分析框架,为稳定农村中小学教师队伍问题研究提供一种新方法;3.建立了农村中小学教师需要满足与调离心理或行为选择的理论模型,运用高级统计方法(多元线性回归分析法)找出了影响农村中小学教师调离心理或行为选择的需要因素,构造了对应的回归方程,并根据本研究新颖的研究结论提出了稳定农村中小学教师的管理策略。

【Abstract】 A Chinese archaism says: Respect for teachers and education must produce a prosperous country; Disdain for teachers and education must produce a declining country. "Fine teachers prosper a country" , because the lifeline of a country is tied to the success or decay of education, while good or bad education is decided by excellent teachers. With the expanding of the economic discrepancy in different areas of China, the number of the drainage of teachers in rural areas is seriously increasing, and this has become one of the most important factors that greatly restrict their educational development, It needs researching on and settling. This paper will deal with the actuality of teachers in the rural primary and secondary schools in Guizhou Jiangxi and Guangdong province, trying to know more about the current situation and the origin of the loss of teachers in rural areas, so as to make some corresponding solutions to stabilize the county’ s teacher team, It would be much better if it could offer some reference for solving the problem of the drainage of teachers in rural areas. The natural property of management decides on the fact that the research of management problems must be carried out on the basis of the research of human behaviors. Therefore, the research of teachers in rural areas must be carried out on their behaviors in the people-oriented background. People ’ s choices of behaviors are affected by their needs , desires, motives, purposes and other psychological factors. What behaviors the teachers in rural areas will perform are direectly related to the degree of satisfaction of their needs. The research of rural teachers’ needs and choice of behaviors should be analyzed on the basis of the uondamental principles of the theory of humanity. The rural teachers’ needs are in accordance with the common principles of the need theory. Therefore, this discourse is based on the principles of the following three aspects: the comprehension of the need theory, the theoretical analysis of the drainage of the rural teachers, and the analysis of the complexity of managing the rural teachers.On the basis of expatiating the corresponding theories of teachers’ loosing problem, the paper has a serious and detailed discussion about the situation of the teachers in rural areas by means of paper survey, individual interview and literature-collecting; According to Maslow five-level need theory, questionnaires and measurement tables about rural teachers’ satisfaction of their needs are designed on the supposition that the degree of satisfaction of the needs of teachers in rural areas is an influencing factor on their turnover behaviors. With the help of relative computer software(SPSS) it shows that some influencing factors are obtained and inspected by factor analysis from questionnaires. Carry out regression analysis on the variables of the needs of teachers in the rural areas and their choice of behaviors and build up a relation model of linear regression, moreover, it analyzes the problem by means of exporing analysis both theoretically and practically, and this paper offers the countermeasures of the management of the teachers in rural areas in accordance with the above model.Chief creative points of this research:1 . Design a quantum diagra (Likert Scale) covering the needs of the physiological needs, the safety needs, the needs for sociality, the esteem needs, the needs for self-actualiation and choices of behaviors, which prove to be reliable and effective. And sum up the variables of the satisfaction of need of the teachers in rural areas through equation analytical method.2. This paper offers a theoretical and concrete analysis of the main factors affecting the turnover intention of the teachers in rural areas, bringing forward a systematic analysis structure of the satisfaction of the need and the behavior of the teachers in rural areas,providing a new perspective for the solution of the teachers in rural areas.3. Carry out regression analysis on the variables of the needs of the teachers in rural areas and their choice of behaviors and offer the relative countermeasures of the management of the teachers in rural areas.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】814

